getting married!!!


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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well i think ive found the person im getting married to and she's pretty amazing. and im not even related to this one!! haha rofl lol.

did i mention im the type of person to make snap decisions and get my hopes up immediately?

rofl, whatever will i do with myself?



Congatulations, glad to see you found the woman you've been looking for...

ummm What?!?!? Lone you are a strange man! but I love reading your posts, they always make me laugh.
Did you swallow the crack pipe???? :rof: :rof:

I'm 39 and I have been married a little over a year. This is my first marriage. For me, being single so long and then getting married, has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. With all that said, sometimes I like and other times I don't. The first few months were the hardest. Last few months seems to be getting better for the most part.

I hope she doesn't look anything like your Avatar!!!! :rof:

Ok, all joking aside. Glad you found a good one and WE all hope the best for you.
Wish you the best. Tread lightly, marrige is the most important thing you will eve do in your life. Take your time to get to know her, make sure it's someone you can spen the rest of your life with.
My girlfriends dad married his first wife after knowing each other for a 3 days, they were married as minors as well, they both ran away from home at 16 or 17 and got married in a state where it was legal.. That marriage lasted for 25 years then she cheated on him with his best friend (he was the same guy that introduced them to each other back when they were in high school), they filed for a divorce and she married that guy the day after the divorce was final. His next married was the same way, he was in the army and they were making him move and he met a girl the day before he had to move and he said they hit it off and married that night so she could go with him! and they have been together for almost 26 years now!