Elm Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Now for our resident Imp...:eek:

What do you do for a living?
Oh that's easy! I breathe, eat and drink!...that's not what you meant is it? Hang on...I'll think about it for a second... .... ...oh yeah! I'm retired. I used to be a farmer though.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
Oh dear, I don't actually 'own' one. I'm sorry. However, I know LOTS of people who do!

What other modes of transport do you have?
I take the bus and taxi or I get other people to drive me around (sometimes insane).

If you could have any bike what would it be?
A YZF-R1; 2009 edition. Such a technological marvel don't you think?

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Gardening, swimming, running, bowling and boxing.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
It's so hard...I've travelled to many places! States, Canada, Europe, Australia...and in all my glory I couldn't pick a better place than Earth itself! In my haste, I will claim Hawaii as the best place on earth.

Describe yourself in three words?
Secret of Elm

If you could redesign any household appliance, what would it be and why?
I think IRONING is very primitive. We still take a hot chunk of metal and slide it over clothing? That is so caveman! Wouldn't it be neat to have a rolling press that unwrinkled your clothes for you? In one swipe?

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
Penicillin! Isn't that stuff so wonderful? It's proof that taking another bite is a VERY GOOD idea.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Wow! Me as a leader? HA HA HA! Wouldn't that be cute? I wonder what means I'd use to reach this. I think my first law would be:
...uhh...my first command would be...ohh...err...NOBODY CAN TOUCH DIAMONDS!

DROP THEM!! Ah ah! Get away!

No diamonds for anybody. whoa WHOA! Don't come back!
Everybody drop their diamonds and NEVER touch them again. No SAPPHIRES, RUBIES, TOPAZ'S or anything! No gemstones! I want them all gone.

<When everybody is gone...> Look at me! I'm Queen Elizabeth the II! Hee Hee hee...

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
Comedy! I could tell stories or do a cheap magic show!

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?
Choosing between the two is like choosing a permanent disease for a newborn baby! More people use Windows, so I'll prevent the disparity I suppose...

F1! Vrroooom!

Bon Jovi or Beethoven?
Beethoven had so much talent! Too bad we have NOBODY LIKE HIM now.

Mariah Carey or Mick Jagger?
Help me! Somebody help me! I'm being attacked! NO NO! Arrgh! Mariah Carey is coming after me with a Unicorn and Mick Jagger looks scary! Ian Van Dahl, you're my only salvation!

Comedy or thriller?
COMEDY! But I can do thriller better...

Action or horror?
Action! But I can do horror better...

Meat or Veg?
Veggie! But I CAN'T do meat ever...

And finally, your number one rule in life?
Different = survival
elm, i dont know how you do it but you manage to be extremely interesting every time you post. i cant even imagine how much fun you are in person if this is how worthwhile you make the time it takes to read your posts....which is just text.

in any event, farmer you say? that is really cool. i have the utmost respect for people that work in agriculture as my family comes from a rural background (tho im a city-slick myself).

Rock on Elm. I missed this one. Sorry for that.

Imagine Mick Jagger on a Unicorn riding over Mariah Carey. That always helps me sleep.
Thanks, Elm.

There is an '09 R1?

Oh yeah...the 2009 R1. Right now, it's a fast bucket of rumours with the heaviest one being the rear swingarm.

There is a REALLY HIGH chance the 2009 R1 will have a SINGLE SIDED swingarm like this:


I've heard of this style before, but there were more problems than bonuses with it. You see, you need a more rigid alloy to hold that rear tire on one side, so the swingarm is usually heavier or clumsy in design. Single sided swingarms were abandoned by Ducati a while ago, yet YAMAHA thinks they can bring it back.

These are only rumours though.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot...THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE!! I'm so happy.
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that is such a perfect motorcycle


ooh is that a quad exhaust? wow just gets better and better aesthetically. whats new internally?
huh, interesting (swingarm). Nice lookin bike.....I like it!

EDIT: Elm, so if you don't have an FZ6, then what bike do you have?
huh, interesting (swingarm). Nice lookin bike.....I like it!

EDIT: Elm, so if you don't have an FZ6, then what bike do you have?

Ha ha ha ha!!

Whooo hoo hooh ho hohohoho hoooooo!

I don't think you'll believe me if I told you. Let's just say, it's a Kawasaki Ninja like the one you've got...only a little bigger.

Actually, that's a lie. I don't own it. Raid's got the FZ6 and the Iridium Terrorist has got the...surprise. Honestly, THAT is no fair fight. I get to ride on the back of their bikes every now and again. Sometimes, I take them for a ride while they're asleep! (Don't tell them though!!)

I've got an idea!! Why don't you wait for a little while? I promise to have a little present in the near future? Trust me, you're going to LOVE IT!!

Our secret, until then.
So Elm, all kidding aside, if that is possible, what motorcycle make and model do you currently own and ride on your own? I wouldn't actually care if you spent your entire 2 wheeled life as a pillion. It would however be nice to know what you do own and ride if you do.
Elm that is a great interview, you are funny and smart. Two of my favorite qualities. And that R1 is SWEET!

So I wonder when this Christmas party is going to happen...
Good 'ole Elm! I always get a smile whenever I read your posts! I love your spirit! :thumbup:
That "R1" (which actually looks to me like an R7) is a major photochop....great find and thanks for posting the picture cause I love it!

R7: Yamaha YZF-R7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Photo chop because --

MV pipes

MV mirrors

R6 front fairing

Ohlins suspenders

Ducati (march) rear-wheel and supposedly swing-arm

FWIW, Ducati still uses single-sided swingarms and so do many other companies including HONDA. They look great and make wheel/tire changing very easy.

So has anyone heard anything about Yamaha selling a 750 like Suzuki? Sorry for the thread jack but Elm brought it up :D