BikeSafe Course

Just got in from the bikesafe course with the Metropolitan police and it was a* very worthwhile day. Started in the classroom which was very informal and relaxed. Learnt a lot about filtering in the town that I did not know.2 rideouts 1 in town and one in the country I enjoyed both and is was good to learn to ride smooth and fast with the officer. The hard bit was in the lead looking in my mirrors to see which way to go by the officers indicators. Funny to watch all the car drivers dropping mobile phones on to their laps at the sight of the police bike and pulling out across the traffic in London is much easier when the officer stops the traffic. All the officers were friendly and up for a laugh but still commited to bikes and safety. The day included lunch at Frankie and Bennys before the twisties ride It was well worth the £30 for a day out with the police*

Similar to our club over here.We've done some daytrips and the PSNI riders we met during our charity runs come along too on civilian bikes.Kinda like honourary club members.

Seems to be the trend that they are all really friendly and can have a laugh,nothing better than asking a cop does he keep his pipe and slippers in his liveried BMW's panniers.

The main point of my post was actually £30 for bikesafe? Over here it's totally free and the psni are doing everything they can to get more riders doing it.