Farewell Forum


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Well, the time has come. I ship out for basic training for the Army on Monday. :rockon: Pretty excited to go, but is was a bit depressing getting the bike ready for storage so early in the riding season. My training is going to be quite lengthy, so I am not too sure when I will be reunited with my bike. However, as soon as it becomes feasible to have it again, I am coming back for it! I definitely look forward to that day. Hopefully the forum will still be here when I get back! I have gotten lots of good advice here and had lots of questions answered. Excellent forum with lots of friendly people. Glad to be part of it. Hopefully I will be back soon.
Take care of yourself and know that there's alot of us that appreciate your service. :thumbup:
Good luck with basic! Try to remember everything you learn, it will save your life one day! Mine did. Fair winds and following seas, friend.
Stay Safe, have some fun, and we'll be here when you return :hug:

And if by chance you find yourself at Ft.Carson, CO. let me know
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Thanks for wanting to serve our great country! Be sure to follow your instructors instructions on how to aim and fire your rifle, it will not be like firing a hunting rifle. Breathe slowly and steady, firm pull of the trigger, not a jerky pull. Another advice I can give you is drink plenty of water, and don't ever, I repeat ever bring food back to your barracks.
Ship your bike to me, I'll never let the gas get stale.

Seriously, thanks for your service. Good luck on a new chapter in your life. Your bike friends will still be here in one form or another when you get back.:america:
No reason to say good bye to the forum. Stay in touch and at least you have something to look forward to when you get back.

Thanks for your service, it's people like you that helps keep this country going. Stay safe.
Congrats! You'll do fine. Just remember in basic USA will attempt to throws a lot stress/anxiety at you letting you know you can take it. The other item is you'll become part of a group. People having problems have trouble becoming part of a group. You'll be OK.

Good luck. Good fortune.
Once you're done with boot, you'll start to be able to come up for air on a more regular basis. You should have access to the 'net at some point.... stop in when you can, and know we're all thinking positive thoughts for you.

Four very simple rules for doing well in the military:

1) Show up on time
2) Wear the right uniform
3) Do your job
4) Don't mouth off at the boss.

Thanks for your service. We're all here, because of all of those who have gone before, doing what you are doing.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and the advice. My co-workers gave me a really nice unexpected send off too. I am definitely looking forward to everything and I will be sure to report back after basic! :america:
Well, the time has come. I ship out for basic training for the Army on Monday. :rockon: Pretty excited to go, but is was a bit depressing getting the bike ready for storage so early in the riding season. My training is going to be quite lengthy, so I am not too sure when I will be reunited with my bike. However, as soon as it becomes feasible to have it again, I am coming back for it! I definitely look forward to that day. Hopefully the forum will still be here when I get back! I have gotten lots of good advice here and had lots of questions answered. Excellent forum with lots of friendly people. Glad to be part of it. Hopefully I will be back soon.
Good luck,
Listen to your Sargent and you will be fine.
