Bought a new helmet...


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Apr 18, 2008
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Arlington, MA
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I'm ashamed to admit that I paid a good chunk of money to get a helmet that I found and loved. I just wanted to share my excitement with you people :thumbup:

Shoei RF-1000 ARTIFACT TC2 Helmet

Very nice Rocky. I have the RF1000 as well, with a more simple paint scheme. It's been a great lid these past two years. I'd definitely buy another one when this one is worn out.:thumbup:
Nice choice!!

I have an rf-1000 also. Couldnt justify forking out another 250 bucks for the x-11!!! The only problems ive noticed are the front vent seems to whistle when open and my rear vent plastic cover thing is coming off. but luckily the dealership is going to fix it for me. good luck with your helmet. it will get even more comfortable after a few hours or riding and it forms to your head.

Oh I have a quick question... How would you rate the wind noise?? Mine seems to be pretty loud.
sometimes you have to spend a little more for a good helmet. Buddy of mine just spent alot for a new OGK helmet.
I have been eyeing the RF1000 since I had an RF800 that I loved in the past. Cheaped out for now and am riding in the HJC Cl-15 which I picked up on clearance for $70. It fits very well. It is a bit noisey, but if I go on prolonged highway rides I always wear ear plugs. Have also been eyeing the Shark RSX. Would not know how to decide between the two except to try both on.
That is one looking lid you got there!
Very nice helmet, love the graphics. I got the X-11 in the fast blue. When the inner pads get funky I just throw them in the washer and they’re brand new second hand. Shoei has great ventilation for the hot weather.
Nice helment man. I have and I got my wife the RF-1000 and I love it. I payed $495 dollars a piece for each one. I bought the best I could get for the money simply because of the reliability and better chance of it protecting my little ant brain. lol. Also I have a friend who has rode dirt bikes all his life. He said him and a friend when they were younger were goofing off and crashed in mid air. They both were sent flying from the bikes crashing head on in the air. They collided helments he said he was dazed bad and when he got up and started getting his sences back. He finally realized his friend was beside him in a seizure and almost died in the field. My friend had a shoei on and his friend had a different brand on I forget the name of atm. His friends helment was split all the way from front to back.
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That Shoei is a nice helmet. How is the ventilation? I often hear people complaining about the annoying whistling noise. Do you notice any of that with this model??
That Shoei is a nice helmet. How is the ventilation? I often hear people complaining about the annoying whistling noise. Do you notice any of that with this model??
I hear noise but its not bad my wife can hear me talk to her when I turn my head back so it can't be to loud. As far as whistleing goes I don't know what some mean by that. I have always had all my vents open and I don't hear nothing that sounds like whistleing. But then again I have never wore any other helment but this one I have now. One thing is if your helment is whistleing check the holes make sure there isn't nothing trapped in the hole. Also make sure your vents are all the way in the open position.

Sweet lid. I have the Joust in blue/black same. Best helmet I've bought!

Ride Safe!


I just bought the same helmet about 2 months ago from Competition Accessories and absolutely love it. They have the Joust, Camber, and several others for $299 :thumbup:. If I recall, shipping was free:

Helmets: Street Helmets: Full Face
Shoei’s ventilation is great but with it there is some wind noise, but ear plugs solve that problem. At certain temperatures and humidity fogging will occur when stopped but will clear quickly when in motion.:thumbup: