FZ6-Forum T shirts

I just finished up my version. I used Max's FZ6 icon then changed it up a bit.


did anyone look into the legality of using the tuning forks?? the logo looks good but it has a lot going on and hurts my A.D.D.
a modified version of this would work for the back, and the simple fz6 logo on the front would look great

I agree. This as a large logo on the back would look nice. It's would be too small as a pocket logo. (Plus I don't really want people trying to read my boob!!) :rolleyes:
Just passing through with a thought for a front tee breast logo... About where the pocket would/could be?


This would be a good choice to make the faired and naked owners happy. Plus, having pics and not just the words (to keep ALL of us happy) would get people to ask about your bike! Needs to be larger than pocket size, though, so people can see it.
Good job, NH!! :thumbup:

i like this idea as well, but dont know about the detail aspect of it. We would need to edit the bikes, no way the screens would pick them up clean. Maybe the bike we had, then do a naked version of it.

Im no tsure about the circle around it. how bout we do KRID80s version of the "fz6" font and "fz6fourm" font.

and lets not forget people. This isnt the end all do all... if we get a bunch of these made up. i can always go back in a month or two and do a naked version just for those guys, "I ride my bike naked" and have a naked bike pictured or something. But lets focus on a full forum wide shirt for now.. see how it turns out, then go from there. :BLAA:
i like this idea as well, but dont know about the detail aspect of it. We would need to edit the bikes, no way the screens would pick them up clean. Maybe the bike we had, then do a naked version of it.

this information is correct. in screen printing, there will only be black or white with no shading. The actual pictures of the bikes will show up as a bike shaped spot when screened.

edit: and as far as the tuning fork, it doesn't really show much of it and besides. Yamaha truly has bigger fish to fry than to go after some of their biggest fans for making 20 shirts with a tuning fork on it.
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I just finished up my version. I used Max's FZ6 icon then changed it up a bit.


Like my opinion matters. I flunked art so anything anybody can produce wows me!

I'm not sure about the legality of using the forks, but IMHO they are kind of lost in the logo anyway.
Like my opinion matters. I flunked art so anything anybody can produce wows me!

I'm not sure about the legality of using the forks, but IMHO they are kind of lost in the logo anyway.

I would remove the tuning forks and put this logo on the back with a smaller logo on the front chest.
So here's my theory, and my offering...

1. The tuning forks are crucial. I donno why, but they just belong on a t-shirt like this.
2. Yamaha would have a p.r. nightmare if they brought the hammer down on us for using that logo for a limited run of shirts that support the largest online forum for one of their more popular bikes. These are being made so people can have a place online to talk about how much they love the product. Yamaha should make them for us.

Having said that, something relatively clean and easy to read looks better to me, but I do not have photoshop, just MS Paint, so I did the best I could... this would have to cleaned up a little more:

Do we have enough ideas for a poll? If we don't pull the proverbial out then we'll miss the riding season and the ability to show off our allegiance to FZ6-Forum.com

My suggestion would be Big logo on the back and small logo on the front left breast/chest.

I would go with the faired logo for the bike on the back, but an option for the back may be this.
I just finished up my version. I used Max's FZ6 icon then changed it up a bit.


i think we should roll with this, but take out the Y symbol. only reason being that you cant really see it cleanly.
Would it be possible to throw a belly pan on her to see what that looks like?
i think we should roll with this, but take out the Y symbol. only reason being that you cant really see it cleanly.
Would it be possible to throw a belly pan on her to see what that looks like?

When I first glanced at it, I thought the FZ was in front of a bio-hazard looking skull, with a spike coming out of it's head. Yeah...

Looks good, I'm fine with whatever...as long as it is a quality tee. I hate cheap, plasticly ones.

Back to work.
I'll take 2! So what about colors? Since my bike is the (much) faster (than blue) black colour I'd like either white print on a Black or Red tee :)
I'll take 2! So what about colors? Since my bike is the (much) faster (than blue) black colour I'd like either white print on a Black or Red tee :)
Personally im a fan of black shirt, with white design... anyone?

we would prolly have to keep all the same color to keep the same price...