Forum Colors

Re: New site color scheme

I think you have the best intentions Max, but, I look at it as if you are trying to change our "school" colors.......just my 02.
I would have to vote no.
Re: New site color scheme

these are just options even if we got a few people could still use the one they are using now its al choice theres no reason to be against this it donates to the forum and in the end you dont have to change a thing if you dont want to
Re: New site color scheme

I notice you have a PIAA horn. Is it the sport horn with the two horns? I was wondering where you mounted them? I can't figure out where to mount mine.

I will donate $5.00. How do you go about donating? I'm still a newbee.
Re: New site color scheme

I think you have the best intentions Max, but, I look at it as if you are trying to change our \"school\" colors.......just my 02.
I would have to vote no.

i hear ya, but to be honest, i wasnt the one who suggested it, there is a whole other thread going on about it. search it. I just figured instead of talking about it, lets just do it. if you like yoru school colors, dont donate and dont change em. this is for people who cant see them very well, or people who just like to change it up. :thumbup:
Re: New site color scheme

I notice you have a PIAA horn. Is it the sport horn with the two horns? I was wondering where you mounted them? I can't figure out where to mount mine.

I will donate $5.00. How do you go about donating? I'm still a newbee.

this is just the single, to be honest i have not even opened it yet.. hehe :eek:
Re: New site color scheme

The reason for the OPTIONAL change would be to help people that this color scheme causes eye pain for. I am one of those people.
It would be a user selectable option. It would not change the main board unless the user selects it.
black with yellow text is very easy on the eyes.

Steve, I knew it was an optional thing, no worries there at all brother.

I'm thinking that perhaps this thread could have been presented differently -- perhaps it's a matter of salesmanship or presentation. Maybe we might have done well to have had a poll seeking to find out how many among us have diagnosed visual issues that may require a difference in color or contrast. Or a poll regarding color scheme preference, with a few options presented via thumbnail.

I know that there are folks with red/blue and other color-blindness issues. I know that, personally, I won't spend a great deal of time reading a longer article on-line if I can print it out. But that usually has to do with wanting to make notes. For me, on a site such as this, the old standby of black on white is all that I need. And the current option of a little blue or more blue around the edges is sufficient.

Anyhow, I'm not opposed to accommodating folks who've got a clearly defined special need. I just wouldn't get too excited about paying (again, I know it's an optional donation kinda gig) for more simply because it offers "more." More is not always better.

I was gonna suggest that if the forum wants to spend money on code, kick a few bucks over to the guy who mashed up the google site search. That is sweetness that everybody can benefit from and use.

As a software usability guy, I'm always interested in the results of such questions.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Re: New site color scheme

My eyes hurt too, no matter the settings of the monitor. If I were to choose from the ones provided, I'd go for the underground or red alert too.
You have come on here with 25 posts and you want to change the site already.

Its a bit like riding with a bike gang....find your wheels before you start suggesting drastic changes and work for other people.

If its too bright either alter your monitor or wear shades.


Totaly man. totaly feel ya. 25 post. didnt realize that i had that little. I usually don't post here because i dont have much to say. I post a bit over @ sbn but dont usually browse the threads here cuz the 2 options are a bit much on my eyes.

FYI - when i was 15 my cousin took a golf club and "golf"ed a tennis ball into my left eye ball. wont go into the logistics, but it happened. it pushed my eyeball back into the socket and coinsidently a dis-liking of highly bright light. in my other eye at age 25 i was working for a chemcial company and go a bit of consentrated restaurant sanitizer in it. ie concentrated quat-ammonia. so, dont really like bright lights in the other eye either.

so.. unfotunetly there are only 2 color options here and they are both bright. sunglasses are just silly indoors.

as for my newbieness.. hey, you called it. but im sure nobody really cares.
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Re: New site color scheme

i just dont get it... if you are willing to put up $5 to get some new colors, then lets do it. people who arnt.. dont. people who have donated in the past, dont feel guilty if your not gonna chip in, you have already done your part. Im just saying to the people who have not donated yet. (myself included) now is the time to chip in, and we get a little bonus out of it too.. pretty simple... :thumbup:
Re: New site color scheme

To each their own is just the North American way. Why should anyone get their undies bunched up over someone else having an optional color choice.

I haven't made a monetary contribution to the site yet, but would be more than willing to help sproose it up a bit

I like the colour scheme as it is. Don't mind changes though as long as we don't have any red text on black background or vice-versa or I won't be able to see it!

Same here, the red on black just doesn't work with my laser goggles.
Re: New site color scheme

i think once we get into December im just going to do ye olde elite member deal
hey dude, i feel ya, i started this thread up to see if anyone else has some interest too.

hey man.. I love the grass roots effort (me spending a good amount of time in vt to prove it).. but im serious. what is it going to take and lets do it. I love the options idea. if you like the site the way it is, more power to you. it blows that i have eye troubles and have to veiw the site in a more dimmer manner. just wouldnt mind having another color option.

Admin - love what you have done here. wouldn't be here if i didn't. let me know how to give you guys some cash and I'll cough it up for a new color.
Hey man, you got no worries. As far as I have been able to tell there is no member has been here longer so they get to be a d i c clause anywhere in the rules. Maybe I over looked it. LOL

Enjoy the site.

I have a cataract in my left eye and the bright back ground causes eyestrain for me as well.
Re: New site color scheme

We will not change the site color scheme. It will stay the same..

But we can have multiple themes that can be selected.. We currently have two.. ( Look at the site lower LH corner to select). So any we add will be available there... it will remember your choice and for you that will be the site theme.... Check out the blue theme we currently have aside from this one..
could a admin person please get back to me to let me know how to go about paying you guys or buying the formate myself and sending it to you. I have been waiting to hear for 2 days and really want to get on this whole new color thing. thanks.