find yourself


stealth browser
Oct 31, 2007
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This thread is simple, just like its creator. Google Image search your own name and find someone who probably had a more interesting life than yours, or something completely random or wrong.


I found pictures of my great grandfather, my grandfather and my father. None of me. (We all have the same name.)
i have the same exact name of a pianist & electro-acoustic music composer living in New York..he has concerts and all...well he was born 6 yrs before me so i guess i cant argue about my name rights :D
Wow. First hit was a heavy-metal band in Tacoma (ironic as I'm a musician too)

Second hit was a professional wrestler (ironic as I look mahvelous in a bikini) (<== he's lying)

Third hit was a diary of "Botch the Crab". Let's not go there, m'kay? :D
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I gave up after the first hit...if this was the best with my name, it was all downhill from here:


He's a Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, West Virginia University. Ironic, really, as my wife just called me "nuts" today over my renewed bike hobby. ...:Sport:
When searching my last name I found a grave stone first... kinda wierd

Then a couple fat bike riders, a few football players, then a black body builder...interesting.

What does it all mean...? lol

If you mean first and last name, I got five legitimate hits on google... 3 were about me and the other two were some clothing designer in NYC. Nobody on facebook or myspace has the same name as me. No images show up on google either. I think that qualifies my name as unique.
I got one horse, four dogs (none of them with the same name though) and some commercials which I have nothing to do with. wtf... :ban:
I searched for Stephen Lindley and look what came up. :Sport:

I do not know which one is me though. Probably the idiot hanging over the edge knowing my luck.
I typed in my name but came up with lots of criminals etc .... there's a theme here ;)

Tried again by typing JONAC and came up with this fella ...

Looks like he had an interesting life :) ... possibly ... erm .....


I bet he never rode an FZ6 !!!!

This was my random find !!


And this one was definatley wrong lol !!!

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