Cycle Gear mistake = dilemma


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Mar 9, 2008
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San Jose, California (GMT -8)
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The right thing to do isn't always the easiest thing to do, eh?

The day after my Pirelli Diablo tires arrived, another identical set of tires were delivered. It appeared as though Cycle Gear made a huge mistake in my favor, as I found myself looking at two pair of tires that I paid a total of $222 for :eek:! A quick check of my credit card statement verified that they hadn't caught this mistake, and had only charged me once for the two sets of tires.

Decisions, decisions! I thought about it and was 50/50 on the whole thing. Morally, I should have given the tires back. But what a deal, right? And Cycle Gear is big, this wouldn't be much of a loss for them. I had the whole thing worked out. I was going to hang on to the second set (what else am I going to do - install both sets at once?) and see if they ever noticed. If they never noticed, the tires were mine free and clear.

But here's what got me; the whole tire purchasing transaction was amazing. The order was easy to place, there were no hassles, no backorder, and the tires came way early! I expected them to be shipped between Monday and Wednesday, and they ARRIVED on Monday! And with the price I paid, the total transaction was one of the best I had ever had.

If the customer service had been bad, or if I had overpaid for something, I might have considered keeping the second set. But CG was so great through the whole process, that I decided in the end to call them and tell them about the mistake. I called this morning and got a cheerful operator. When I explained the mistake, he said "well that would explain why I got a call from another customer saying that he hadn't received his at all". That right there made the whole thing worth it. I know the feeling I had when my tires arrived early, and would hate to be in that poor guy's shoes still waiting for his tires that someone else had.

The nice customer service person thanked me profusely for calling and returning the tires, and emailed me a return address label. It made me feel good to do this deed that I didn't have to do. But at the same time, that return label was damn hard to put onto the spare set of tires....
I had a similar situation a couple of years ago. In my town is a BIG motorcycle accessories shop and I went there to buy a backpack. It is a huge thing that we use if we go away for a weekend, the side pockets hold a sleeping bag each etc.

When I got it home I opened it and there were TWO of the next size down inside, folded up. My first thought was "what if they had opened this bag at the door, I would have been accused of shoplifting".

Anyway, I did the right thing and took one back. :)
Hey! Those were my tires! I was wondering why I hadn't received them.

Could happen......

You did the right thing!!
You did the right thing. There is nothing wrong with being tempted to keep the tires. The wrong thing would be to keep them. Good job on returing them, (it was really a no brainer).:cheer:

But here's what got me; the whole tire purchasing transaction was amazing. The order was easy to place, there were no hassles, no backorder, and the tires came way early! I expected them to be shipped between Monday and Wednesday, and they ARRIVED on Monday! And with the price I paid, the total transaction was one of the best I had ever had.

Well there it is. I am going to need new tires soon and you cannot put a price on customer service. They, through you, got my business.
What goes around, comes around. You did the right thing, so your good deed will be returned. At least that is the way I see it. Great Job!!!!!

At my daughter's soccer tournament this weekend, I found a pair or Ray Ban Sunglasses just laying on the ground. I thought mmmmm finders keepers, but then thought, that someone would be real upset about losing an expensive pair of glasses. So, I took them to the Officials area. As I was asking where to take them, a man and a woman came up and said that they were theres, and they had been looking all over for them. It probably would have ruined there experience at the tournament losing those, but all is well.
Nice Chemiker, way to pay it forward. I like to believe I would've struggled with the choice, but in the end made the same decision as you.

Tried to give you some Rep but I guess I need to spread it around :spank:
Yep: What goes around comes around!
Don't forget to remember this set of tires and your good deed when..... you should have been - let's say in a world of hurt but the tires hung in there. This even goes as far as unrelated to tires directly - let's say something told you to slow down and sure as Sh__t, there's a whole bunch of gravel at the back side of that corner .... that's the tires telling your brain "I'll do you right but know my limitations; need some help! :thumbup:
Travis, that was a nice story to read this morning. Thank you for being honest and doing the right thing as it really doesn't matter if it's Cycle Gear or the local dry cleaner, integrity takes effort.
Not much of a dilemma, keeping them would have been a crime. I'm very glad you did the right thing, but trying to rationalize theft because it's a large company is pretty low. Like rationalizing stealing from your wealthy friends or something, it's irrelevant. That being said it's still a good thing you did :thumbup:
Always do the right thing....what goes around comes around and you have to live with yourself, so.

Cool story.

Exactly. Flash forward to when I have them installed: I would have felt like crap the whole time I was riding around, and probably would have had less fun than on tires that I bought honestly.
Honesty and integrity are noble features in a person, both highly regarded. You Sir are just that for us now, and thank you for doing the right thing. :iconbeer:
yup, good job for you! I would have called hoping they'd just say screw it, you can keep em....but at least it didn't cost you anything and now your tires will have good karma! rubber side down!
Thanks for sharing.. it is nice to hear a story about someone with honesty and integrity we need more in the world like you.