Build your own Manometer for Throttle Body Sync!

I was at the pet store(Petco) today getting cat food and thought I'd see if they had any connectors. They had about 10 pkgs of the black "F" connectors for $1.19 each, but no restrictors or "+" 4 way connectors. It is really not that hard to find here in the states. I, too, would recommend doing the 4 way sync rather than 2 and swapping unless you really have no other option. My levels varied quite a bit whenever I moved 1 screw. It would have been a major pain in the @$$ if I had to constantly swap them. My $.02.

Nelly, PM me if you want me to pick up some stuff and mail it to you. I work at the post office, so it's not like it would be out of my way to mail it. Like you said, I can't imagine it being more than $5.00 to post it.
Just got off the bike after my first commute into the office after the TB sync and all I can say is "WOW!" :thumbup::rockon::cheer:

If you have never done the throttle body sync you have no idea how smooth the FZ6 really should be! The difference isn't's night and day from what it was!
I've noticed that closed-throttle deceleration in gear is now MUCH smoother and no popping out of my scorpion exhaust anymore! :rockon:

I was at the pet store(Petco) today getting cat food and thought I'd see if they had any connectors. They had about 10 pkgs of the black "F" connectors for $1.19 each, but no restrictors or "+" 4 way connectors. It is really not that hard to find here in the states. I, too, would recommend doing the 4 way sync rather than 2 and swapping unless you really have no other option. My levels varied quite a bit whenever I moved 1 screw. It would have been a major pain in the @$$ if I had to constantly swap them. My $.02.

Nelly, PM me if you want me to pick up some stuff and mail it to you. I work at the post office, so it's not like it would be out of my way to mail it. Like you said, I can't imagine it being more than $5.00 to post it.
PM sent,
The pet store here in town has the X shaped ones but not the F shaped ones.

Nice One
Excuse my noobness but isn't FZ6 injection fueled? I remember doing this sync on my very first bike, CBR600 F1...
Excuse my noobness but isn't FZ6 injection fueled? I remember doing this sync on my very first bike, CBR600 F1...

Yes it is fuel injected. The throttle bodies still have to be synchronized so that each one gets the same A/F ratio which will help to balance the engine and smooth out vibrations. :thumbup:
This is a great HOW-TO but these homemade ones are not accurate and you can't set them to the exact service manual reading.

Also another thing is that the bike should be warmed up before connecting the hoses and the syncing should be performed around 140F otherwise the initial vacuum will suck in the fluid. Happened to me twice on the FZ6...
This is a great HOW-TO but these homemade ones are not accurate and you can't set them to the exact service manual reading.

Also another thing is that the bike should be warmed up before connecting the hoses and the syncing should be performed around 140F otherwise the initial vacuum will suck in the fluid. Happened to me twice on the FZ6...

My engine was warm but it did suck the fluid up more than I'd like, nothing made it to the vacuum restrictors though.

You don't need to set it to the service manual long as all 4 are close it will run much smoother. Even the $100 manometers you can get are not accurate enough to actually set each TB to a certain vacuum pressure.
I'm getting supplies today. I have one question. Does the oil have to be ATF/2 stroke oil? Or are we just using something that is thin enough to be sucked into the tubes, which is why motor oil won't work? I must have something laying around in my garage I can use.

Awesome write up BTW, this is super cool.
I'm getting supplies today. I have one question. Does the oil have to be ATF/2 stroke oil? Or are we just using something that is thin enough to be sucked into the tubes, which is why motor oil won't work? I must have something laying around in my garage I can use.

Awesome write up BTW, this is super cool.
Good Question,
Mercury is pretty dense though, so I also wonder why a heavier oil won't do the job?:don'tknow::popcorn::popcorn:

I used motor oil in mine and I didn't use restrictors. Just the straight 3/16 connectors. It worked just fine. My tubing was really long, just in case, but it didn't rise anywhere near the top of my board. Another tip: I used white peg board, it makes it easy to put zip ties through.
Great info! :thumbup:

I would think motor oil would work just fine. Thicker oil will just take longer to level out after each adjustment but it probably won't jump around as much as thinner fluid.
OMG, I can see another Oil thread morphing lol.
Just wanted to say a Massive thanks to Mark Simpson who has been a real stand up fella.
Not only did Mark purchase the connectors for me, but he paid for them upfront and the shipping costs.
Top Bloke.

Would one have to have the F connectors? Couldn't you just put the end of the hoses in a container that holds the liquid as long as there is enough liquid so they can't pull air? I have worked with vacuum for over 40 years,and don't see why this wouldn't work. Also, vacuum isn't measured as pressure,(not trying to flame, just educate) it's measured in "inches of mercury" meaning how many inches that the vacuum will raise the mercury. Just my 2-bits(2 cents + inflation) worth.:rockon: Rich,,, PS: Thanks for this post, you have made sync'ing the throttle bodies very plain. You should post this on Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY!
I used motor oil in mine and I didn't use restrictors. Just the straight 3/16 connectors. It worked just fine. My tubing was really long, just in case, but it didn't rise anywhere near the top of my board. Another tip: I used white peg board, it makes it easy to put zip ties through.

I thought so! I have the Motion Pro tool and the last (3 years ago) time I used I didn't think I used the restrictors and it was fine! If I recall, you just have to be careful when revving it.
i am wanting to sync my throttle bodies as i just installed two brothers exhaust, currently when completely warm, the bike idles at 1440 rpms with the occasional drop to 1380 rpms.

Do I need to adjust the idle to spec before performing the sync or should i just perform the sync and adjust the idle to spec afterwards?
i am wanting to sync my throttle bodies as i just installed two brothers exhaust, currently when completely warm, the bike idles at 1440 rpms with the occasional drop to 1380 rpms.

Do I need to adjust the idle to spec before performing the sync or should i just perform the sync and adjust the idle to spec afterwards?

Everything I've read says you are supposed to adjust the throttle bodies first and then adjust the idle to spec.

When I did this I had the sync just right and then adjusted the idle and suddenly my throttle bodies were all off time I'll adjust idle first.