Forum Software Upgrade.

Just lost 5000 VB experience points (level went from 83, back down to 72, and my activity award has dissapeared ) have sent PM to admin. So if anyone experiences this Admin (Dennis) is aware.


I to have lost expierience points and my level dropped aswell (couldnt tell you the exact amount though) but substansial :( , i did however manage to keep my activity award......
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I don't know if this is proper behavior, something I am doing or something this PC is doing...

but if I edit a post and then click \"Save\". It appears to update the post but doesn't redirect me to the revised post. If I manually refresh the page it has saved the revised changes though.

me too :confused:
Poor Dennis....he tries to do the right thing, and make the sight even better, and it all goes pear shaped.

One other thing, (it may be my end though???) if I do a \"Quick Reply\", after typing the post and hit \"Post Quick Reply\", it posts the reply, but sends me to a page that says \"before posting again you must wait 29 seconds.... I'll take a screen-shot to show you what I mean.


Edit...Added screenie.

I think that is in place to slow down the people who post too quickly. make people actually read and think before multi posting. Also it should cut down on duplicate posting.
I think that is in place to slow down the people who post too quickly. make people actually read and think before multi posting. Also it should cut down on duplicate posting.

Nah, it's a bug, same as the edit thing mentioned above, if you refresh the page, your post is there...

I dunno, just seems strange. It never used to do it.

Now there is this red eye looking thing in the middle of my screen.
My computer keeps telling me thats not very nice, and my name isnt Hal.

I woke up last night and it was watching me sleep.

One other thing, (it may be my end though???) if I do a \"Quick Reply\", after typing the post and hit \"Post Quick Reply\", it posts the reply, but sends me to a page that says \"before posting again you must wait 29 seconds.... I'll take a screen-shot to show you what I mean.


Edit...Added screenie.

+1 Same happens to me and by the looks of Nellys double posts he has the same problem :thumbup:

Edit that. The proplem seams to be sorted all ok when i posted this
well.. dunno if it is my work computer or not, but the bar that has the user cp, all albums, ect- that looks fine now. no text all over.. and yea, member numbers are gone and i still dont get how this rep power work anyways. but under my avatar it has all my thank info. i dont recall that being there before.. but im sure the admin will get to all of it.
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This could be just be just me (Im using Firefox 3.0.5), BUT:

When I edit a post, and afterwards press save, the post is saved, but it remains in edit mode.
Before the upgrade it would return to normal "View mode".
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This could be just be just me (Im using Firefox 3.0.5), BUT:

When I edit a post, and afterwards press save, the post is saved, but it remains in edit mode.
Before the upgrade it would return to normal \"View mode\".

+1 and I am using IE.

heres a funny one..i won 1465696 credits the other night on roulette (im now second in the roulette top winners) but today i noticed i only got 521947..500000 of which ive banked just now
Looks like the Quick reply issue is fixed. I had to revert a few templates... This upgrade has a number of template changes and my customomized ones will have to be updated manually...