First time Pillion


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Sep 2, 2007
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Took the wife on the back of the bike for the first time this weekend. She was very nervous at first but then got into it. She didnt feel very comfortable holding the grab rails, but our helmets kept crashing when she held on to me. She was very good at leaning with me and at no time did i feel unsafe, which was good! Just stayed on local roads that i know really well and didn't go over 100kph. When we got off, she told me that she loved it. She loved the feeling of being closer to the surroundings and being able to smell everything. She had all my gear on, so now we have to get her her own. Wait till you see, give it a year and she'll be looking to get a bike! laugh.gif

Also I also upped the preload on the back to max which made a bit of a difference, but the bike still felt a bit overloaded. It does say on the swingarm to put the front and rear tyre pressures up from 33 and 36 to 36 and 42 respectively, but that seemed very high to me. Anyone got any recommendations!

Hi Mate,
My missus was exactly the same as yours. She hasn't decided to get a bike though. Im glad you both enjoyed it. I found that increasing the tyre pressures worked to a point. I guess its just a new feeling that you have to get used to. The upside to having the wife on the back was it increased our travel options. It's so much easier to get into town on the bike than to take the car.

I've been trying to get the GF to get into riding for a year now. I even kept the old suzuki because it was a great beginner bike. She says she'd rather take the course before riding, but she's going to wait till school is done so she'll have more time. I would like to take the next rider course that goes over riding with a passenger before I take her along. :thumbup:
Mine loves to ride on the back, she wont use the grab rails only holds on to me. She has asked for a back rest and more comfy seat, after looking into the corbins have decided way too expensive, and will have to put up with whats here.
My wife has enjoyed the times we went out on the bike together. I go max tire pressure and up the preload to 5... haven't experimented with anything else though. We like going off to some small town and walk around window shopping...
one day you could end up like me!!! I got tired of my wifes helmet turtle f-ing me and she got tired of me pulling 1st and 2nd gear wheelies so she got her own bike!!!
did I mention life is good!!! (LOL):Sport:
Hi All

Took the wife on the back of the bike for the first time this weekend. She was very nervous at first but then got into it. She didnt feel very comfortable holding the grab rails, but our helmets kept crashing when she held on to me. She was very good at leaning with me and at no time did i feel unsafe, which was good! Just stayed on local roads that i know really well and didn't go over 100kph. When we got off, she told me that she loved it. She loved the feeling of being closer to the surroundings and being able to smell everything. She had all my gear on, so now we have to get her her own. Wait till you see, give it a year and she'll be looking to get a bike! laugh.gif

Also I also upped the preload on the back to max which made a bit of a difference, but the bike still felt a bit overloaded. It does say on the swingarm to put the front and rear tyre pressures up from 33 and 36 to 36 and 42 respectively, but that seemed very high to me. Anyone got any recommendations!


I've had a very similar experience with my wife. She loves it. We try to go riding every weekend now. It's hard with a 9mo old but we can usually get her parents to watch him.

So where did we get on the suspension setup? I haven't made any mods yet (even tyre pressure) and the bike wallows all over the road. I'm 95Kg and my wife is 67kg. Presumably I should adjust the pre-load to the max setting and change the tyre pressures before we ride out. Anything else to consider? Is there a pre-load chart anywhere that shows pre-load settings for various weights?

I also noticed today that the tyre pressure sticker on my swing arm says, "max weight 95kg". Surely not.
Tire pressure plays a big part in how that bike rides and handles. I don't like the way my FZ6 handles when the pressures get below 34PSI and it's easy to tell they are down there because it handles like a truck. While solo I like the front at or near 38 and the rear at or near 40. Adding an additional 120 to 140 pounds to the rear I think I would be 40/42 as I don't want the bike to get that mushy feeling at all. I also agree with stacking up the mono-shock.
Strange how many people dont like the grabs my girl's the same. Only had her on the back once but she enjoyed it, me? nervous as hell didn't want to put her of (physically or mentally?