F Atlanta Traffic!!!!


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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Seriously 2hrs to go 40miles WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A hour and a half of that was literally stop and go so it was, ---- rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake,rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake,rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost could make me want to drive my tank...... Naaaa......well, maybe....nope no way.....well I don't know.....6-10mpg in that beast though.....yeah well it is a automatic.......SIX TO TEN MPG!!!!......I herd you the first time.....If you herd me the 1st time then why are we, I mean I having this conversation with myself....I don't know why are you asking me?.?.?.?.?.?

We feel better, I mean I feel better now that I got that off my chest....see traffic does make people crazy....
I know how you feel. Here in new jersey it is just as bad I287 is bumper to bumper 4:30 to 6pm
Seriously 2hrs to go 40miles WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A hour and a half of that was literally stop and go so it was, ---- rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake,rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake,rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, rev, clutch, brake, AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost could make me want to drive my tank...... Naaaa......well, maybe....nope no way.....well I don't know.....6-10mpg in that beast though.....yeah well it is a automatic.......SIX TO TEN MPG!!!!......I herd you the first time.....If you herd me the 1st time then why are we, I mean I having this conversation with myself....I don't know why are you asking me?.?.?.?.?.?
We feel better, I mean I feel better now that I got that off my chest....see traffic does make people crazy....

Thanks Man! I LOLed! No lane splitting/filtering? WTF?!
Thanks Man! I LOLed! No lane splitting/filtering? WTF?!

Man how I wish I could, the legality of it wouldn't stop me from doing it but everyone in Atlanta thinks they are a cop when it comes to traffic and people trying to find ways around it, wether it be from lane splitting and a car cutting you off or even trying to use the shoulder, I saw a dump truck literally run a cop car into the guardrail one time when the cop was trying to go around traffic
you should have seen i75 south by Chastain last night......parking lot!
BUT the 30+ cop cars on that side of the road meant none on my side of the road :) saw some guys that were thinkin the same thing and got BLOWN by some camaro and a gsxr
Even though it's not legal, I don't think I would have had the patience. I would have split. I've done it in Vegas a few times and realized that I could have gotten a ticket, a risk I was willing to take. I wouldn't call myself an expert in splitting but have done it enough in Cali that I was comfortable enough to do it.
Man, that brought back memories of driving from Alameda to San Fran airport across the Bay Bridge.....:eek:
Seriously 2hrs to go 40miles WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My commute is 6.2 miles and once took me over 2 hours. I literally could have walked as fast. It's over an hour 2-3 times per month.

In the bright side, you may be able to get a second job crushing rocks with your left hand. :)
I got caught on Cross Rd, here in Adelaide, the other day. Took me nearly an hour to do maybe 6mi?

Thankfully there are other ways to go - and even more thankfully, I leave for work at 0415 so can ride the 40mi to work unmolested (and home again after 1830, so peak hour has come and gone) - but on a hot day, with full gear, stuck on one road for an hour almost made me want to stop so I could get enough speed to have some effect when I lost it and rammed the bus in front of me....

Slitting your wrists with a piece of A4 paper wold have been preferable!

I haven't ever had to ride in Houston traffic, but I hit Atlanta rush hour last Fall. I rode to Atlanta for my buddies wedding; I didn't plan my arrival time very well and had to ride right past downtown and out the other side at rush hour. It was a madhouse. People were weaving in and out of lanes like it was some kind of Nascar race. I don't think I've ever had to drive so defensively in my life.
Drove about 50 miles round trip in San Diego, CA, before for a few years. It wasn't that bad actually. Plenty of freeways with plenty of lanes to move people efficiently. When I moved to the Austin, TX, area I couldn't believe how bad traffic was and how inconsiderate the drivers were. The infrastructure is horrible. Used to it now and avoid it whenever possible. I take back roads. Check traffic on Google maps before I go.

Like mentioned before it's like NASCAR with the weaving, trying to get ahead and not letting anyone in front of you (like it's the difference between a 1st and 2nd place finish). Seems more often now I'm behind a car and smell the pot being smoked. Typical Austin.

Of course if you're stuck in traffic you're also part of the problem.
I know how you feel. Here in new jersey it is just as bad I287 is bumper to bumper 4:30 to 6pm

Haha dude, I know how you feel. You couldn't pay me to take I-287 on the bike. It is ridiculous at rush hour. I go miles out of my way to avoid that crush. Actually just driving in New Jersey gives you a fresh perspective. I lived in Ohio till a couple of years back and laugh at myself for ever complaining about that "stressful" Cincinnati traffic. Man I was so spoiled.
I've never seen jersey traffic but I have seen la traffic and dc traffic, and all three Atlanta included are about the same IMHO. I spent a couple of months working in downtown Charlotte and listening to people complain about their "rush hour" is a joke!!!! Their rush hour is like downtown Atlanta at 3am Sunday morning lol

Talking about Couldn't be paid enough to drive in traffic like that, I've pretty much grown up and learned to drive in it so I'm used to +or- 1hr commutes regularly, but if there is any sort of hiccup on the interstates everything shuts down in about 30min in a 50mile radius of the accident,stall or whatever. And when I say everything I mean everything, highways get backed up, surface streets, back roads, sidewalks, he'll even the line at the McDonald's lol
My wife was visiting her dad in Blue Ridge (in north Georgia) one day. Her route home was I-575 to I-75 to I-285 to I-85 up to Lawrenceville. When she was leaving to come back home she stopped in a store up there for an apple pie. She asked the lady behind the counter what time it was because she didn't want to get caught in rush hour traffic. The lady looked at her like a deer caught in the headlights, like "What's traffic???". Jean told her she had to go around Atlanta, so the lady told her she was sorry :)

Traffic around here is terrible, but like Chevy, I grew up with it so it's pretty much expected. I've never lived anywhere else to compare Atlanta traffic to. My 22 mile commute usually takes about 45 minutes. Oh well, it could be worse, I could have not have a bad ass FZ6 to get me though!!
The traffic between the bridges is bumper to bumper. The Verrazano is roughly seven miles from the Goethals. It's bumper to bumper from one toll plaza to the other during rush hour. I have to split the lanes or I'd go crazy.

I figure if I were ever stopped, I'd be honest and hope the cop would understand.

In bumper to bumper traffic the cop would have a heck of a time catching you. Assuming there was no air coverage that is.
I do feel for you Atlanta guys as I have 2 cousins who live just North of ATL but DC traffic is much worse! DC and the surrounding commuting counties of Northern VA and MD are consistently ranked in the top 2 worst commutes in the country right behind southern CA. Commuting to, from or around DC anytime from 5a-11a or 3p-9p is a nightmare. If you have a 20 mile commute you generally need 1-1.5 hours assuming NO ACCIDENTS!, believe me I have to drive around that mess several times a month and often drive 50 miles out of the way just to miss DC! :spank:

50 Worst Commutes: America's Highways to Hell - The Daily Beast
I-285 ATL comes in at #21
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