Best country in the UK??


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Which country would you live in if the only criteria you were choosing by was riding roads. Take weather into account as well if it makes a huge difference.

I have only seen little bits of Scotland and England, I would pick Scotland.
I don`t know what your interest in the UK is are you looking at moving?

To answer your question. For me there are 2 choices, the Isle of Man or Southern Ireland.

Southern Eire rocks for scenic routes. I am not to sure on how comfortable I would be in getting a real hustle on. There are some great roads around the ring of Kerry and some great single track tarmacked roads from Offlay to Galway.

Spain has some of the sweetest stretches of new tarmac I have ever seen. The inland road in Malaga going up to the airport (past the prison) is un believable.
Couldn't call it.

England has some brilliant roads around the Lake District, The Peaks & Derby Dales, the Yorkshire Dales are phenominal, the Cotswolds, Crornwall etc.

North & Mid Wales are outstanding (apart from that tosser bruns..).

Can't speak from personal experience of Scotland & Northern Ireland, but for sure, Scotland is generally acknowledged to have some epic biking roads.

And, whilst I agree southern Eire & particularly round Cork & Kerry, someone's going to get a smacked arse when Scorphonic sees Eire lumped in with the UK :uk:
That's a hard question, but I'd have to say England just pips it over Wales and here are my reasons:
  1. very large network of roads - although you would have easy access to most of them from Wales.
  2. low police involvement - as opposed to Wales where there are some areas that are no-go for bikers due to one particular Police Chief.
  3. better weather for riding - Wales would be OK as well, but you would be more restricted in Scotland in the winter.
  4. language - the Welsh are funny about speaking Welsh. Like the French are about French. You'd need to take Welsh lessons just so you could get directions.
Would have to be Mid Wales, Shropshire/Herefordshire Border for me, but i am a bit bias as thats where i live,

Some Great Twisty Stuff great on the bike or in the car.
cool, so in a nut shell, they all rock! lol

just curious, might make a trip in a few years, just prelim research i guess.
Scotland's roads are quieter and do go through some very impressive scenery. Out of the towns up in the highlands you've got very little chance of being stopped as most of the time you're out on your own. Petrol stations aren't that common though out in the sticks.

England has more roads, but there's so much more traffic on them it can be a real grind at times unless you go to some of the more isolated parts, but they're getting more and more populated now as well. Plus there are ever increasing numbers of speed cameras and lowered speed limits to make criminals of us all. But generally the weather is better.

Wales has some cracking roads but is starting to get congested in many places and the Police are becoming very anti-bike which is a shame.

Overall, I'd go for England due to the weather and the number of good roads if you know where to find them. If Scotland had better weather, for me it would be the top choice by a long way.
Avoid north wales like the plague. The roads are fantastic but the police are arseholes.[ame=""]YouTube - MCN news: Police hide speed camera in horse box[/ame] and the guy in charge is a cnut

Hampshire/Wiltshire in southern england have some great roads and very enlightenened (i.e. you never see them) police
I don't rate Wiltshire's roads much as the surfaces all seem to be terrible. They've been top dressing a load of them recently which may have helped, I'll have another look once all the gravel's gone.

If you're coming over here, probably the best thing to do is pick somewhere you like the sound of and get one of the area's locals from the forum to show you round so you'll get to see some of the small back roads which can be hugely entertaining, without getting lost.
I don`t know what your interest in the UK is are you looking at moving?

To answer your question. For me there are 2 choices, the Isle of Man or Southern Ireland.


Not to be pedantic but Southern Ireland (Republic of Ireland) is not in the UK. Thats like saying to an american that the state of canada is lovely, or calling canada a state within the United States of America.

But I must agree...the roads along the coast in any area of Ireland, whether it be in Northern Ireland (UK) or in the South (Republic) are amazing.

I grew up in the Republic and its my lifeblood...I now live in the North which is under English rule...and by god are the roads up here kept in very good condition...I'd happily spend hours and hours on end driving on the roads in Northern Ireland...they are by far better then the South.
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And, whilst I agree southern Eire & particularly round Cork & Kerry, someone's going to get a smacked arse when Scorphonic sees Eire lumped in with the UK :uk:


Do I have that kind of reputation already here?? hahahahahaha.

O and by the way mods...where is the EU flag in the smilies list? (or the irish one for little old me!! :))

PS: I like the UK...I live in Northern Ireland and I am a postgraduate in a university here so i've nothing against the whole UK...but I do like where it long as it stays where it is! :) Identity is everything! :)
My choice would be Corsica - just off the bottom France. Them folks is real nice and the roads are fan bloomin tastic.

I know it's not in the UK and that's why i would have to say the roads in Cumbria and the Lakes (where I live) are really good and so are the ones in southern Scotland (Moffatt to Selkirk passing the Grey Mares Tail being a perfict example). Being let down a little in Cumbria by the complete lack of any form of maintenance except the occasional cavern being filled with what looks like rice in liquorice but definitely not Mr Macadams Finest. But we must not complain - especially with the good deals we get on fuel and road tax (did I miss something???)

But just look at these babies in Corsica where the tarmac is bathed in warm sunshine, making it just sticky enough to drag your elbows round some of these 180 hairpins. If anyone fancies it Aug/Sept 2009...

Avoid north wales like the plague. The roads are fantastic but the police are arseholes.YouTube - MCN news: Police hide speed camera in horse box and the guy in charge is a cnut

Hampshire/Wiltshire in southern england have some great roads and very enlightenened (i.e. you never see them) police

I'll secnd that one buggerlugs :thumbup:

had too many points from wales and barely over the limit .... 36 in a 30 once as I was slowing from a 60 stretch .... :innocent: