Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters
Wow! I'm an ass!
So be it!
I do own a car and yes it is illegal in NY, but legal in other states
No, it's legal in ONE state. Period. Not stateS, plural.

I love to ride motorcycles and lane splitting in traffic is one of the joys! Just because people who make the laws and have no appreciation of motorcycle riding deem that land splitting in NY is some how bad or dangerous will not stop me.

Then I guess the 49 other states' law makers don't appreciate them either.

I got in two accidents on my motorcycle, the first one pass a suv at a light, and they decided to turn at the last minute without signaling or looking. the other was another suv turning left right in front of me on a clear straight road on a sunny day. I always lane split and have never come even close to having an accident doing it.
The most I would get are these self centered ass in cars who don't know how to drive, not checking their mirror hugging one side of the land not letting me pass, and the other 90 percent of people who see me give me room. They know their stuck in traffic, why hold the motorcycle up as well.
So I will be self centered and lane split in traffic, your welcome to sit in traffic all you want, just wave to me as I pass you!:mikebike::mikebike:

In the end, it's still illegal in NY, and I'll be the first in line to laugh at you when you get busted for it.
i'm not in ny so i know nothing about your situation. but i have read on other forums where people from ny have said that cops yell at them for not lane splitting and give them the motions to get moving.

oh well. i do wish it were legal here. i've not ever in that much traffic. but when i am it'd be nice to be able to get out of it. it's safer for us... less traffic for them... it's a win win all the way around.
I always lane split if the traffic is building up. I never go on the hard shoulder of the motorway :eek: ( like some people have mentioned on this thread ) because that is totally illegal in this country and to be honest is full of debris, grit, glass etc.

I find alot of cars will move over slightly to give you room to do so but yes, there are a few anti-bike drivers out there to be careful of.
If I'm in my car i always move over slightly if i see a bike approaching from behind or in front. :thumbup:
I thought it was illegal in Texas. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please. I do it every now and then especially in the summer time.
When the traffic backs up on the Motorway I have no hesitation as long as you keep the speed differential lowish 10-20mph then its perfectly legal.

I always thank people who have made an effort to give me some room, it means they are looking behind for bikes. I have 130db horn for those who make an effort to block me.

I quite enjoy it. :cool:
I thought it was illegal in Texas. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please. I do it every now and then especially in the summer time.

I thought it was like California- where its not legal but not illegal. I am not sure though.
I live in NY, and it's illegal!
I do it every time I ride my motorcycle, whens there's traffic.

Truly, what is the use of having a sporty motorcycle that the size of your body if you can't lane split? Why would anyone want to sit on a motorcycle in traffic? Just to sit there in silence and hear your motor run and inhale exhaust from the car in front of you.

Last time I checked motorcycle = FREEDOM.
Use the skills you acquired and ride!
If you want to sit in traffic, and there is plenty here in NY, buy a car and then you can sit on your mobile couch, listen to music, eat your breakfast and read the morning paper.

I got a bike to ride, and ride I shall!

Well that is one way too look at it. Just don't get squished by drivers not expecting an MC to be coming up the middle.

In Cali it's a whole different story. Out there I split because people expect it to happen. Other states, not so much.

It's free country do what you like. Just remember what you said as the judge is chewing on your ass.

Have a nice day. :D
I never do, You would not do it in a car so why would you on your bike?? It only takes one A__ H___ to put you down, so it's not worth it to me.
if it gets me out of the middle of the traffic and therefor out of harms way then i will split

i don't split aggressively or at high speed and have only knocked a mirror once or twice when i've had the wobbles or missed a gear etc

i think its safer to start out ahead of the traffic than be in the middle of it
I never do, You would not do it in a car so why would you on your bike?? It only takes one A__ H___ to put you down, so it's not worth it to me.

Because you can't do it in a car! Haha. Your just adding to traffic sitting there knowing you can get through. Obviously if it is illegal then I don't think I would risk it but I filter all the time, especially if I know country roads are ahead and I don't want to be behind cars! :)
I rarely do it, but in the rare event that I do lane split, I like to do a wheelie simultaneously.
Because you can't do it in a car! Haha. Your just adding to traffic sitting there knowing you can get through. Obviously if it is illegal then I don't think I would risk it but I filter all the time, especially if I know country roads are ahead and I don't want to be behind cars! :)

Head up Spen, although it's normal do it in slow moving traffic, it's illigal in the British Ilses. I do it when I'm in the UK, but I don't do it under the pretence that it's legal.
Found this link on wikipedia about splitting in the UK
Wikipedia lists the countries where it's legal to split (filter), and has a couple of interesting links as well.

Ok, yea you can 'over'take lane 3 (or the lane furthest to the right if there are more) if you can do it without crossing the white line, but splitting/filtering is to go between lanes 2 and 3 as everyone does as they don't want to ride in the central reservation crap, which requires undertaking lane 3 which is illigal? :Flip:
Ok, yea you can 'over'take lane 3 (or the lane furthest to the right if there are more) if you can do it without crossing the white line, but splitting/filtering is to go between lanes 2 and 3 as everyone does as they don't want to ride in the central reservation crap, which requires undertaking lane 3 which is illigal? :Flip:

Sorry Matt I didn't mean to annoy you, I was just posting the links.

It's generally accepted in the UK as long as you do it safely, but the law is not so clear on the matter. I've split on the M25 (London) and there were many more bikes doing the same.
It's a grey area tbh, I'm sure it isn't illegal as several landmark cases have been won in the bikes favour over the last few years where cars have knocked bikes off while filtering and proven that the bike was doing it appropriately.
There is no doubt that that filtering is legal in the UK:

Extracts from Highway Code
Rules for motorcyclists
Rule 88
Manoeuvring. You should be aware of what is behind and to the sides before manoeuvring. Look behind you; use mirrors if they are fitted. When in traffic queues look out for pedestrians crossing between vehicles and vehicles emerging from junctions or changing lanes. Position yourself so that drivers in front can see you in their mirrors. Additionally, when filtering in slow-moving traffic, take care and keep your speed low.
(Rules for motorcyclists (83-88) : Directgov - Travel and transport)
General rules
Rule 160
Once moving you should
• Keep to the left, unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise. The exceptions are when you want to overtake, turn right or pass parked vehicles or pedestrians in the road
• Keep well to the left on right-hand bends. This will improve your view of the road and help avoid the risk of colliding with traffic approaching from the opposite direction
• Drive with both hands on the wheel where possible. This will help you to remain in full control of the vehicle at all times
Be aware of other road users, especially cycles and motorcycles who may be filtering through the traffic. These are more difficult to see than larger vehicles and their riders are particularly vulnerable. Give them plenty of room, especially if you are driving a long vehicle or towing a trailer
• Select a lower gear before you reach a long downhill slope. This will help to control your speed
• When towing, remember the extra length will affect overtaking and manoeuvring. The extra weight will also affect the braking and acceleration
(General rules (159-161) : Directgov - Travel and transport)
Road users requiring extra care
Rule 211
It is often difficult to see motorcyclists and cyclists, especially when they are coming up from behind, coming out of junctions, at roundabouts, overtaking you or filtering through traffic. Always look out for them before you emerge from a junction; they could be approaching faster than you think. When turning right across a line of slow-moving or stationary traffic, look out for cyclists or motorcyclists on the inside of the traffic you are crossing. Be especially careful when turning, and when changing direction or lane. Be sure to check mirrors and blind spots carefully.
(Road users requiring extra care (204-225) : Directgov - Travel and transport)

It is implicit in Rule 88, that filtering on a motorcycle is an acceptable way of “Making Progress”. Also, there is an onus on other road users to beware of such activity by motorcyclists. There are many debates all over the web about the relative merits of filtering, some are extremely anti & others are excessively pro.
The most sensible advice I found on the web was the 20 / 20 rule. The basic premise being; do not filter passed traffic which is moving at 20 MPH or above & do not exceed more than 20 MPH above the speed of the traffic that you are passing.
However, it must be down to the individual to determine if they wish to filter per se and whether it is safe to do so in any given set of circumstances.