Chiefs admit Brum skyline mix-up

I'll bet they didn't pay the proper royalties on that image either. I'll guarantee you I know what happened - some PR person who was responsible for doing the flyer put "birmingham" into Google images and found the first one that looked OK and used that. What a bunch of numptys.
How stupid, you would have thought one of the council guys would have noticed the difference.

Anyway i'm proud that you are recycling so much Grommit, keep up the good work :thumbup:
I'll bet they didn't pay the proper royalties on that image either. I'll guarantee you I know what happened - some PR person who was responsible for doing the flyer put "birmingham" into Google images and found the first one that looked OK and used that. What a bunch of numptys.

Exactly what I was thinking....
Wow: this ranks as a "Fail" moment:

Just what i was thinking Fred, 720,000 more bits of paper to recycle

typical council thiftyness it seems

up here in midlothian I know of at least 3 junction where they took out the roundabouts/junctions and put in lights within 2 years they were back to roundabouts/junctions

that was 5 years ago now the latest planners are at it again at junctions which only get busy for 2 hours on a saturday and a sunday for shopping traffic

i give then 3 years to change them back