Forum Colors


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Shelburne, VT
Visit site
sooo.. I think it would be nice if there were a few more options for color for this site. I mean, i no absolutly nothing abouyt the costs associated with running a site like this. maybe it costs money for new colors. not sure??? and maybe if i had a subscription it would be available. but..

I would really like a site setup that is a bit darker in color. I have eye troubles that i wont go into (unless you really want to know) but the color of this forum is bright blue. I would much rather have a black/dark color setup but i do not know how that is done. anyone??
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I am fairly sure the only one with that power is Admin so maybe if you PM him he could help. We have not been at this color scheme for very long so I doubt he wants to make the changes but you could always ask.
hey Im up for the chalange of creating a color scheem.. time on my hands boy.. just point me to the directions on how to do it and i'll get on it..
I have 2 choices of color, but I'm not sure if that is because I am premium. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, on the left hand side there is "blue" or "mns7" not sure if that will make enough of a difference, but you can try!
I had never noticed that Steph. But it is not a premium meber option as I have it also. I don't really think it will help the O.P. but it never hurts to try! Thanks.
i looked into it.. the admin must do the work on this one. please please please.. my eyes are burnin!!!

You have come on here with 25 posts and you want to change the site already.

Its a bit like riding with a bike gang....find your wheels before you start suggesting drastic changes and work for other people.

If its too bright either alter your monitor or wear shades.

You have come on here with 25 posts and you want to change the site already.

Its a bit like riding with a bike gang....find your wheels before you start suggesting drastic changes and work for other people.

If its too bright either alter your monitor or wear shades.


Dude, what's with all the hostility? You said the same thing to another member in this thread. Are you just pissed off that you can't ride during the long Danish winter?

Ease up on the hatred button, this is supposed to be a friendly place.
You have come on here with 25 posts and you want to change the site already.

Its a bit like riding with a bike gang....find your wheels before you start suggesting drastic changes and work for other people.

If its too bright either alter your monitor or wear shades.


A new member shows interest in the site, expresses his willingness to help, and he gets this reply...Nice
Dude, what's with all the hostility? You said the same thing to another member in this thread. Are you just pissed off that you can't ride during the long Danish winter?

Ease up on the hatred button, this is supposed to be a friendly place.

PLUS 1 here man.

Its no biggy to help someone out if something is bothering them.

Most boards have a multi color scheme. The color here bothers my eyes too. I would love a black background with a yellow letter or whiter leter. It would help me alot as well.

I guess its ok if I request it since I have been here since we started?
Chill man.
dude, i like the first one, "red alert" lets start a thread and raise some money, instead of this dude having to pay for all of us to get a new color, lets all toss $5 at it. Sh!t.. if we all put $5.. say 25 people do it...thats... 5.. 10... carry the 1... like $125. $35 goes to the new color, and $95 to the forum that we all use daily and should be helping out anyway... :innocent:

*cough cough* i mean, F you new guy, why should you make all the rules, ;)
dude, i like the first one, \"red alert\" lets start a thread and raise some money, instead of this dude having to pay for all of us to get a new color, lets all toss $5 at it. Sh!t.. if we all put $5.. say 25 people do it...thats... 5.. 10... carry the 1... like $125. $35 goes to the new color, and $95 to the forum that we all use daily and should be helping out anyway... :innocent:

*cough cough* i mean, F you new guy, why should you make all the rules, ;)

Count me in. Not that I don't like the color - I don't mind it at all - but would be willing to donate for the good cause.
dude, i like the first one, \"red alert\" lets start a thread and raise some money, instead of this dude having to pay for all of us to get a new color, lets all toss $5 at it. Sh!t.. if we all put $5.. say 25 people do it...thats... 5.. 10... carry the 1... like $125. $35 goes to the new color, and $95 to the forum that we all use daily and should be helping out anyway... :innocent:

*cough cough* i mean, F you new guy, why should you make all the rules, ;)

I am more than willing to help, but it would have to be after Christmas. Too many expenses right now to have any spare cash.
I am more than willing to help, but it would have to be after Christmas. Too many expenses right now to have any spare cash.

but its only $5, and look how much more you get! its only 5 $1!
but its only $5, and look how much more you get! its only 5 $1!

Instead of trying to embarrass someone into spending money they don't have, perhaps you should realize that there may be things going on in some peoples lives that you have no clue about.
I am not trying to be rude.
As I said, after Christmas I would be more than willing to help out.