Good ride!


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Aug 12, 2007
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I had a great ride yesterday! It was my Dad's 75th birthday and all he wanted was someone to go riding with. So, me, my wife, my son, my sister and her husband, headed south to ride with my Dad. We rode in the country near Crawford, Texas which is where President Bush's ranch is located. West from there are some great country roads. Not as many twisties as I like, but the country is great. For the most part we had the roads to ourselves and the road surfaces were good. I was elected to lead the group and kept our pace at a moderate rate. All riders were experienced except for my son who was riding his Ninja 250. He has alot of natural talent and from my observation is a smart rider. He could have handled the curves a bit faster than the pace I set but I decided to make this a relaxing ride rather than a challenging one. Everyone enjoyed themselves and were thoroughly exhausted when we got home. I did come on one hazard that I would like to share. Most of the turns were clean with no gravel, but I spotted (luckily) what could have been a disaster. In this part of the country you normally don't have blind curves and can safely go through them without effort at ten mph over the recommend curve limit. But approaching this curve I could not see the road or around the curve. I could also see some unusual dust lifting above the trees by the curve. So, from learned experience, red flags popped up in my head and I slowed almost to a crawl moving into the turn. What I found was a fellow mowing the ditch on the outside of the turn (where we were riding) and our lane was completely (and I mean completely!) covered with wet grass! I brought the group down to a crawl and carefully avoided the grass by riding in the oncoming lane. Checking for traffic of course. If I hadn't listened to my gut and used caution, the group agreed that we would have been a piled heap on top of that guys tractor. I now wish I would have stopped and taken a picture of the hazard so I could have shared it here. Anyway we all ended up having a great ride!
Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. As we were approaching home, my wife suddenly blew past me. She seemed distressed and was heading towards a gas station on the right. But she didn't turn in, she just stopped at the entrance. She then started stomping her left foot on the shifter (trying to put the bike into neutral) but looked more like she was trying to stomp out a fire. She got her bike in neutral just as I pulled up next to her. I then understood. Looking at me with panicked eyes she slowly lifted her visor. You see she had a honey bee crawling on the inside of her visor!! She managed to get it out without being stung.:Sport:
Cool pictures. I bet you guys had a blast. Again KUDOS to your son for starting out smart. That is a good looking bike he has.

Off topic have you seen the redesigned 2008 ninja 250?
To be honest, I let my Son ride my FZ6 for half the ride. We were out in the country and he was in the middle of the pack of bikes. His pace was controlled by the group. I led the group riding the Ninja 250. They were surprised at the performance of the small bike. They were also impressed with how well it handled some of the rougher country roads.;)