Any South Aussie Lurkers out there?

Ohh yea of little faith , the XJR is just as nimble as the FZ only half the gear changes though :D 3rd gear has a great range of 20 - 210ish :eek: not that i'd know :thumbup:

My hubby agrees with you, but he too hasn't done 210ish on it..... :rolleyes:

I don't know what you guys see in the XJR over other bikes. Sure it looks ok but it IS an old mans bike, isn't it? I mean, I would look twice at a guy on a sports bike, but not one riding an armchair. Hahaha

Rightio, am getting a bit cranky about the lack of SA Fizzers on regular rides...and am wondering whether there are any other people from SOUTH AUSTRALIA...Adelaide, more specifically, who visit this forum, but have not registered, and who might be interestd in going for a ride with other FZ6 owners...

It has got to the point, where i am the only one who ever posts about an upcoming ride, and generally the only one who responds in the positive is Ozzieboy...speaking of which, Ozzieboy (Mike) has got to the point, where he has started a thread, that just asks me whether i want to go for a ride!!! cause he got sick of posting rides, and no-one other than myself responding in the positive!

Whilst i appreciate that most of the guys on this forum from SA have families and other commitments, which precludes them from going on a ride from time to time...but sheesh, i run 2 business's, DJ 3 nights a week, am a single dad to 2 kids, who i have 50% of the time, and i still find time!!!

Also, now that my main FZ6 riding, ride buddy, Ozzieboy, now has an FZ1, it is getting a bit lonely being the only FZ6 on group rides...

Yes, we do go Sport Riding, but sometimes, we also just go for a cruise...

I repeat, any other SOUTH AUSSIE "Lurkers" out there???? That just might be up for a ride!!!!!!



Where's the love gone people! LOL!

Maybe your new avatar is scaring them off......

Maybe your new avatar is scaring them off......


I think the fact that occasionally, things get a little spirited on our Sports Rides, might have something to do with it....but i thought bikes were made to be ridden....hard in some cases!!! Not crazy stupid, hard, but not slow....

The track is for crazy, stupid, hard riding!


And as for my Avatar......i found that last night....very cool IMHO!

I'll be working tomorrow... (shhhh, I took a sickie yesterday and

Will have to catch up soon.


No stress, it has been way too long, hence, my rant last night at the top of this thread!

Hope your boss doesn't visit this site.......


I think Dave is the boss!
