Do you Have an Iphone ????

What kind of phone do you have

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Iphone for 2yrs. I love the fact I can pull up the weather radar when I am out riding and see where the rain is, plus I have all my music and camera with me in one small package.
I have a Blackberry, assigned to me at work, which I hate because the only calls I get are either (a) taskings from my boss, or (b) wrong numbers from this spanish-speaking *#&^% lady who can't get it thru her head that, after two months, she STILL has the wrong number!!! :Flip: :Flip: :Flip:

I have a "pay-as-you-go" Tracfone which normally resides in my motorcycle jacket in case I fly off a cliff and need a tow or something.

Mac at home :rockon: but won't get an iPhone until they get Verizon...
"Crappy" regular cel. MoTO RZRV3. It makes phone calls and my cel plan is somewhere @ $55 a month. My buddies (multiple bud's) with iPhones all pay @ $120 to $150 a month for their phones. I just can't justify that for phone. There are some 'cool' features on the phone but I can easily live without them.

The only thing that really made me want to get one is the live trafic up date in and around Boston. But I just call my buddy for a traffic update. :) And I can get a GPS w/ life time traffic for @ $300. I save that in 3 months by not having an iPhone.
Blackberry 8900 Tmo...

I want the Iphone... cant quite explain why (aside from the 3G)... My wife refuses to use anything other than the sidekick so Im stuck with Tmo (crap coverage great cost)... BLackberry much more pleasant now that it syncs with my mac...

Used the 8330 and have the 9530 now.

I got my iPod Touch the day they came out and new right away that i'd never want the iPhone. It's too much like a toy for me and even though I've jailbroken it i really have no apps that I use frequently. I use my phone as a communication device first. I don't use a land line. That's just my opinion.

I love my Storm. The average user probably does not. But I do mostly because I've been on top of every leaked OS and I'm currently running 5.0

For all BB users, once RIM releases the 5.0 OS the Blackberries are going to be even better. Especially with the Storm and the upcoming Storm 2, the 5.0 makes it super quick. All actions are instantaneous.
I would like an iPhone but can't make myself fork out the money for a nice phone because somehow I always end up beating the hell out of them. No matter how hard I try to take care of it it looks like crap 2 months after I get it. I have an Razor V3I that does all I need it to and can throw it away in a year and spend another $50 on a new one or get the free upgrade phones.
No because everyone on Earth has one.

I have a $20 nokia that does phone calls and has an alarm. I wish I could remove all other features so that I don't have to go through a bunch of menus to get to my alarm clock. Other than that, I am very happy with my phone.
LG Dare here. I have a multiple laptops so no need for the internet on my phone..... However might consider the iphone if becomes available through verizon.....Dare is great and does everything i need. i can get emails without paying for the internet, they are text, no pics html, etc ..
Had a blackberry 8310 but the battery blew up. So instead of $50 bucks for a new one I paid $99 and got an iphone. Going to buy a cheap internet battery for the blackberry and just keep it on the bike for the camera/video and ermergancy calls.
I've had a jailbroken iPhone since they came out. Currently have the 3g.

As a gadget guy, I've had almost every type of phone out there. And despite all the hating, once you've used an iPhone for awhile, there is no going back. It becomes an extension of you.

Yes, steve jobs has me by the short and curlies.

I got two iPhones, 3gs for personal, 3g for work. I actuallly work for Att as well. Definatley no going back once you go an iPhone. You all would be amazed at the age ranges we see who buy the iPhones. I sold one to some 80 yr old lady because her and her friends all play scrabble and it has scrabble in the AppStore along with websites for scrabble dictionarys and a very easy calc for points. Ke and my wife both have iPhones on a personal account so paying for Internet twice can be expensive but in reality I use it all the time. Those who knock it haven't tried it or in reality are just jealous they're carrier passed it up cough verizon cough and realistically aren't going to get it either. I could go on about why but point being iPhone rocks
I currently have a simple LG VX8350. I'm hoping it lasts (hinge is breaking) long enough to find out if the rumor of the iPhone being available to Verizon customers next year is true or not. In my area, Verizon has the best coverage, and AT&T blows. I won't give up the coverage just for the phone.
I have had my Iphone 8 gig 3g for 10 months now and love it.

AT&T on the other hand, sucks.:thumbdown::thumbdown: I was told we would have 3g here in March 2009. Now they are talking the end of 2010 before 3g gets here. In the Fox Valley there are a lot of people, and yet there are poor reception areas all over the place. Dropped calls are frequent (almost daily) and their customer service is the worst in the industry. "More bars in more places" is total BS. I am paying $1400 per year for empty promises from AT&T. If US Cellular had better smart phone choices, I would have stayed with them. When my Iphone contract is done in a year, I will most likely switch to Verizon.

I love the Iphone, I just wish Apple picked a better carrier to partner with.
I have had my Iphone 8 gig 3g for 10 months now and love it.

AT&T on the other hand, sucks.:thumbdown::thumbdown: I was told we would have 3g here in March 2009. Now they are talking the end of 2010 before 3g gets here. In the Fox Valley there are a lot of people, and yet there are poor reception areas all over the place. Dropped calls are frequent (almost daily) and their customer service is the worst in the industry. "More bars in more places" is total BS. I am paying $1400 per year for empty promises from AT&T. If US Cellular had better smart phone choices, I would have stayed with them. When my Iphone contract is done in a year, I will most likely switch to Verizon.

I love the Iphone, I just wish Apple picked a better carrier to partner with.

Apple offered it up to Verizon, but Verizon wanted more control of the products than Apple was willing to give them.
My brother has an I=Phone I have a Palm Centro. I went with the Centro mostly because I was used to it and was familiar to the Palm apps and OS in the past. It does all that I'm interested in and I'm sure I'd have fun with the I-Phone but everywhere I go with my brother in his busy schedule, there seems to be a problem with the I-Phone. It drops calls,can't make calls, even in populated areas. This seems to be the problem with other family members that have the phone.
I don't like the way the interface works with the Centro and they totally blew the Blue Tooth. The Blue Tooth calling has to be engaged from the phone interface. Haha! Geniuses! Sometimes the interface is much faster what the display is showing and you end up in Tim-Buk Tu. But! when I see my brothers phone is out of service, mine is always in service, and that's why I own it it the first place, as a phone. It works and when I need to make a call it doesn't matter where I am GPS wise, If I don't have service when I really need it.....?
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