Do any of you have migraines???

As they got older they grew out of the migraines and stopped taking the meds. I have no choice it's the one a day pill or I'm taking 6 to 8 alieve a day.
Having migraine must be awful! I only get good headaches but gladly I don't have migraine.

J, have you ruled out hormones? Pills and maybe even other hormonal contraception products may cause migraine or make it worse if someone already has it.
I too have had migraines my entire life. I treat them with the usual arsenal of prescribed meds (zomig, maxalt, pain killers) 2-4 times per month. I have noticed (and my doctor concurred) they have become less frequent as I get older. I guess that's one upside to getting older... The downside being, now everything else is starting to hurt!
Like most everyone else, I have migraines and they were worse when I was a teenager. I go through spells of having them a few times a year, and then I can go years without one. I'm 57. I know that if I take a blow to my head or body, that brings one on. These are things like falling while water skiing, falling off a dirt bike, or just falling and hitting hard. I also know that if I drink a bunch of Gatorade I get a migraine within an hour or so. One thing, too, about getting older. The visual effects are just as bad as when I was young, but the headaches are not nearly as bad and I don't get nausea anymore. In fact the headache is almost insignificant. Now I just wait exactly 30 minutes for the visual to go away and then endure a little dull pain in my head for about 24 hours. Oh yeah, stress brings it on. Like speaking before a crowd. But not at the moment of stress, only after the stress is over. When I don't eat french fries, I don't have migraines, that could be coincidental. My mother decided this was the treatment I needed, and much to my chagrin, she seems to be right. (She's always right, just ask her.) Also my internist M.D. says to tell my eye doctor about the migraines, and my eye doctor doesn't want to talk about it. I don't try to ride while I am having the visual effects, because I have major blind areas, a car could easily be hidden in one of these spots. BTW. I am not an M.D. I am a doctor of antique radios and obsolete 2-stroke outboard motors.
Having migraine must be awful! I only get good headaches but gladly I don't have migraine.

J, have you ruled out hormones? Pills and maybe even other hormonal contraception products may cause migraine or make it worse if someone already has it.

I don't take any meds.....only excedrin to see if just maybe it'll help. I don't take birth control.

I was really worried, when I got pregnant, that I wouldn't be able to take anything but Tylenol (which has never worked for me) and during both of my pregnancies, I didn't have one headache or migraine. I haven't been to the doctor since I realized maybe that would be helpful to a doctor.
I know this may sound a bit odd, but I know a woman who 'used' to get migraines......she swears by acupuncture. If you've tried everything else, what could it hurt?
Hope you're doing better soon :hug:
(and I like the new additions to the smiley family)
I know this may sound a bit odd, but I know a woman who 'used' to get migraines......she swears by acupuncture. If you've tried everything else, what could it hurt?
Hope you're doing better soon :hug:
(and I like the new additions to the smiley family)

I've heard some crazy stuff about acupuncture (in a good way)....I might have to try it. Thanks. :)
I know that if I take a blow to my head or body, that brings one on. These are things like falling while water skiing, falling off a dirt bike, or just falling and hitting hard.
Man, I know what you mean. My brother and I got into a fight when I was 16 (he was 18)....he punched me right in the mouth and OMG!!! I couldn't even hold my head up....I ended up puking after that.

I watch these guys that break dance (spinning on their head) and the UFC guys and just watching them makes my head hurt. It must be nice to get elbowed in the face and feel great!

I was on the boys wrestling team in high school and occasionally my head would get slammed into the ground. :eek: Yeah, I didn't feel very good for a few days after that.
I was going through some old threads and came across this. I too suffered from severe migraines that nearly ruined my life. Like most people, I was on every med in the book (pills, nasal spray, shots) and nothing seemed to work. I have even had a few trips to the ER when they got really bad. After many years of getting 1-2 migraines every day that lasted half the day, I finally saw a doctor that put me on Verapamil. It is a blood pressure med but after a few week, the migraines were only every few days, then every few weeks & so on & so on. I am 31 now and rarely get a migraine. I havent had one in over a year and when I do get them they only last for a few days then go away for months. I really hope you find some relief because I know your pain.
I used to get migraines all the time when I was younger, it sucked big time.

Usually I took 800mg of ibuprofin(prescription kind) and that helped. If it didn't I just rested until it went away.
I haven't really gotten them a lot in the past few years, because the rest of my body hurts just as much.

Diet sodas, I've never liked them because they taste like crap, but now I never drink them because of aspartame. Not sure if it affects migraines though.

I do drink a lot more soda(caffeine) these days so that might help, because most migraine medicine has caffeine in it.
I didnt read though everything so I may be re-posting.. My sister had bad headaches for years, and they kept getting worse and worse finally see got a doc to approve an MRI and she had a brain tumor! They said she wouldn't of made it another 6 months without having it removed!
I don't take any meds.....only excedrin to see if just maybe it'll help. I don't take birth control.

I was really worried, when I got pregnant, that I wouldn't be able to take anything but Tylenol (which has never worked for me) and during both of my pregnancies, I didn't have one headache or migraine. I haven't been to the doctor since I realized maybe that would be helpful to a doctor.

That part you just mentioned leads me to believe it is hormonal. Definitely talk to your doctor about them. They shouldn't just go away when your pregnant, unless they are hormonal.
My daughter had constant headaches that would manifest into a migrane. We went to specialists and had several tests. It turned out to be hormones. The solution was to per her on "the pill". No more headaches.

We had asked the doctor about it being hormones but they ignored us. Only after having MRI's, CT scans, lumbar punctures did they finally consider it as the cause. Hormones are an easy thing to check and a lot less $$$ than the other tests.

I'm not a doctor but don't under estimate the power of hormones.
Botox - i'll swear by it!

I never had migraines, but I had headaches a lot. The thing is that I didn't know I was having headaches until I got my first botox injection in my forehead (for a wrinkle that was driving me nuts -yes I'm vain:Flash:) and then I realized I had headaches all the time because suddenly they were all gone!!! A friend of mine had extremely bad migraines though, and she went to a dr. who wanted to give her botox injections in her traps (neck muscles) and along her scalp line, so she remembered what I had said about my headaches going away with the botox. She had the treatment and said it was absolutely amazing and that it reduced her migraines significantly. She is still having the treatments on a regular basis.

It takes a few days for the botox to kick in and relax the muscles (for me 4 days and for her 10) and it can be quite pricey. Her treatment was covered under our health care plan.

I'm telling you for me it was unbelievable...I went the first time for pride, and after that I went regularily to ensure my headaches didn't come back. I just felt so much better.
I get them occasionally, once every few months. I am one of the lucky few. If I catch it early, two Advil will knock it out before it ever gets rolling. Once it's going, though, it takes more like six of them to get it under control.

Mine start with tension in the back of my neck, then turn into a mild headache, and eventually a full blown screaming in pain migraine. I never have any vision problems.

The shower helps. Get in, sit down, and aim the shower onto the top of your head. It stops the pain immediately. Unfortunately, the hot water runs out after a while, but hopefully the meds have kicked in by then.

Triggers for me are dehydration and caffeine withdrawl.

I consider myself lucky. My mom has them BAD. Monthlong migraines. :eek:

I don't know if this is relevant, but I used to have seizures when I was a baby (that's probably common though) and lately the right side of my chin has been numb and tingling in my left arm (I see the tingling in the arm is common before a migraine....reading a link that Marinemom sent me).

J. gotta say your case is somewhat concerning... most babies don't have seizures... Im trying to recall my neuroanatomy but I believe that there is no cross over in facial nerves (Right side brain issues result in right side face issues) and of course your left arm tingling could point to your right brain. However, in another thread you mentioned the left side of your head, this is concerning because that is where language is processed.

Also, all of the mention behind the hormones, the prevalence of migraines are definitely higher in women, which calls on the cycles that you go through and the reason why there isn't more research into migraines.

You mentioned that riding helps, another way to think about it could be where you "put all your stress". Basically if youre stressed you may be scrunching yoru shoulders and tightening your neck. When you ride or work out those muscles become fatigued and cant be tightened anymore. Riding helps me manage a lot of my back pain.

Either way... It sounds like you really need a good neurologist... No person should live with that much pain in this age of medical technology and the acceptance of eastern medicine....

Sorry for the babble... Please get yourself better....
I saw this thread yesterday and didn't read it and then guess what... I got the worst headache I have had in months on the same day. Normally I just turn off all the lights and deal with the pain until I fall asleep but yesterday I was able to diagnose and fix my problem. Someone else mentioned stress and tightness in the neck and shoulders and that is what was causing mine.

I hadn't had a headache in months because for three months I was working out and strectching daily. I am currently on a break from the excercise routine and have been noticing increased tension in my neck. Yesterday nothing worked until I started to do stretching excercises. I would recommend anyone who has severe headaches or migraines, especially if you ride a motorcycle (increased neck and back strain), to do several minutes of stretching a day focusing on the neck, shoulders, and back. Maybe it will work for you too.
My wife gets migraine headaches as well and these usually end up with her having to throw-up to get relief. We went to the doc and got pretty much everything done from CAT scan to EEG or whatever and none were able to help.
So we started carefully looking at her schedule and her diet patterns. We found that it was not necessarily what you ate but more when you dint eat and also the lack of sufficient water. So we have been trying to keep an eye on that and make sure she eats at regular intervals and drink enough water. So far things have been good. And lastly exercise helps to lower stress levels which also causes migraine headaches.
The only other cause for which we havent been able to find a cure is ME :D

Hope this helps.
I get migraines...BAD. I have been able to stop taking percocet for them, thanks to ozzieboy. I hated taking narcotics, but being a type 1 Diabetic, there were NO other options.

Heres what I do now. I take 2 Tylenol with codeine and caffeine, in Canada you have to ask for them at the counter, you don't need a prescription, but they hide them...with that I drink a Diet Red Bull. 30 minutes and migraine is gone.

Not an ideal thing for your body, but I figure its better than being high on narcotics!