FZ6-Forum T shirts

I would be on board with this, with the z more like Z than 2 as someone else stated. LoL i never noticed it till you pointed it out, now i cant not-notice it. haha

Here is what I kinda came up with...

Like? Dislike?

ok, thats right on there. I like that design best.

lets sort out the shirt quality/price thing and then make some shirts.
well the last thing we need to work out is the shirt color. Personally, i like black shirts with white graffix, but you guys let me know what you want. Majority rules.

... ill start a new thread later tonight or tomorrow with a poll for color and design.. but for now go ahead and throw a couple color combos at me...

black shirt white graffix?
White shirt black graffix?
Grey shirt black graffix?
Blue shirt white graffix?
I would buy either a black with white/blue/red graphics or a white with black/red/blue graphics. The bike would stay black on the white shirts and white on the black shirts. Im sure that would add to the cost have multiple colors though.
yeah, it would probably be easier to do one combo such as...

black shirt white graffix?
White shirt black graffix?
Grey shirt black graffix?
Blue shirt white graffix?
I'm in with the black shirt/white graphics and the white shirt/black graphics. So when do we order? Are the shirts a quality material? What's the cost?
I would personally like a red shirt with white graphics. That way my shirt would be FASTEST! :)
By the way, YamahaMAXdRPMs and I are all good. A lot of misunderstanding took place and all is in the past. He's good to go on the order, I am gonna supply the art tonight.
aight, im gonna go ahead and start a new thread so we can vote on colors and i can get a rough number of orders... keep a watch out.
Id take a white with black graphics. And if they are cheap enough, a black with white graphics. I havent worked in a long time, so im poor house captain for a while.
I don't like the front logo placement. IMO it would look much better offset to one of the sides instead of right in the middle.
I never looked at the close up of the small front logo... the 6 being used for the back wheel... anyone else prefer to have the "FZ6" and the bike separate?
I have too much free time, maybe down the road a bit (after I convert mine) we'll talk more about something like this...


Sorry guys, already notified the designer of the bike with 6 for a wheel he won. He is making me up a design in hi res now.

Should'a spoken up when i mentioned this a few times earlier in the thread :thumbup:
and lets not forget people. This isnt the end all do all... if we get a bunch of these made up. i can always go back in a month or two and do a naked version just for those guys, "I ride my bike naked" and have a naked bike pictured or something. But lets focus on a full forum wide shirt for now.. see how it turns out, then go from there. :BLAA:

... already got the naked version in the works!! We will see how these shirts go first! :thumbup: