GoPro fun this afternoon


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2011
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Ann Arbor, MI
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I decided the frame sliders that I haven't used yet (knock on wood) should start pulling their own weight, so I put a GoPro camera mount on one of them. I mounted the camera for my ride this afternoon, but instead of shooting video, I set it to take a still shot every 2 seconds. 1400 photos later, I was back home looking through what I got. Here are a couple of my favorites after cropping:



Hope you enjoy!
Great shots. The Gopro HD is a great camera for timed shots and video.
this one is my favorite, mind if i print it (like i did it!) at walgreens and put it on the garage wall ? :BLAA:
this one is my favorite, mind if i print it (like i did it!) at walgreens and put it on the garage wall ? :BLAA:

Sure thing -- if you'd like I can send you the uncropped file, it's a little bigger... just slanted. Which one were you referring to btw?

Hopefully I'll do a video in the next week or so!
F**k Yeah! I cant way till I get mine saturday, take a picture how you mounted it on your bike, I love that view. Please Please Please!
Those look fantastic, I'm getting one for sure!

can you post a link to the full sized pic of the last image? Want it as a screen saver.

Definitely post up how you mounted it, never even occurred to me to use it on the slider!
Finally got around to snapping a few photos of the GoPro mount:




The camera gets pretty hot, but not nearly as hot as it did when I had the thing stuck straight to the engine block! Seems like everything performs fine regardless of the heat. I apologize for how dirty my bike is right now -- so many things need to be cleaned, but every time I have time to do some cleaning, I decide to go riding instead!

Here are links to full size versions:
CBR929 Uncropped
Downhill Uncropped
Huron River Drive Uncropped

Just for fun, here are two more shots. First, a previous shot I took with the GoPro attached to the engine block of a CBR 929, which I like much better than the shots from Saturday:

Second, a 40 degree lean angle from Saturday:
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I agree these are among the best shots I've seen. You captured the essence of the machine, and of the road. Well done!

Love it (again)! Wish mine took stills (maybe it does?? Research time!)