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  • LOL Eric, you beat me by 1 minutes for the Happy Birthday Bates121 post :D

    I'll delete mine :)
    Hey, I'll give you a rep whenever something Rossi related is posted (as long as you don't bag him LOL)
    HaHa, I saw your message in the chat room! You should come by some Wednesday night to chat! And no I didn't have to work on Saturday (lol, least not yet)
    Hey Erci I just realized you were from lady friend is from Flemington. I ride to her house quite often so if you see a black Fz6 parked in Lees sushi its mine
    Thanks for being here

    When ever I see you the evil twin I know you've been looking into something to help us all be better and safer riders
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, and the rep. Tried to rep you back, but it won't let me. Apparently, you're the only one I give rep to, what with your LV + Givi rack thread, and the FE install and all...:D
    Thanks for the rep mate. All in a days work of a Super Mate! :BLAA: (Sorry, he's right. I don't take much
    Hey Erci! Saw your most recent post on the riding game, LOVE your bike! Headlights are great! I've been thinking about changing mine up because they're not the best for night riding unless I have the brights on. Otherwise it almost seems like I have no lights on. Have a superb day! ~Pam
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