2009 game plan - GO NAKED!!!


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Sep 16, 2007
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Kamloops, BC Canada
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After reading many posts about New Years Resolution's (inclduing going over my own which I have yet to post) I see that many are hoping to lose weight. After losing and gaining and losing and gaining again, I have come to the following conclusions:
- The FZ6 looks great naked.
- I do not. :(

I have committed to eating right and increasing levels of exercise. It can be as simple as sit-ups and push-ups during commercials when watching TV. Eliminating fast food if at all possible. Reducing carb intake after 2:00 PM. Walking the dog more. Etc.

The biggest reason group weight-loss plans are successful is because of the group. Having to admit to others that you cheated or skipped exercise is much harder than just admitting it to yourself. So, here is my committment to the FZ6 forum. I am going to eat right, exercise with consistency, and check back in with forum members and see how their goals are coming along.

I will start:

January 1st, 2009: 193 pounds. 36" waist. Riding buddies poke at stomach and say "You better get a litre bike....." I used to be muscular from logging for 7 years but 4 years of questionable diet and sitting at a desk job took it all away. I will add that I am 32 years old and 5'11" tall.

My goal for April 1st, 2009: 180 pounds. 32" waist. Noticeable muscle tone. Find at least 4 of my 6 abdominal muscles again. Run 6 miles in 50 minutes. And of course: LOOKING GOOD NAKED :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: LOL.

I will do everyone a favour and not post photos.

I am confident in my success and the fact that I have committed to all my fellow forum members. Without you, I would not sit at my computer and read all day and get in this shape to begin with. LOL.

Seriously, if there is sufficient interest and a few others rides joining me, I will post results along the way. I am documenting it for myself anyways.

Wish me luck!!!! :Flash:

Who is with me???
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I'm with you but I don't know my stats right now to post. by April I'd like to lose 10 lbs.

One thing that a friend of mine did (and I'm not volunteering for this).... He took some "pre" workout photos of himself and entrusted them to a friend. He said "If I don't meet my weight lose goals by the alotted time.... post these pictures of me online". It was certainly a motivator for him to work the extra little bit to meet his goals!

About 5 years ago I started exercising and watching what I ate and ended up losing 40 lbs in the process (over 2 years). I've since gained a good portion of it back do to a lifestyle change but... that's really what it's about when you want to lose weight... diets don't work. it's all about the lifestyle change.

we can do this! :thumbup:
I'll get in on this.

I've been pretty inconsistent weight-wise for the last 4 years.
Started at 220-38", dropped about 65lbs over a year, and slowly have been creeping back from 155-31" to the 180s-34".

I'm rolling in at 186 with a 34" waist right now.
By April, I'ld ike to be down to 170 32"
By May 165
By August end 155.

Then keep it that way through the winter, which is usually my biggest problem.
I'm with you but I don't know my stats right now to post. by April I'd like to lose 10 lbs.

One thing that a friend of mine did (and I'm not volunteering for this).... He took some \"pre\" workout photos of himself and entrusted them to a friend. He said \"If I don't meet my weight lose goals by the alotted time.... post these pictures of me online\". It was certainly a motivator for him to work the extra little bit to meet his goals!

About 5 years ago I started exercising and watching what I ate and ended up losing 40 lbs in the process (over 2 years). I've since gained a good portion of it back do to a lifestyle change but... that's really what it's about when you want to lose weight... diets don't work. it's all about the lifestyle change.

we can do this! :thumbup:

Right on! They say (not sure who "they" are, but they are usually right) that it takes 21 days to make it a habit, and therefore a lifestyle change. This is indeed a desired lifestyle change, not a diet. Good call. Thanks!!!

Here we go.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dood - good luck! A few years ago I finished grad school (nights) and found I had ballooned to 195 (at a hair under 6' tall). 6 months into 2006 I had lost 30 lbs, ran the Boston Marathon (2007) and made the gym a part of my life.
Again....I have said I would lose weight. Last year I lost 6kg but put it back on again. I am 50 now and it just seems to have jumped back on me. I want to lose about 8kg.

How about posting some tips?? Here are a couple of mine.

1. Buy a book called Body For Life by Bill Phillips and read especially read the stories in front...they will strike a chord. Bill Phillips idea is that not only do you need to get rid of the fat, you also need to tone the muscles underneath so you need to exercise as well. The book works and you can also search for a body for life on-line.

2. Don`t eat anything after 6pm. This is a hard one.

3. Egg yolks are like a fat ball. To make an omlette take 1 whole egg and an additional 5 egg whites. Make the omlette as usual, except use low fat oil or even none at all. The omlette still comes out the yellow colour we all like and tastes like omlette.

4. If you cannot run because of an injury. Buy a skipping rope and teach yourself to skip. It is less impact and exercises all the body and does the same thing.

As for taking the photos and getting your mate to post them if you do not get to your weight. Take the photos in the nude to give you more incentive.............Yuk........

So my goal is 6-8kg.

Any more tips??

Any more tips??


I use a very simple formula: Calories In < Calories Out. I never worry about what I eat.

For me exercise is key. There's the gym, but also in regular life: walking instead of driving, shoveling snow in the winter, taking the stairs instead of the escalator/elevator, walking faster to get your heart rate up, etc.

At the gym, I lift and run (or use the elliptical) at a 2:1 ratio, i.e. lift for 2x the time as my run. Regarding running, I've found that I just cannot keep weight on if I keep my runs at 3 miles max, but continuously strive to decrease the time. At my best I was running 3 miles in 20 minutes, driving my heart rate to 170 bpm, sprinting the last quarter mile. The interesting thing is that when marathon training (less lifting, less fast running) I actually gained midsection weight. I had always thought that to be in good shape I'd have to jog 8-10 miles a day, spending an hour or more just doing that but it wasn't the case.
I use a very simple formula: Calories In < Calories Out. I never worry about what I eat.

That really is the key. I'm not sure what the business about not eating after a certain time everyday is. I get heartburn if I lie down after eating so I try to limit my intake due to that... but it boils down to how many calories you consume versus how many you burn. 3500 calories equals a pound and you want to shoot for 1-2 lbs a week, or 3500-7000 calorie deficiet per week. The best way to do this is a combination of consuming less and exercising.

I made a couple simple changes to what I ate, then made up the difference with exercise.

I stopped drinking soda (lots of empty calories!). It was water for me.

Switched from 2% milk to skim.

Cut out cheese, butter, mayonaise.

If I had a urge for something sweet I'd grab an apple, banana, or orange... no more candybars.

Switched from white/processed bread to 100% whole wheat.

Tried to up my vegetable intake. Veggies are pretty much the free food. There's very little calories in them naturally and what calories they do contain is offset by the amount of fiber in them.

So, As far as diet that was it. Exercise consisted of 30 or more minutes of cardio at least every other day. Actually it started at about 10 min every other day because I didn't have the cardiovascular strength I needed. Then it was 20... then 30... then it went to 30 min everyday... then 45 min, then an hour. I got to LOOOOOVE cardio. not so much how I felt doing it, but the urphoria afterwards.

This was anything from jogging, swimming, playing basketball, mountain biking, road biking... sometimes I'd even cheat and throw in some rock climbing!

I became addicted to road cycling during this process... I was riding 10 hours a week or so... which equated to about 250 miles a week. Then I got hit by a car which changed things for me. Since then I've gained a lot of weight but this year, it's coming off! no more sloth.

2009 weight contest sounds like a great idea to me. to be fair i think maybe most pounds lost and most % lost as two serpate catagories. maybe most inches lost too because of the fat/muscle thing.