Got a used '08 for $5700!


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Jun 18, 2008
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Hello all,

So two years after my CBR F4i was stolen, I finally have the cash to purchase another bike. The FZ6 seems like the best all-rounder out there (though many say the same about the F4i) ;) so I decided the FZ was for me.

Anyway I went to the dealer to take a look at the bike, but the dealer told me that he's sold out of the FZ6 but will have some '09 models in a few months... Then he tells me that he sold an '08 FZ6 to a guy who brought it back to the dealer a couple months later saying that he didn't like it--he wanted a cruiser instead.

His mistake=my fortune.

I got his number, met with him, and gave him $5700 for a black '08 with 320 miles on it. He also included a tank bag and cover.

I am so excited to be back on a bike, and to be apart of the FZ community.

Mods to come...
Hello all,

His mistake=my fortune.

I got his number, met with him, and gave him $5700 for a black '08 with 320 miles on it. He also included a tank bag and cover.

I am so excited to be back on a bike, and to be apart of the FZ community.

Mods to come...

So whats wrong with the bike? Because this would be the steal of the century. $5700 for an '08 with just 320 miles on the clock. Just can't fiqure out why somebody would just eat $1500 -$2000 right off the bat without even trying. Like you said, his mistake, your fortune. Congrats and welcome!
So whats wrong with the bike? Because this would be the steal of the century. $5700 for an '08 with just 320 miles on the clock. Just can't fiqure out why somebody would just eat $1500 -$2000 right off the bat without even trying. Like you said, his mistake, your fortune. Congrats and welcome!

When I bought my fz6 it was new 2007 1 mile on it and paid 5,800.00 for it.I do think that the dealer is making good money selling at this price ..they try to make you think they are losing money or breaking even that is just the game . I get employee pricing from Ford and the dealer always complains that they are getting nothing when they sell at that price ..think about it if they were making no money they wouldnt do it ..

FZME :thumbup: congrats on a great purchase :thumbup:
Greg A.
May i ask something? How d you know which year is your model. I want to by a fz6 new not the s2 model. will it be 07 or 08? is there a way to find out which years model am i bying?
first off dealer price is right around 5800, I believe it is 5800 and change. It is possible they had it for a little while and was tired of paying interest on it so they dumped it to get rid of the interest bill and cut their losses. and second to check your year it is the tenth digit in the VIN. It is located on your steering head also on a sticker on the steering head, if you are just looking to reference it will be on your insurance and title also. if it is a 06 the tenth digit is a 6 if it is a 04 the tenth digit is a 4 if it is 2000 and older it is a letter.
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So whats wrong with the bike? Because this would be the steal of the century. $5700 for an '08 with just 320 miles on the clock. Just can't fiqure out why somebody would just eat $1500 -$2000 right off the bat without even trying. Like you said, his mistake, your fortune. Congrats and welcome!

Not really Vegas... Take my price into consideration. I got my '08 for $6418 OTD. The invoice had $6099 as the actual price I paid. If I sold it for $5700 then I'd be taking a $400 hit in price alone. A $700 hit if you include all the doc fees, shipping, etc.... But those fees don't calculate in a NADA or KBB value so $5700 is just about the expected price to pay for an Excellent used '08. :thumbup:
Not really Vegas... Take my price into consideration. I got my '08 for $6418 OTD. The invoice had $6099 as the actual price I paid. If I sold it for $5700 then I'd be taking a $400 hit in price alone. A $700 hit if you include all the doc fees, shipping, etc.... But those fees don't calculate in a NADA or KBB value so $5700 is just about the expected price to pay for an Excellent used '08. :thumbup:
Where I come from, "OTD" includes sales tax (try riding off w/o paying it directly to dealer; you'll be arrested). Sales tax adds a whopping $500.00 or so in CA. I think it sucks how CA (and probably just about every other state?) double dips on used vehicle purchases. Imagine if state tried this crap with used skateboards, bicycles, lawn mowers, etc.!
Congrats FZME! I got a similar deal last summer, a used '07 for $5,500 (the guy's wife told him he didn't like it, he was quite unhappy and I think just wanted to get rid of it fast), 1,400 miles.
Enjoy your new ride and sweet deal! :rockon:
Congrats on the new ride! Sorry that the stolen bike took you out of it for so long, but hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of the FZ. :thumbup:
way to go!! talk about being in the right place at the right time.

Welcome aboard!!!:D
Tell me about it, Sportrider. And the crazy thing is that there are tons of bikes out there (even cages) that have little wear and/or tons of aftermarket parts that a seller will lose money on. If only the guy I bought this bike from would only have given it a few scratches or some other cosmetic damage...I'd be saving even more.:rockon:

I went back to the dealer to thank him for the referal and look at some yahama spec aftermarket goodies. He told me that he sold the bike for $7300 OTD. These dealers really clean up--just imagine 5 or 10 years from now when gas prices are $8 a gallon. I bet it's not long before the FZ6 goes for five figures...:(
LMAO @ "My wife hates it."


If the wife wants to ride beech on a Harley or cruiser, SHE can get one and I'll tote her butt around on it.
Til then, I ride alone.
Of course, som of those squid chiks would make me reconsider, so long as it certainly was a string thong bikini.
So whats wrong with the bike? Because this would be the steal of the century. $5700 for an '08 with just 320 miles on the clock. Just can't fiqure out why somebody would just eat $1500 -$2000 right off the bat without even trying. Like you said, his mistake, your fortune. Congrats and welcome!

That is how I got my second FZ. The guy bought put on LeoVince exhaust and a Power Commander,and about 900 miles on the ticker and decided he wanted an FZ1 I picked it up for $5500.:rockon:
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Not really Vegas... Take my price into consideration. I got my '08 for $6418 OTD. The invoice had $6099 as the actual price I paid. If I sold it for $5700 then I'd be taking a $400 hit in price alone. A $700 hit if you include all the doc fees, shipping, etc.... But those fees don't calculate in a NADA or KBB value so $5700 is just about the expected price to pay for an Excellent used '08. :thumbup:

Well it was mentioned that the previous owner paid over $7,000 for the bike, so my figure was correct as far as how much he was eating. Unfortunately, myself included, a lot of the members here were not as knowledgeable as you in what the actual cost of the bike. Therefore, we over paid. That's why I created the thead on how much we all paid for our bike so hopefully a new potential buyer can use it as a barometer on what he or she should be paying from the dealer. You are very fortunate that NH is one of the few states that does not have sales tax, so as another member mentioned. Normally, you would be adding another $500-$600 dollars to your $6418 figure, bringing it around $7,000. I think Oregon, Montana, and Deleware are the other states without sales tax.
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Well it was mentioned that the previous owner paid over $7,000 for the bike, so my figure was correct as far as how much he was eating. Unfortunately, myself included, a lot of the members here were not as knowledgeable as you in what the actual cost of the bike. Therefore, we over paid. That's why I created the thead on how much we all paid for our bike so hopefully a new potential buyer can use it as a barometer on what he or she should be paying from the dealer. You are very fortunate that NH is one of the few states that does not have sales tax, so as another member mentioned. Normally, you would be adding another $500-$600 dollars to your $6418 figure, bringing it around $7,000. I think Oregon, Montana, and Deleware are the other states without sales tax.

This is very true. The seller would eat that cost but it still would not be factored into the resale value which is based on the MSRP or sale price, correct? ;)

I am sort of fortunate to have no sales tax here but I'd trade it for a year-round riding season and a lot less property taxes! :cheer: You see, even though we have it good without sales tax, the state finds ways to make up for it. We end up paying in the end no matter what. :(

Here's the actual list of those states... A few states do not assess sales tax. These are currently Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. However, just because you bought something tax free in one of these states does not exempt you from the "Use Tax" you're legally bound to pay in your home state upon return. For most items, people chose to ignore this and not report it since it's difficult to track and enforce. A motorized vehicle can't be hidden since we have to register them and pay.
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