Discriminated against at Maccas for riding a bike


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Aug 18, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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So was riding home from work today, finished just after 11:30pm and the only thing open to grab a bite to eat since I didn't get a break over my 7 hour shift was Maccas. Anyway I'm on the bike, but thats no worries I just use the drive through, usually pull up in the waiting area after grabbing my food and paying and chuck it in my bag then ride happily home.

Anyway so I ride up to the service computer thingy, wait for the usual "may I take your order" with the associated pleasantries and get nothing... wait a few minutes I'm looking at the machine, I've got the bike turned off so its not my exhaust drowning out the voice. I get beeped, I look up and the woman is waving me through to the drive through... very strange.
Ride up to the window where I am told their sensors cannot detect the bike....
I've ordered here before though -"Who took that order?" in an aggressive tone, (well how would I know?). Ok I say, well I'd like to order.


Apparently they aren't allowed to take orders at the window... despite just spending all this wasted time telling me how he can't take the order and head office this, and head office that.
I told him that it was discrimination against people who ride motorcycles, and got his name and will be putting through a complaint after I finish conveying my experiences to all of you.
I'm pretty sure this is blatant discrimination, not to mention false advertisement. They aren't open 24 hours if they are only open to some people.

Anyone with a legal background able to tell me anything useful? Trying to find some info online now.
So was riding home from work today, finished just after 11:30pm and the only thing open to grab a bite to eat since I didn't get a break over my 7 hour shift was Maccas. Anyway I'm on the bike, but thats no worries I just use the drive through, usually pull up in the waiting area after grabbing my food and paying and chuck it in my bag then ride happily home.

Anyway so I ride up to the service computer thingy, wait for the usual "may I take your order" with the associated pleasantries and get nothing... wait a few minutes I'm looking at the machine, I've got the bike turned off so its not my exhaust drowning out the voice. I get beeped, I look up and the woman is waving me through to the drive through... very strange.
Ride up to the window where I am told their sensors cannot detect the bike....
I've ordered here before though -"Who took that order?" in an aggressive tone, (well how would I know?). Ok I say, well I'd like to order.


Apparently they aren't allowed to take orders at the window... despite just spending all this wasted time telling me how he can't take the order and head office this, and head office that.
I told him that it was discrimination against people who ride motorcycles, and got his name and will be putting through a complaint after I finish conveying my experiences to all of you.
I'm pretty sure this is blatant discrimination, not to mention false advertisement. They aren't open 24 hours if they are only open to some people.

Anyone with a legal background able to tell me anything useful? Trying to find some info online now.

G'day mate. One of the Macca's down here has a sign saying they'll only serve Motorbikes and cars in the drivethrough, so I'm fairly certain it's not a company policy.

And if for some reason the sensor is not picking you up as happened to me at Hungry's once, then there's not a lot you can do.

If they've been told not to serve people at the window, then they are probably better off doing what they are told. This probably has more to do with not serving people on foot than it does motorbikes, but in this case it has had an impact on you too.

I've had a case of the "Nasty evil Biker" thing just recently:rolleyes:.

I was at the servo, helmet off, jacket open and off the bike with the tank open.The ......fellow behind the counter was just looking at me through the window. It was not a pre pay pump. Car rolls up next to me. He resets this othe dude's pump. He gets on the mic. and tells me I'll have to pre pay:eek:.

I take the nozzle out of my bike and put it on the ground. I close my fuel cap and put my helmet on, and ride to the servo on the other side of the road. As I'm putting my helmet on I hear him asking me to replace the nozzle....lol....Shake my head at him as I'm riding out:Flip:. It's a locked up serve through the window station...lol. I can just imagine him now, on the mic. asking people to replace the nozzle for him.:D

I don't get it.....I haven't tracked down the stats, but I'm almost certain there are loads more cars stealing fuel than bikes.....idiots.

What I find most rediculous is that he can't just press a button to make the order machine work, I mean lets be serious here, what kind of system would not involve the service person being able to manually trigger the next order.
Normally when their normal service counter is open I just park and walk in, but I have done drive through before on a bike and never had issues, could really tell the guy wasn't impressed I was on a bike and he was pretty rude. It was all shut up tonight though so it was drive through or nothing.
Really pissed off I'm starving now.

I know what you mean about them not turning the petrol on though! It would be nice actually if I could prepay here, like put a 20 in the machine or put a card in, but the ones I go to don't even have that (that I know of).
Having worked in cafes, shops, and customer orientated businesses for the last 5 years I really appreciate that sometimes work can be crap, or you can have a bad day, and your not the amazing service person you usually are, but I'm getting sick of all these douchebags who try to make everyone more miserable than they are.
What I find most rediculous is that he can't just press a button to make the order machine work, I mean lets be serious here, what kind of system would not involve the service person being able to manually trigger the next order.


LMAO....I asked the same thing at Hungry's when it happened. Someone actually came outside and waved me up to the window.....they did serve me though:cheer:.
If the person had been really nice about it then I would probably have been annoyed but no biggy. But knowing I've done it before, I just saw it as someone being petty and meanspirited. I mean I see why they probably have security problems with people like him serving, I can just imagine people having their order done wrong and then punching him in the face when he is rude to them.
There is no accounting for brain dead minda's working at Macca's! You gotta remember most of them, are doing it for cash to get through Uni etc, and the care factor is next to zero!
True, cop that alot with people I work with, no work ethic and no standards. Guess its what comes from juggling part time work around study (the work part, not the being hopeless part :p)
True, cop that alot with people I work with, no work ethic and no standards. Guess its what comes from juggling part time work around study (the work part, not the being hopeless part :p)

I have a friend who manages a Macca's, and she is constantly complaining about the part time staff being useless...

No iniative, no common sense...and when you encounter this, which is often, it does drive you nuts!
Yea, what amazes me most is that often people I work with will be totally useless, take extra long breaks, make extra work, and generally be a total pain in the butt for everyone, and not realise that it isn't the company or management who suffer, its their co-workers who work extra hard to do everything they should have done in the first place.

Seems that these days too many young people grow up totally unaware they aren't the centre of the universe, especially with the modern parent who apparently beleive their kids deserve everything on a platter!
You should try Starbucks.

A few months back I was trailering the Black Bike down to AF-1 racing to get it dyno tuned, I stopped at a Starbucks for a coffee.

So I order, then wait. Finally the line creeps forward by one car length and then stops again. My trailer and bike are now at the menu sign. Since I had my window down, I could hear the drive thru barista repeatedly asking my motorcycle,"Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you?"

So Starbucks serves bikes.
You should try Starbucks.

A few months back I was trailering the Black Bike down to AF-1 racing to get it dyno tuned, I stopped at a Starbucks for a coffee.

So I order, then wait. Finally the line creeps forward by one car length and then stops again. My trailer and bike are now at the menu sign. Since I had my window down, I could hear the drive thru barista repeatedly asking my motorcycle,"Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you?"

So Starbucks serves bikes.

LMAO!!! thats some funny stuff! thanks for the laugh. :thumbup:
You should try Starbucks.

A few months back I was trailering the Black Bike down to AF-1 racing to get it dyno tuned, I stopped at a Starbucks for a coffee.

So I order, then wait. Finally the line creeps forward by one car length and then stops again. My trailer and bike are now at the menu sign. Since I had my window down, I could hear the drive thru barista repeatedly asking my motorcycle,"Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you?"

So Starbucks serves bikes.

Hahaha that is a good one, having a chuckle IRL! :thumbup:
Yeah, you could look in the Trade Practices Act and probably find their advertising isn't meeting their requirements re motorcycles etc

But here is the big issue.

Modern marketing, especially in big companies has a focus on customer service exceeding expectations. Think of it like this, my experience at the restaurant was better than I expected, food was good, service great. I will tell 10 friends what a great place it is to eat!! I know the Nokia phone company operates with this ethos. Kinda like a marketing campaign that is working without any cost to the company.

Now we have your situation. Unhappy, not satisfied. You have told everyone what a bad experience you have had. It is in your interest to bring it to the attention of snr management. I usually email them with a photo etc when this happens to me.

To date, I have had plenty of free meals from restaurants where management didn't know of the poor service operating in their shops.

Just my thoughts.
Sensor or no sensor most have CCTV on the order area. So they would have seen you no matter what. They obviously decided not to take your order from the get go.

JayJay's plan of attack would have ended with a smile. Next time just ride back around and beep when you get to the order spot. If you get no response then just wait for a car or two to line up behind ya. Their "Sensors" will pick this up pretty quickly.

Soon enough they will see it your way as its easier to serve you than to do anything about removing you. These people have quotas also so the longer you sit there the worse their performance looks for time taken to place order etc.

I would also get Ozzieboy to take a photo of the sign allowing the serving of bikes so when you make a complaint (and i hope you do) they cant hide behind "company policy".
My suggestion....get a box of Chiko Rolls, a Box of Pies, A bag of chips....chuck em in the freezer at home....and then you dont have to worry about the drive thru at Macca's!

Thanks for all the good advice.
I emailed the maccas official website contact form with my issues, not being served, bad service, totally unhelpful employee and am just waiting for a response now. Am hoping I get a meaningful reply.
The stupid thing was there was about 4-5 cars behind me by the end, and they still refused to take my order through the screen/com system. The window they take payment and give food out to also has a clear view to the ordering area, so its literally impossible he didn't see me, so unless their system has some kind of autoshut down when 'no-one' is in the service area its really just a case of someone thinking it funny to make someone elses night miserable. I also totally turned off the bike just to make sure I could clearly order without the running noises being a pain.
When I got up to the window which was probably 50cm away from my head, he still pretended he couldn't hear what I was saying through the window (bike was off again), when I've had conversations with other motorists in heavy traffic when they have commented on my bike!

I definately will just keep doing circles through the drive through until they take my order next time, they will probably get the message pretty quickly!

I'd also appreciate any photo of a maccas drive through that mentions motorcycle service if anyone has one/can get one!!

The only problem with the frozen food at home is they just don't have the satisfying fat content found in a triple cheese burger or two. Its a great way to end your night because by the time you go to sleep the fat has travelled into your veins slowing the blood flow making it easier to fall to sleep :D
agree with some of the others

you over-estimate McDonald's employees ability to do anything right.
Went and got my Go Go Gadget spy camera out tonight!!! Check this out folks...taken from across the road, whilst on the bike at 12 x zoom, in low light....but i got it! LOL!
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