Friends who wreck your bike.

I don't really let other people ride/drive my stuff. I'm more generous with the cages, where if I don't feel like driving, I will let a friend or my girlfriend drive, but I'm in the car. I've never let anyone else on my bike other than the service guys when they take it in back and bring it back up front, but that's something they do all of the time. I'd probably let my best friend ride my bike if he would ever ride his and get some more experience, but I would be following him on his. He will let me ride his because 1) the bike used to be mine and 2) I taught him how to ride. I'd let my dad drive or ride anything of mine because he's endorsed and has more experience I'll ever have until I'm his age, and I trust him.

Hope everything works out with your friend and just make sure you don't let it ruin your friendship. Don't make them feel like they owe you once they pay you for it. Good luck!
As a rule I really never let anybody ride my bikes due to a whoops and its crashed. I seen too many friends wreck other peoples bikes and then bail on the repairs. I hate riding the Wifes Fz6 due to if I wreck it I know it will crush her ( she loves the bike ) and I do not want that on me. I hope everything works out well for you.
Agree....we all know how much we love our toy but again we shouldnt compare toy with person..
And that s why I never borrow or test ride my buddy bike.
I feel your pain looking at the bike and wont be able to ride...but just for awhile..take care...:rockon:

You made the choice to let him ride it.
Be relieved he was not hurt or worse- killed on your bike.
I know you are bummed (I would be) but remember it is only a piece of metal, he is a human and your friend.
Stuff hapens, that's why you pay the insurance. Could have been much worse.
when i first got my bike i took it to work and my boss comes out and says, 'aw nice i'll ride that thing!. i know how to do it, i rode my friend's ducatti last week in sandals!'. i didn't know where to begin there, so i 'laughed' it off and ignored him. he's not even allowed to look at it now.
when i first got my bike i took it to work and my boss comes out and says, 'aw nice i'll ride that thing!. i know how to do it, i rode my friend's ducatti last week in sandals!'. i didn't know where to begin there, so i 'laughed' it off and ignored him. he's not even allowed to look at it now.

That was a good one. Made me chuckle :thumbup:
I let my friend ride it out of my underground parking garage and through my condo parking lot so I could hear the new Two Bros pipes. I'd trust him to ride it, but would rather avoid it.

I rode his bike about 10 years ago not knowing what the hell I was doing. I dumped it going too slow on a left turn from a stop sign. He was mad like a best friend would be mad. I paid for the damage no questions asked and he's still my best friend going on 17 years. I didn't find out until several years later that it was actually a GSX-R 750, and he was about to sell it. I could have done much worse than a low speed drop. Phew!
Man that sucks, I'd never let anyone ride my bike. I've dumped too much time an money into it to have it totalled.

$3k sounds extremly steep from what I see. A new cowling, spedo, headlights, windshield, inner fairing plastics, mirrors, and front stay(which you many not even need) wouldn't cost more than ~$1.1k. I wouldn't even worry about the scratches on the engine cover. You could grind them smooth and paint over them if you really wanted to I guess. But I guess all that "labor" of unbolting and rebolting the fairing is what is goin to cost you if you take it to a shop. If there is nothing wrong mechanically I'd highly suggest you do your own repairs.
Man that sucks, I'd never let anyone ride my bike. I've dumped too much time an money into it to have it totalled.

$3k sounds extremly steep from what I see. A new cowling, spedo, headlights, windshield, inner fairing plastics, mirrors, and front stay(which you many not even need) wouldn't cost more than ~$1.1k. I wouldn't even worry about the scratches on the engine cover. You could grind them smooth and paint over them if you really wanted to I guess. But I guess all that "labor" of unbolting and rebolting the fairing is what is goin to cost you if you take it to a shop. If there is nothing wrong mechanically I'd highly suggest you do your own repairs.

Looked like the engine cover had a crack/hole in the middle of it.
Let me start by saying that once upon a time I was the friend (cousin actually) that wrecked the bike. I asked to try it, and after some basic instruction was allowed to drive off down the road. Three shifts later I was feeling confident. I stopped at a crossing and tried to take off again, popped the clutch and lurched the bike out from under myself. Dumb!!

SO I had to drive his bike back, break the bad news and introduce him to the new scratches all over his baby. He was pretty crushed. Of course I paid for the repairs and in the end he used the repair money to trade up the bike.

We laugh about it now and 14 years later I finally plucked up the courage to buy my own bike having put this bad first experience behind me. I asked him to drive my new bike home for me the day I bought it because I still did not have the necessary experience.

It was irresponsible of him then, and would be irresponsible of me now, to allow anyone that did not possess the known skill, license, and proper safety gear to ride my bike. Even then, stuff happens. Ultimately the responsibility falls with the the owner of the vehicle. I could not handle the guilt if someone was to hurt themselves on my bike because I allowed it. Repair cost and broken hearts don't even enter into the discussion.
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Serious bummer. I'm really glad your friend didn't get hurt and hope that things ultimately get sorted and he remains your friend.

My rule is this: I tell 'em "big boy rules apply" = if it comes back in ANY state other than that which you leave, you just bought it. Usually, they change their mind about riding. Same goes for any of my stuff. Sure, I'll loan you the flash from my slr, but you muck up any part of it, no matter how small, I'm gettin' a new one.

Again, all the best getting it sorted out. $3k sounds about right given the photos. That's assuming that a dealership does the work of putting it back together.
i'm sure its already been said,

if it were me, i'd go the insurance route. Save your friend the massive finantial pain of it all (ok ok he deserves it...but none the less....thats what insurance is for) Get your friend to pay for your insurance when you renew next time or simply the extra loading they'll put onto it for your claim...maybe get him to pay it each year until it comes back to normal again.

That's what I would do. I dont like asking friends for money even if they messed up...its a win win situation if you go via your insurance.
That sucks man. Get rid of the plastics and go naked. Save him some money, get a cooler bike. :thumbup:
My rule is this: I tell 'em "big boy rules apply" = if it comes back in ANY state other than that which you leave, you just bought it.

:D I say the same thing. No, you don't get to just fix it. It'll never be the same. You get to keep it, and I get a new one.
This thread makes me think of the last time my wife's brother was visiting. I am not an expert rider, but have been riding street bikes for 44 years. I have even raced some when I was a teen. My wife has ten years of riding under her belt. Well, her brother's riding experience is riding his friends bike for one month. As he was walking through our garage, he stopped and looked at our bikes, turned and said, "next time I'm here I will ride your bikes and show you how you can do some fancy stuff on them". :jawdrop:
My wife and I looked at each other and could tell we were thinking the same thing. He just got as close to our motorcycles as we will ever let him get!!!!