fz6 bikes


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2010
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bethlehem pa
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i will never buy a fz6 again they have the weakest frame ever i laid it down at 20 and the frame is bent good bye 3100 bucks
i will never buy a fz6 again they have the weakest frame ever i laid it down at 20 and the frame is bent good bye 3100 bucks

Sounds like bad luck, i have highsided an FZ6 at 140km/h, and ridden one into the back of a 4WD at abnout 70km/h, and both times, the frame as been fine....sub frame a little twisted maybe, which can be easily straightened, but other than that, main frame was fine.

Although, it does not take very much damage to write a frame off, on any modern bike, especially the cast frames....

Have you got any pictures??? Is it an insurance write off?
here's a thought: don't lay it down at 20, or even stopped.................ever:thumbup:
was in a turn and hit sinders and the bike slided out from underneath me could not do much. the guy from rider came out and looked at it and said the frame is bent but i looked at it i dont see it bent at all. and i rode it home after that and it rode fine but they say it is totaled. i will try to get pic up
Glad to hear you're ok...

That being said... Are there any bikes out there that have a reputation for being able to withstand an accident better than the FZ6??

I don't know how interested I'd be if a tagline said...

"Our Ducatis are so strong that the frame wont bend no matter how hard you dump em"
I've been going to the auctions lately, looking at repairable write-offs for a possible track bike. Believe me, a lot of the bikes are not structurally damaged - it's fairings/mirrors etc only.

They seem to write bikes off pretty easily.

Is it insured? If so, how much for.
yeah that what this is but hey if they give me like 3100 for the bike i be happy if not there is going to be a big problem
the frame most likely is not bent, but as far as insurance is concerned, the bike has to be repaired to the same condition it was before the incident. In your case, that would mean replacing the frame due to the scratches and gouges.

I see this usually 10 times a year in the service department. (not FZ6's but bikes in general)
yeah that what this is but hey if they give me like 3100 for the bike i be happy if not there is going to be a big problem i am going back to the older bikes i will gladly take more weight then speed nothing like thowing money out the window
I rode mine into a ditch, sideways at 45 MPH..... hard enough for me to break 3 ribs, and tear up my shoulder. After I rode it home (another 20+ miles, thank you Mr. Shock) and parked it it was still sitting there when I got home from the hospital.

New fairing parts, and I was back on the road.

Your sliders should have prevented any damage to the frame. None of the images show that slider being bent out of line....... so where is the ins guy saying the dents or bends are?

Insurance companies will total a bike with ANY sort of dent in an aluminum frame. Aluminum is more brittle than steel, and doesn't show subsurface cracks for beans. It can look perfectly okay, but still fail later..... they do the better safe than sorry thing frequently.

$3100? Is that the diff between the payoff and the 'total' price the ins co is offering you?
In my opinion it was your frame slider which bent the frame, as they have been known to do that.

Or they can completely destroy your frame by taking a chunk out when they brake off. Not sure if the frame braking helped me not get as hurt, but it took a big shock that my leg and hip didn't take. I'm still deciding whether or not to get sliders for my current bike. Probably will though.

This totaled my bike out, mainly due to the frame.
That does seem like a lot of damage for such a slow crash. I'm gonna seem like a scavenger :ban: but I might be interested in taking the scorps off your hands if they made it through ok. Glad you are ok though!
I am also in the group that has totaled an FZ. I highsided mine into a ditch at 50+ mph and broke my collar bone, the fairing was gone and the bars were bent but i still rode it after i got home from the hospital and it was fine....the ins co wrote it off because the frame has some road rash on it and said that it would have to be replaced, but it was still straight, so if yours is bent then i feel it was prob a freak thing just bc so many others have dumped their FZ's and the frames came out ok. just my .02
Agreed about the sliders

I agree with the previous posters that if there's a "bend" in the frame, it's likely caused by the sliders. And like the other poster said, any deep scratches might also be considers "frame damage", making it costly to return to original condition.

As a fellow FZ6 rider about thirty minutes from you, I hate to hear you give up on the bike. If they total it, you should be able to exercise the right to purchase the bike outright from them at a totaled price, and then you can rebuild it, but you're stuck with a "salvage" title. If you wanna sell some parts off of it, I'll buy your gauge cluster and harness. :)
Glad you're not totalled fella.

Any modern bike (Or any bike for that matter) is likely to be written off by an insurance company,simply because of the cost of OE parts.It's not just an FZ6 thing.

On the upside,if the insurance company do weigh you in and you get to keep the bike,you can build an awesome naked with the $ you get :thumbup:

If the frame is just abit scratched/gouged,then Access Composites do carbon/Kevlar or Carbon frame covers that are pretty cheap.


150 Euros.(Carbon/Kevlar)


172.50 Euros (Carbon)
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i will never buy a fz6 again they have the weakest frame ever i laid it down at 20 and the frame is bent good bye 3100 bucks

I know what you mean! I embedded a Honda into the front axle of a big truck at 60 mph and it bent the forks back against the engine and bent the frame! Sorry piece of crap!