Destroyed My FZ6


The Dark Knight
Mar 30, 2014
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Well everyone, I have destroyed my FZ6. I will rebuild her once my leg heals and make her a totally different bike. I had my helmet cam on when it happened so you can see what went on. The cam did not get the car until it went back into it's lane so with that said here is what went on. I was coming around a blind corner when I noticed a car driving in the middle of the road which is why I went wide. I apparently hit gravel which lead to the crash. I think my bike landed on me at some point (she tumbled) which is what caused my broken bone. I had gear on which saved me from at lot worse. My boot held the break in place so when I was up walking on it, it did not get worse. I Was walking on it for about an hour (waiting for someone to come out and get me) and then felt the bones grinding which is when I realized I had a problem. I stayed with my bike until I knew she had a way home.

The crash:

A video I did showing my bike from the time I got her until now (yes I named her Oracle)
I see you have some awesome movie making skills, great video! However, if you don't mind some criticism, your riding skills need some improvement. I really didn't think the car was to blame, it was more due to rider error.

Thanks for sharing, heal quick because I would like to see some more of your video footage making skills, without crashing of course.
As I stated The camera did not get the car until it was back in the right lane. I am also not saying it was all the cars fault, I went to wide and hit gravel. I know I went to wide and that went through my mind when I realized where I was. I know I am not the best rider out there and never claim to be, we all make mistakes. After all we are human, it was a mixture of all these things that caused this to happen.
did you maybe panic brake a bit and grab a handful of the front brake, making it run wide and low siding it?
Sorry about the off but glad you were ATGATT. A squid would have sustained far worse injuries. Heal up quick.
did you maybe panic brake a bit and grab a handful of the front brake, making it run wide and low siding it?

I may have, I do not remember much. I did not black out or anything but it happened so fast I only remember thinking "I am to wide" fallowed by "OH S***" then the sensation of sliding to a stop. I did not even realize how bad it was until I watched the footage.
Glad you're alright and I'm sad to see such a beautiful FZ sustain damage (I LOVE the silver), can't wait to see the reanimation of your baby though
Glad you're alright and I'm sad to see such a beautiful FZ sustain damage (I LOVE the silver), can't wait to see the reanimation of your baby though

Couldn't agree more. I'm glad everything turned out alright with you and you're healing up well (definitely adds to the list of reasons to wear the gear!!!).

With an almost completely stock '04 myself, I love seeing all these threads where people customize their bikes. I'm pretty sure mine will end up being a combination of all the cool things I see from everyone else! :thumbup:
Main thing is you are ok - your bike can be repaired.

As for the video, you don't need a lecture from me - I think you know what went wrong and maybe how you'd approach the same situation differently next time.

BTW, your opening credits were fantastic LOL
I am glad you are going to be ok!!!

I also noticed that you turned in very late and stayed wide, which makes sense if the car was in the middle.
You freaked out and it's only natural to if you saw the car in the other lane. But once it wasn't you should have corrected.

By that I mean you should have started braking once you seen the car in the other lane.

I'm only an arm chair quater back and take my advice with a grain of salt. Just trying to help you.

It's just a bike, don't best yoursel up. Some people don't get to ride another day!

Idk why I posted on a blog about this? Sorry! ;)
how DARE you destroy a perfectly good FZ6! loyal as its been and you ride it down that ****ty road only to break your foot / leg / ankle or whatever...and humiliate a perfectly good bike! :spank:

also, that road looks sketchy as hell. looks half gravel as it is. i would not want to engage in an evasive maneuver on it

heal up well, BatmanFZ6. fix the bike, paint it BLACK, and put a little "bat yellow" on it :thumbup:
You would have made the turn if the car wasn't coming, but it is a good thing you pulled out of that turn because you were going to hit that car head on.

You turned in too soon and were going to cross over into the other lane, when the car came you had pull out of the turn but that put you at a more extreme turn angle(missing the apex) than what you were prepared for.
I may have, I do not remember much. I did not black out or anything but it happened so fast I only remember thinking "I am to wide" fallowed by "OH S***" then the sensation of sliding to a stop. I did not even realize how bad it was until I watched the footage.

I know what you mean, last time I came off on track I struggled to recall what I'd done wrong until I saw the video
Hey glad your around to talk about the whole thing
As long as yr ok. The bike is fixable/replaceable
Heal up kwik

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
I obviously wasnt there to analyze the whole situation.. But that does look like a fresh coat of chip-seal on that road. It can be like riding on marbles. The pebble rock often gets kicked off making lines of loose gravel on the edge of the road.

Max speed on that stuff: Slow, Dead Slow. NEVER EVER trust it..
Could have been worse! We all make mistakes. I've been down once as well in my first year of riding but it taught me a lot!

I would not call that turn "blind". I have some turns on my way to work that you can't see 20 feet in front of you around the tree branches that are growing over the ditches. Needless to say, any "blind curve" should be taken with extreme caution as you cannot avoid what you cannot see.
heal up well, BatmanFZ6. fix the bike, paint it BLACK, and put a little "bat yellow" on it :thumbup:

LOL I am going with the silver and black again with blue accents. She will not look to much like a FZ6 when I am done with her though. I plan on putting the logo on the lights again and maybe a few other places as well.