
dean owens

Elite Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
pittsboro, nc (near raleigh)
i read on here about how you guys talk about living up in the higher band and that it becomes a completely different bike once you hit 8k. i normally stay under that range (more concerned with general riding and mpg). but the other day i was coming home from work and decided to go the long way. i was on a back road and decided to see what this 8k+ was all about. so i have a question.

how in the heck do you guys ride in the power band?

i was already breaking the law before i could get to 3rd gear. thankfully i didn't keep going through the gears above 8K. cause as soon as i got to third gear and started slowing from my 70+mph i got to the top of a very little hill and met a cop. :eek: 10 seconds earlier and i would have had the privilege of paying more taxes to my county.

anyway, unless you're on a track, i just don't see how you get to use the upper band of these bikes. not legally anyway.
anyway, unless you're on a track, i just don't see how you get to use the upper band of these bikes. not legally anyway.

Yup.. that's pretty much correct.
But if you keep it in 2nd gear the whole time, you'll get a lot closer to keeping it in power band on back roads (50-55mph).
Personally, I see no reason to ride this bike like that on the street. *shrug*
I do it all the time in 2nd or 3rd while riding in the twistys to take advantage of the torque and engine braking. Speeding? Perhaps, but I am usually to busy at that point to look at the speedo.

Seems that having fun just means you are breaking some laws somewhere no matter what you are doing.
I rarely get above second gear and usually stay at 7k or above.

You're right, though, getting above 8k even in second gear has you exceeding the speed limit almost everywhere. By third gear I'm pretty sure you are exceeding it everywhere.

Makes me wish I could just make this a 3-speed and somehow save some money... I might have to look into that... Anyone want to buy three gears?
u just got the tach that high now:confused: maybe u shouldve gotten a cruiser;) seriously though i dont ride it much above 5,000 in normal riding, but every once in a while i buzz it up close to redline when the mood strikes me.
I think it's all about how YOU ride I would say that if you are not comfortable going up in to the 8k and above range on the engine on the FZ6 thats fine. I like leting the engine run up to the power band. I know that speed is not for everyone but just beware this bike if riden properly will go VERY fast just be carefull and be safe
I rarely get above second gear and usually stay at 7k or above.

You're right, though, getting above 8k even in second gear has you exceeding the speed limit almost everywhere. By third gear I'm pretty sure you are exceeding it everywhere.

Makes me wish I could just make this a 3-speed and somehow save some money... I might have to look into that... Anyone want to buy three gears?

How good is this for the machine to never (or rarely) use gears 3-6???
I hear you Dean! The only time i go above 6k is on the highway (75mph and a little over) and for very short bursts of skin peeling acceleration. Police don't like it but getting to 55 in 1st then cruising in 6th is terribly fun and not illegal (though I have been pulled once for doing this downtown... he claimed I was "moon-revving"... a new term for me and he wouldn't tolerate it in his city. Regardless, no ticket, he couldn't)

8k up is truly the afterburner! If you don't use it, you won't lose it, but if you choose it don't abuse it or it will bite back and bruise it.