1st road kill today


Quis, mihi fatigo?
Elite Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Southern Oregon
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Just got back from what would have been an outstanding ride of around 150 miles on one of the local favorite twitsty roads today. Outstanding if a ground squirrel hadn't decided to dart in front of my bike without warning and took a full front wheel to the mid section. I only had time to grab the front brake to try and slow down enough to let the little critter squeek by but to no avail. Dead center and on to the pasture in the sky. All kidding aside, I love animals and it really upset me to the point that I wasn't sure I could reverse my route and go back the same way. Why is it that there'll be no wildlife for 500 yds. in front of you until the last moment and then those crazy dopes decide to play chicken with 'ya? :(
On the upside, the turkey that decided to cross the road in front of me thought better of the idea and turned around before I had dinner mounted on the front of my bike..:eek:

Damn squirrels....RIP..
I ran over a snake on Sat. :(

I have a pet albino corn snake, so I'm a fan of snakes. I was sad to have squished him. I think it was a southern pacific rattler.
It's part of riding .... better to not hit anything, of course, but hitting small wildlife is just a part of using the roads. Does not upset me at all.

And a ground squirrel? It's nothing but a rat with a furry tail.
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Don't get yourself killed over a silly little squarrel. How would you feel if your wheels locked up you crahsed. Unless you're about to hit a deer or a bear, just keep going.
You always remember your first but the next one is easier , living where I do means I get lots of bunnies & worse , Kanga's :(... Luckily I havent hit a Kanga yet but i've had several close calls , Bunnies on the other had well I reckon I hit 1 a month :eek: :D
You always remember your first but the next one is easier , living where I do means I get lots of bunnies & worse , Kanga's :(... Luckily I havent hit a Kanga yet but i've had several close calls , Bunnies on the other had well I reckon I hit 1 a month :eek: :D

You're a horrible person.
Had close calls - mostly in my own street!

Kangaroos and rabbits, mainly. Mike has hit a few roos on our street - they are soooo dumb. They wait at the site of the road (in camo.....) then jump out when you get near. Brushed his mirrors a few times. Probably had to come home and change his clothes ;)

Almost cleaned up a wombat in Tasmania (it was dead and already in the middle of the road - would have done some serious damage.....)
I was too riding in the mountains on Sat...then all of a sudden a man with a long beard wearing white sheets jumped in front of me and stopped right in my tracks..had no time to break, so the illegal Buell mini-screen took all the impact...I was just coming to another turn so I couldnt look back..just kept going..when I came to a stop there was some sheets stuck on my radiator..that must be what the news have been yapping about..
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I was too riding in the mountains on Sat...then all of a sudden a man with a long beard wearing white sheets jumped in front of me and stopped right in my tracks..had no time to break, so the illegal Buell mini-screen took all the impact...I was just coming to another turn so I couldnt look back..just kept going..when I came to a stop there was some sheets stuck on my radiator..that must be what the news have been yapping about..

LMAO! :rof:
I was too riding in the mountains on Sat...then all of a sudden a man with a long beard wearing white sheets jumped in front of me and stopped right in my tracks..had no time to break, so the illegal Buell mini-screen took all the impact...I was just coming to another turn so I couldnt look back..just kept going..when I came to a stop there was some sheets stuck on my radiator..that must be what the news have been yapping about..

Dude, remind me never to let you plan the ride route! :spank:

On the other hand...:BLAA:
I was too riding in the mountains on Sat...then all of a sudden a man with a long beard wearing white sheets jumped in front of me and stopped right in my tracks..had no time to break, so the illegal Buell mini-screen took all the impact...I was just coming to another turn so I couldnt look back..just kept going..when I came to a stop there was some sheets stuck on my radiator..that must be what the news have been yapping about..

:rockon: That was great.

I can't count how many squirrel's I've taken out. Don't slow down, brake or make any adjustments - it will only put you and others in danger.

The odds are 50/59 it will :

A. Turn on a dime and live. :D

B. You will feel a little thump and now he's crow, skunk, buzzard or some
other critter's lunch, but you held your line. :Flash:

C. He will stop just shy of your front wheel, jump straight up in the air
where your right foot will act as a scoop and launch him back into
the ditch where he came from. :eek:

I can tell you option C is why good riding boots are a must!
Had close calls - mostly in my own street!

Kangaroos and rabbits, mainly. Mike has hit a few roos on our street - they are soooo dumb. They wait at the site of the road (in camo.....) then jump out when you get near. Brushed his mirrors a few times. Probably had to come home and change his clothes ;)

Almost cleaned up a wombat in Tasmania (it was dead and already in the middle of the road - would have done some serious damage.....)

That wombat looks like it's made out of rock! Wouldn't wanna try to paste that one.

Squirrels aim for you. Although not mentioned in any of the Kieth Codes books. I'm sure Kieth would tell you to over come your SR's (Survival Instincts) and just try to hit the little bastards instead of avoiding them. I'll bet more people that try to avoid squirrels actually hit them and if you consciously try to kill them you'll miss them.....I'm sending and email the Kieth Code as soon as I finish this post.....:rolleyes:
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That wombat looks like it's made out of rock! Wouldn't wanna try to paste that one.

Squirrels aim for you. Although not mentioned in any of the Kieth Codes books. I'm sure Kieth would tell you to over come your SR's (Survival Instincts) and just try to hit the little bastards instead of avoiding them. I'll bet more people that try to avoid squirrels actually hit them and if you consciously try to kill them you'll miss them.....I'm sending and email the Kieth Code as soon as I finish this post.....:rolleyes:

Very true! Every time I've tried to nail one(and believe me, I've tried), I'll narrowly miss. But one day I was just cruising along in my car, and "bump-bump", dead squirrel. LOL Never even saw it, it just went full speed under my right front tire. Almost nailed one on Friday on the way home on the FZ, I still can't believe it made it. I just kept on going, didn't swerve or brake or anything, and it *just* made it.

What's worse than squirrels? People that slam on the brakes and nearly cause multi-vehicle pile ups to avoid hitting a squirrel. TWICE I almost wrecked one of my cars, because some dumb-*** slams on the brakes. I used to see it happen often on the street I used to live on too. Once a dude in a BMW slammed on the brakes, and ALMOST got rear ended. As in the car behind stopped less than an inch away! I mean, really, is it really worth your well being or the well being of others around you to avoid hitting something that's barely one notch above a rat?! It's not like they're endangered. lol I can understand not wanting to hit any animal, but dang, you gotta draw the line somewhere. And remember, if the critter was foolish enough to run in front of you, and it makes it, it'll just get nailed by someone else at some point. :D

PS - Deer SUCK.
Sorry it shook you up, but glad to hear that you stayed up. I bet they're slippery. One darted out in front of me when I was leaned over in a corner on Montezuma Road last summer. I held my line thinking that was the best thing to do, and thankfully he did the right thing and darted back before I smeared him.