Gained more experience today, Almost died doing so

Fz6Soldier: I recommend you sink a beer sometime today---you DESERVE one. In fact, why don't we all sink a beer later today?
Heh, I was in almost same position as you. Looked into my mirrors, looked ahead again, traffic had almost come to a complete stop, wallop, right into the arse of a red workmans van. I'd say the van was doing about 20mph, I was doing 70. Front locked up, which saved my arse. If it hadn't i'd of been head on into the van and probably died, but front locked, I hit the van and bike went down easily, as well as me rolling down the road 20 odd times. I literally had no time to react to the van, it was way too late for any manoeuvres other then bracing myself. Head impact onto the ground knocked me out cold for about 20 seconds, by that time I'd been dragged onto central reservation by the guy I hit.

Was very lucky not to have died on tuesday, and everyone that saw the accident couldn't believe I survived, docs couldn't believe I rode home and walked into hospital myself after I told 'em what happened. Bought a lottery ticket that night for wednesday, too. I guess my luck ran out. ;)

Injuries were/are major headache, serious whiplash, and road rash from wearing jeans and abit of road rash on my back where leather jacket slipped up. Of course I felt almost 0 pain during the accident and after, due to the adrenaline, but boy am I feelin it now. :rolleyes: Normally I'd of left much more following distance, but for anyone in the UK who has experienced A1M rush hour, they'd understand. If you leave the 2 second gap you're supposed to, you can bet your arse some ****ers gonna pull in-between you, then you drop back, then someone else pulls in.

The bike did very well for the impact it sustained. Footpeg snapped off, handlebars bent, rear fairing snapped/scratched up, both mirrors had very deep gouges, front fly sceen with deep scratches, seat cover ripped slightly, engine bars bent and buckled, instrument panel cracked, front after the accident had a knocking an felt very loose but got my dad to tighten headstock and it appeared it was just loose. All in all going to cost 270 to replace the lot, except fly screen and instrument panel, hopefully will salvage them
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i always thought that if you lock up the rear, you should keep holding the rear brake until you are stopped. as soon as you release the rear brake, the fishtail turns into a highside....

am i forgetting something from my MSF course?

Thats what the course teaches you when you do your quick stop.

I always ride closer to the left line. So if I cant stop in time i can go beside the car infront without getting drilled by the car in the other lane.

I was checking out an on coming cycle the other day and i even looked in the rear view b/c it was so pretty. well it was turning left and the car behind it slammed on its brakes and went into the ditch to the left of the rider. I hope that made sense
Couple of points i'd like to add.

You missed something. Van? You were too close ... didn't have enough forward vision. You gotta see what he sees, so you're braking BEFORE he does.

Nicely handled, you kept your head. And apparently your training works fine, big up on both brakes. :thumbup:

This kind of incident, happens to us all, is why i keep the fazer. My baby has saved me, the bike, not my skills. When i've ridden a z750, in the same scenario, the bike will throw me off.

Keep sunny side up ;)