Dumb question. How often do I lube the chain?


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I'm embarrassed that I don't know this. But why should I? My first bike was a chain drive and I ignored maintenance on that bike altogether. Since then I've had shaft drives. The Fizzer is the first chain drive bike that I've cared about.

So...how often should I be cleaning and lubing the chain? Every 500 miles? Every thousand?

great question. i too would like to know, as my only other bike is also a shaft drive. i am sure it depends on riding conditions (dry, dusty, wet etc) but lets hope someone has a good guideline to follow they can post up!
I would guess at least once a week and more if you ride in the wet. I try to do mine every weekend when I clean up my bike and after each ride in the rain.
Don't worry about dumb questions.

I was told years ago; The man who asks a question may be a fool for 5 minutes, the man who doesn't ask a question is a fool for life.

Anyway ask the questions here among friends who are happy to help rather than at some dealers I can think of who will look down on you and think - no knowledge =$$$$$ / £££££ / €€€€€. :thumbup:
O-ring chain is designed to hold the oil in. Keeping the chain clean is important. I clean mine at every oil change. If you ride in a lot of dirty situations might have to clean it more often. My wife has always had chain bikes, YZF600R, VFR800, R6, she has gotten between 15,000 to 20,000 miles out of chains. Oil them after riding in the rain, when they just start looking dry. Keep the o-rings moist. My wife has a hawk oiler, she oils every 300 to 500 miles. Remember too much oil is better than not enough. Hope this helps. Jim :Sport:
I'm embarrassed that I don't know this. But why should I? My first bike was a chain drive and I ignored maintenance on that bike altogether. Since then I've had shaft drives. The Fizzer is the first chain drive bike that I've cared about.

So...how often should I be cleaning and lubing the chain? Every 500 miles? Every thousand?

Hey Fred,
The dumb answer is when ever it needs it lol. There are never any dumb questions, only dumb answers. All the posts are correct, I check my chain every week.
Some weeks it needs it and some it dosn't. The road conditions are a key factor as has been mentioned.

As you can see, some folks check the chain far more frequently than others. I generally use a chain wax, which seems to stay on much longer than regular lubes (YMMV), and only really bother every 1-2 thousand miles, assuming I don't hit any particularly nasty road conditions that might force me to clean it sooner.
You see..its not a dumb question after all because noone has a definitive answer...not even me.

I always take the average answer and what sounds like common sense and good advice.

Page 6-5 in the Owner's manual Periodic Maintenance and Mionr repair section.

Item 10. Drive chain
Adjust & Lubricate chain with a special O-ring chain lubricant thoroughly.
Every 800km (500 mi) and after washing the motorcycle or riding in the rain.
well i lube the chain every day i ride it, and ive been riding it as much as possible to save on gas from my DD (RX-7). so i ride it as long as theres no snow on the ground in the morning. but theres all that salt they put down so my auto mechanics instructor who rides an Aprilia said i should lube it every day i ride it. but then again he thinks im crazy for riding in 20f while passing cages with frost on them on the highway.:D
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well i lube the chain every day i ride it, and ive been riding it as much as possible to save on gas from my DD (RX-7). so i ride it as long as theres no snow on the ground in the morning. but theres all that salt they put down so my auto mechanics instructor who rides an Aprilia said i should lube it every day i ride it. but then again he thinks im crazy for riding in 20f while passing cages with frost on them on the highway.:D

I also think you're "crazy for riding in 20f while passing cages with frost on them on the highway" :D:D:D
Page 6-5 in the Owner's manual Periodic Maintenance and Mionr repair section.

Item 10. Drive chain
Adjust & Lubricate chain with a special O-ring chain lubricant thoroughly.
Every 800km (500 mi) and after washing the motorcycle or riding in the rain.

I clean and lube my chain every 500 miles or close to it depending on what the mileage is when I get back. I do not however use any chain lube. Rather, I use Marine grade grease after cleaning it up. I use WD40 and a fine toothbrush to clean it. I work the grease in and after letting it sit over night go back and wipe the excess away before riding. After the first ride I clean up the mess and I am good for another 500 miles. I will haoever say I could go a lot further if needed.
It really depends on what you use to lube (teflon, grease, wax, or oil), climate you live in (temp and humidity), and environment.

I use the teflon about every 400 miles or once every 10 days, whichever comes first.

it gets a lot of gunk from farm land air, ocean breeze salt, freeway gunk...take care of it...it'll affect your sprockets also if it starts to kink.
remember that WD40 is a SOLVENT, which means it displaces lubricants...it is NOT a lube...so make sure you get it all OFF the chain before you lube.
I do mine every 500-1000 miles depending on how it is looking and try to wash it after two lubes.

I wash my chain the same way I did for my dirtbikes and that is that after a wash I spray the chain down very well with WD-40 in order to get all the moisture and such out of the chain and after I let it set for about 30 mins or so I wipe it down and then put a nice thick coat of chain lube on it. I could make my off-road chains last a good bit this way.

No to really flip you out....

So there is a guy in our motorsports lab, he actually runs it... told me this the other day as we were all standing around looking at our Aprilia motor in our chassis we just built.

- Team Memeber -"We don't need to run the exhaust right near the chain because it will fling all over it"
-Me- "If we use the right stuff it would be an issue, I'll get us some of the Non-Fling Formula and we should be fine.
-Steve (guy who runs the lab) - Why are you going to the lube the chain? You are running an O-ring right?
-Me- "Yes, we are running an O-ring, but that doesn't mean we dont need to lube it."
-Steve- "No you dont, you must not understand the concept of an O-ring chain, the lube that comes on it last for the life of the chain, the o-rings hold the oil in. THere is no need to lube it."

I laughed...alot.

Supposedly this guy was one of the head guys for Kawasaki's MX team back in the late 80's early 90's. Some how I doubt this.

I believe that the owners manual suggests that you lube the chain every 500 miles. I follow that recommendation. I use ChainWax and the chain is always in excellent, lubricated shape at 500 miles.