first ride: Ducati Streetfighter !!!


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2008
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North Bend ,Washington,USA
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So as my Signature notes I'am a Ducati owner as well as a yamaha owner .with that being said I have a good relationship with my dealer and I do Demo rides there quite a bit . So I went down today with and road the new Ducati Streetfighter ! so incase you do not know what the Streetfighter is . It's 1099cc and 155 horsepower and 368 pounds of fun (in S trim) . Being a twin the power is available from idle to redline and man alive is there a TON of it . The bike is also very comfortable to ride the position is very neutral and the bike turns very well and track though the corner nicely . I was talking to one of the sales guys and he got to ride the Streetfighter at a private track in Texas and he had very good things to say about it on track skills .here are some pics of the Steetfighter



Sweet bike, too bad it has the "screw a turtle" seating position.

I rode my first Monster the other day in a parking lot. Loved the low end torque but with bar risers it was still a bit forward for me. May need to ride it more, it belongs to a friend who is 83 and rides Ducati!
I think it would be cool to have a GT1000s for a sleeper bike.
sometimes i just say im jealous as a punchline.


i am actually jealous, haha. one day ill have one too though.....then we can be ducati-friends and look down our noses at everyone else.....

my god that is an amazing marvel of machinery. its not even machinery. its beyond.

it is an epic motorcycle. that is for sure.
thats for sure I really don't know how people can ride these things every day that bike is an animal . the horse power is so ready at any RPM I was riding behind a freind of mine he was on the Streetfighter and I was on the 1100s monster and we came on to the freeway at around 75 or 80 and with out much trouble he lifted the front wheel and ran a nice wheelie out for at least 100 yards at 80 MPH
I don't much care for the look of that headlight. The way it pokes out forward at an angle looks weird to me, although lots of our FZ6 nakeds have that same look, as do many other nakeds. Is that just a style, or does it have a function? It seems like it might push a little wind upward, but hard to imagine it really doing much of anything aerodynamically.
A simple round headlight always looks good on a motorcycle. Just like blue jeans - looked good 100 years ago, looks good now, will look good in another 100 year.