After the show - let the Squiding begin...


No power slides for me
Oct 22, 2007
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San Diego
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So after my nice ride this morning I figured I do a couple of quick things around town and then go by SDHOM since they'd sent me a flier last week. It said they were going to have Jason Britton there and fun, prizes and of course the BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR!

Well I got there and there were a million bikes parked on the street and a stunter show was in progress. I wandered over and watched the wheelies, stoppies & smokin tires for a while. Then before the show was over I went into the store to beat the crowd. Well it sort of worked, there weren't a huge amount of people in the store but it was more than the sales staff could handle. I wanted some new gloves and a face shield but in reality, the prices were no different than what I can get on the internet so after getting fed up with waiting for help I decided to leave.

Outside, the Jason Britton show was over so a lot of people were leaving. Ahhhh, let the squiding begin. There were sever SDPD cruisers out front so everyone was pretty tame for the first couple blocks but then, well you probably know already :squid: world 2009!

I got on my bike & left in a normal fashion, no wheelie or stoppie. I got a few blocks down the street and traffic was pretty thick with cars and a few bikes. Normally I don't filter to the front at a light but today, it seemed to be the right thing to do. Well after the first light I'm out front of the cars after the light changed and all of the sudden from out of nowhere comes a GXR :squid: (sorry, I'm not making it up) he was only partially properly attired for a squid, t shirt & jeans but he did have a body armor vest on. And of course he comes sailing up next to me and is actually crowding me in my lane.

I figure letting the douche go by is the smart thing so he buzzs off and of course since it's in town we meet up again at the next light. Again I filtered to the front in the right lane (this is a main Blvd. so we have at least 2 lanes each way). Well I played the traffic a little better than he did so I was ahead of him. When I look in my mirror, here he is, trying to squeeze between me and the car to my left. I had to actually pull forward so the dweeb could get through - I figured if I didn't he'd probably take me down on his "excellent" launch.

Well this sort of stuff went on for longer than I could take so I finally just turned down a side street and headed out a different way. I saw a few dozen more folks acting dumb but it finally thinned out.

I have certainly done enough dumb things in my life but it seems like these shows that the dealers put on really bring out the nut cases. Just my 2¢ and now I'll get off my soap box.

Oh, one last thing I think you'll all appreciate. While I was getting on my bike I heard a Harley coming down the street. It was one of the custom ones with the a huge rear tire, extra loud pipes and a pretty sporty look (sorry, completely ignorant on Harley genealogy). Well I guess he couldn't resist being a :squid: too so he pulled in the clutch, revved it a few times (deafening) and then dumped the clutch attempting to wheelie I guess. FAIL!! It was hillarious, he almost stalled it - and right in front of about a thousand sport bike geeks - priceless :cheer:
Isn't mob mentality something to watch, sheep by the thousands. Watching the Hardley must have been priceless...
It's like that in every town,sadly.I love when the fast & furious movies come out, jonny ricer and his compadres come out of the woodwork and go buzzing around town with their brains in their back pockets.
It's like that in every town,sadly.I love when the fast & furious movies come out, jonny ricer and his compadres come out of the woodwork and go buzzing around town with their brains in their back pockets.

I was thinking of exactly that as I was reading this thread.

I made the mistake of seeing the new fast and furious movie at a midnight release(I saw the first one in theaters 8 years ago and liked it, this one sucked), and the parking lot was packed full of cheap ricers, and when the movie got out they all started revving their cars and trying to race.
I was thinking of exactly that as I was reading this thread.

I made the mistake of seeing the new fast and furious movie at a midnight release(I saw the first one in theaters 8 years ago and liked it, this one sucked), and the parking lot was packed full of cheap ricers, and when the movie got out they all started revving their cars and trying to race.

actually it didn't suck, you would have to have seen the other 3 for it to make sense... how do you watch the first movie in a series and then say the last one sucks..... and why would you go to the midnight release? That is asking to see the most special people in the world.... Thats like going to the county fair on the first night (free night)/welfare night.......
So after my nice ride this morning I figured I do a couple of quick things around town and then go by SDHOM since they'd sent me a flier last week. It said they were going to have Jason Britton there and fun, prizes and of course the BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR!

Well I got there and there were a million bikes parked on the street and a stunter show was in progress. I wandered over and watched the wheelies, stoppies & smokin tires for a while. Then before the show was over I went into the store to beat the crowd. Well it sort of worked, there weren't a huge amount of people in the store but it was more than the sales staff could handle. I wanted some new gloves and a face shield but in reality, the prices were no different than what I can get on the internet so after getting fed up with waiting for help I decided to leave.

Outside, the Jason Britton show was over so a lot of people were leaving. Ahhhh, let the squiding begin. There were sever SDPD cruisers out front so everyone was pretty tame for the first couple blocks but then, well you probably know already :squid: world 2009!

I got on my bike & left in a normal fashion, no wheelie or stoppie. I got a few blocks down the street and traffic was pretty thick with cars and a few bikes. Normally I don't filter to the front at a light but today, it seemed to be the right thing to do. Well after the first light I'm out front of the cars after the light changed and all of the sudden from out of nowhere comes a GXR :squid: (sorry, I'm not making it up) he was only partially properly attired for a squid, t shirt & jeans but he did have a body armor vest on. And of course he comes sailing up next to me and is actually crowding me in my lane.

I figure letting the douche go by is the smart thing so he buzzs off and of course since it's in town we meet up again at the next light. Again I filtered to the front in the right lane (this is a main Blvd. so we have at least 2 lanes each way). Well I played the traffic a little better than he did so I was ahead of him. When I look in my mirror, here he is, trying to squeeze between me and the car to my left. I had to actually pull forward so the dweeb could get through - I figured if I didn't he'd probably take me down on his "excellent" launch.

Well this sort of stuff went on for longer than I could take so I finally just turned down a side street and headed out a different way. I saw a few dozen more folks acting dumb but it finally thinned out.

I have certainly done enough dumb things in my life but it seems like these shows that the dealers put on really bring out the nut cases. Just my 2¢ and now I'll get off my soap box.

Oh, one last thing I think you'll all appreciate. While I was getting on my bike I heard a Harley coming down the street. It was one of the custom ones with the a huge rear tire, extra loud pipes and a pretty sporty look (sorry, completely ignorant on Harley genealogy). Well I guess he couldn't resist being a :squid: too so he pulled in the clutch, revved it a few times (deafening) and then dumped the clutch attempting to wheelie I guess. FAIL!! It was hillarious, he almost stalled it - and right in front of about a thousand sport bike geeks - priceless :cheer:

pretty soon those stores wont exist..... I find it kind of funny that you complain about the store not having enough people to help you yet you wait a little while and leave and I can get it same or cheaper price online.... Just think if you dont buy online and buy at that store along with say maybe 5 other people then that store could employ more people thus you wouldn't have had to wait....
I loved the last part about the big rear wheeled Harley guy!!!:rof: In reality that Harley has enough tourqe to insinerate the back tire! just goes to show how any :squid: can buy a custom bike nowaday's.but it still takes a real man to ride one properly.:D
pretty soon those stores wont exist..... I find it kind of funny that you complain about the store not having enough people to help you yet you wait a little while and leave and I can get it same or cheaper price online.... Just think if you dont buy online and buy at that store along with say maybe 5 other people then that store could employ more people thus you wouldn't have had to wait....

I understand what your saying and I have gone through this "should I buy local" question before. I also ride a bicycle (push bike for you Brits?) and have for about 20 years. I used to go exclusively to the local brick & mortar bike shop for anything I wanted. After the internet started to really boom, it got more & more difficult to do that. Eventually the price difference & the variety of products made it so I just couldn't pass up the internet deals.

Now there are one or two big chain bike dealers in my area and when they have a really big sale I go there. I see the same thing happening with motorcycle shops. We have a couple very large shops here and they handle the type of "activity" that was held at the shop I mentioned. They handle it well with a lot of people on hand to help you. The little guy just can't match that staffing. My suggestion is they need to find thier niche and work it. The show yesterday wasn't theirs...
I understand what your saying and I have gone through this "should I buy local" question before. I also ride a bicycle (push bike for you Brits?) and have for about 20 years. I used to go exclusively to the local brick & mortar bike shop for anything I wanted. After the internet started to really boom, it got more & more difficult to do that. Eventually the price difference & the variety of products made it so I just couldn't pass up the internet deals.

Now there are one or two big chain bike dealers in my area and when they have a really big sale I go there. I see the same thing happening with motorcycle shops. We have a couple very large shops here and they handle the type of "activity" that was held at the shop I mentioned. They handle it well with a lot of people on hand to help you. The little guy just can't match that staffing. My suggestion is they need to find thier niche and work it. The show yesterday wasn't theirs...

exactly my point! another big one is walmart!!!! Lots of smaller shops closed the doors when it came to town... only difference is many of the things they sell is cheap junk, where online it is usually the same stuff or very close. Thing is there are many people out there that cant change their own tires. If the same thing happens to the motorcycle shops as did the bicycle shops then once the smaller shops are gone the big ones will just charge more for tires to be changed... basically saying that the competition wont be there so they can do what they want!

I understand what you were getting at with the whole show not working for them just trying to make a point that has effected my family 100% that's all. And that's why I get very defensive and pi$$ed off!

In many of my posts I come across as an a$$ and I really don't mean to I just try to get what I am trying to say across without sugar coating any of it.
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actually it didn't suck, you would have to have seen the other 3 for it to make sense... how do you watch the first movie in a series and then say the last one sucks..... and why would you go to the midnight release? That is asking to see the most special people in the world.... Thats like going to the county fair on the first night (free night)/welfare night.......

I have seen all 4 of them. More than once.
The second and third were absolute abominations and had nothing to do with the series and nothing to do with quality cinema either.
The fourth one, was okay. The acting was TERRIBLE. Not as good as the first(which wasn't amazing by any standards).
I have seen all 4 of them. More than once.
The second and third were absolute abominations and had nothing to do with the series and nothing to do with quality cinema either.
The fourth one, was okay. The acting was TERRIBLE. Not as good as the first(which wasn't amazing by any standards).

um its more about the culture and the cars not the least for me anyway! There are many movies that I enjoy because of the point not the actual acting....
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