Clicking noise


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Jun 18, 2008
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I just started riding last year and don't know much about bikes. I bought my bike ('06) used from a yamaha dealer. I started to notice a clicking sound that i can best describe as like when we used to put cards in our bicycle wheels. The sound can best be heard when the bike is at low rpm around 30-40 mph but i can still hear it at faster speeds. It doesn't do it in neutral or when it's cold. I took it back to the dealer and they told me it was chain slap.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
CHAIN SLAP...that doesn't even sound good even if it was a normal thing...Which I don't think it is. The chain should ride pretty much right in the teeth/groove, not creating a slapping of any kind.

I know a lot of folks on here have said this about there bikes too. I think some folks have fixed it by "shimming" the clutch cable... My bike does it too, just have learned to deal. It could help to take it to your dealer and have them lube the cables too.
My first thought is something is catching somewhere or flapping in the wind like a label attached to something.. You need to have a really good look around your bike, including underneath.

You will probably find it is your key fob in the ignition, because it sounds like something simple.

If all else fails ask your mechanic.

Yeah, I've noticed a tapping/tickign noise. I figured it was just valve taping and not to worry since it's common on bikes. Could be the injector system, as I'm not familiar with the injection system on the bike.
Yeah, that sounds like what i'm hearing. I figured it was some type of valve tap or something. Its due for inspection in a few months so i'll have them check it out. For now i won't worry about it. Thanks for the input.
Then I have one more question to this people, who have this type of noise, that is hearable in my MP3 file posted above: Which model year is your FZ6? My 2005 didn't had it, my 2007 has it. Can it be that the 2007 lifting got a newer/modified R6 engine that tends to that noise type?

BR Robert
Wow Rob, it sounds like the same "injector" noise, but not audible on mine until over 3000 rpm.

Annoying, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.
If you are concerned, get the dealer to check it... Still under warranty???

Hmm, like I said, sounds the same, just a bit louder on yours. Long shot, do you know anyone with an extensive mechanical background, get them to listen/check it, and if their report states a problem, Yamaha should fix it under waranty.

Good luck.

I just started riding last year and don't know much about bikes. I bought my bike ('06) used from a yamaha dealer. I started to notice a clicking sound that i can best describe as like when we used to put cards in our bicycle wheels. The sound can best be heard when the bike is at low rpm around 30-40 mph but i can still hear it at faster speeds. It doesn't do it in neutral or when it's cold. I took it back to the dealer and they told me it was chain slap.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

My 07 does it too. Not when it's cold though. Only at 80 degrees C or more. It is worse if you get it warm, stop for a couple minutes and then start up again.

Change of oil grade gets rid of it. For mine I know the basic cause. When the oil gets hotter it starts to tick. It's hot oil causing a drop in oil pressure at the top end for sure. It goes away completely if I change the oil grade but starts again later on in the heat range. It's either the oil pump at lower pressure than it should be or the oil cooler doesn't do the job well enough. Be interesting to see if something changed for the 07 in this regard.

I had my valve clearances checked and they are all good so it doesn't seem to be doing too much harm....just dead annoying really. My big worry was that it would wear down my cam lobes, but since valve clearances are OK this doesn't seem to be happening.

If yours is the same tic? you could try a thicker oil to see if it goes away....then you will know if it is oil related.

Do none of you guys wear earplugs?

I put in a plain old set of foam earplugs and can't hear it at all. It may annoy the other drivers but not me!
Then I have one more question to this people, who have this type of noise, that is hearable in my MP3 file posted above: Which model year is your FZ6? My 2005 didn't had it, my 2007 has it. Can it be that the 2007 lifting got a newer/modified R6 engine that tends to that noise type?

BR Robert

No, the 07+ didn't get a different engine.

There's so many things that can cause a ticking noise, and usually its normal and doesn't mean somethings wrong.

Valves, rockers, fuel injectors, cam chain, etc can all cause these noises.
Then there's the transmission and chain that can add to it.

I have a hard time hearing the engine at all with my Two Bros exhaust :thumbup:
Hmm, my Yamaha dealer said the 07 has another engine as the 05. But I think he means just some modifications. Like a regulated catalytic converter. (I hope that the correct word in english).

Cause it's coming from the left head I still think this are some valves that have to much clearance. Maybe the put the valves to max allowed clearance cause the 40.000km valve control interval.

BR Robert