Grip removal question


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Elite Member
Feb 1, 2008
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Hi all! Just curious what's involved in removing the grips on the FZ6. I'm looking to install some heat-tape type grip heaters, which basically involves removing the stock grips, wrapping the heat tape around the bars and either replacing the original grips (hopefully), or installing new ones if the old ones aren't salvagable... Has anyone done this? Are the grips difficult to remove? Are they glued on? Will I be able to re-use them?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice.... :D

When I got my heated grips (oxford) fitted to the bike the garage gave me my old grips back undamaged so there has got to be a way!!

The grips are held on with some glue and you can buy products that are designed to break the seal that glue has on two maybe look into this product. You may also find that heating the grips with a hair dryer may just do the trick.

God forbid if I dont mention this final method: WD40 is our saviour!!! Try spraying some of this into the surface between grip and handlebar...may just allow you to slide it off...maybe try heating and WD40 together!! :) (do you have WD40 over there?? maybe a stupid question but if your left wondering what the hell it is...its sprayable oil in a can...sorry if my ignorance of product availability is showing!!)

Best of luck with it! :)

PS: Crystal is a really cute name! ;)

PPS: All my life I've wanted to learn how to fly a helicopter..especially the US Blackhawk helicopter....I envy your profession!! Wanna trade with me?
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I have heard that you should be able to heat the grips with a hairdryer and melt the glue which will release the grips. when you put the heated grips on, just be sure to use high temp glue.
I had to take mine off after some toerags bent the handlebars trying to break the steering lock.

It was pretty easy, I used a wooden skewer and gently worked it round them separating the glue. I did think of a screwdriver but thought that would be more likely to go through them.

They came off fine and are now back on with no problems.
Super easy way.
Turn on air compressor. Hook up line. Attach blow gun.
Remove barends. Place blow gun up to the grip, depress lever, work the air around the grip. Twist and remove.
Super easy way.
Turn on air compressor. Hook up line. Attach blow gun.
Remove barends. Place blow gun up to the grip, depress lever, work the air around the grip. Twist and remove.

interesting way to do it. very cool, and another use for my compressor!
Super easy way.
Turn on air compressor. Hook up line. Attach blow gun.
Remove barends. Place blow gun up to the grip, depress lever, work the air around the grip. Twist and remove.

I was hoping someone else knew that trick. It works for putting them on, too.

When glueing the grips back to the bars (not sure about those heated grips now, for just glueing a new set on) apply the grip glue on the bar, position the grip at the end of the bar. Have a buddy on the other end of the bars with a rag in the open end of the handle bar and the blow tip of the compressor in the wad of rags and blow. Slide the grip in possition.

For the other side, simply put a small slit in the end of the new grip and repeat. Works like a dream.

OEM grips aren't that expensive so I always just cut them off with a knife as it takes all of 30 seconds. Then clean up with acetone and use windex to apply the new ones (if you don't glue them)... some heated grips give you glue to glue them in place... in this case I would use it.

Not familiar with the heat tape you speak of... can you post a link? This tape must be very thin???
Thanks for the great suggestions everybody! I don't have an air compressor in my condo - lol - but I can get access to one at work, so if heat (hair dryer - which I DO have) doesn't work, I'll give that a shot. I'll look for some high heat glue when I put the grips back on... I did buy a pair of sexy-looking "racing" grips, in case my old ones weren't salvagable - they were cheap, like, $16 bucks...

I'll post up pics of the process when I get to it in the next couple of days, if anyone's interested. The kit itself was only about a quarter of the price of the "actual" heated grips, so if it works out I'll be a happy camper! :D
The WD40 root takes seconds. I put heated grips on mine a month ago. I actually used the stainless steel spine from a wiper blade (Just happened to have one kicking around for the day when it came in useful). A thin bladed screwdriver would work just aswell. Insert between bar & grip, use the straw / tube & squirt a blast of WD40 in the gap and work the blade round. You will fell it loosening immeadiately. Apply more WD40 if you need to. When the last of the adhesive is broken the grip will slide off.

I was very cautious with the first grip & it took me several minutes. Once I was sure of the technique, the second grip literally came of in seconds.

Clean the bars up with methylated spirit (Do you have that in the US) or any suitable solvent to remove the WD40 & any remaining traces of adhesive. Spoke to a M/C mechanic after the event he uses aerosol brake cleaner with similar effect.
The WD40 root takes seconds. I put heated grips on mine a month ago. I actually used the stainless steel spine from a wiper blade (Just happened to have one kicking around for the day when it came in useful). A thin bladed screwdriver would work just aswell. Insert between bar & grip, use the straw / tube & squirt a blast of WD40 in the gap and work the blade round. You will fell it loosening immeadiately. Apply more WD40 if you need to. When the last of the adhesive is broken the grip will slide off.

I was very cautious with the first grip & it took me several minutes. Once I was sure of the technique, the second grip literally came of in seconds.

Clean the bars up with methylated spirit (Do you have that in the US) or any suitable solvent to remove the WD40 & any remaining traces of adhesive. Spoke to a M/C mechanic after the event he uses aerosol brake cleaner with similar effect.

This is the procedure I used, took like 30 seconds for each grip.:thumbup: And yes, we have methylated spirits sold in the USA, it is called denatured alcohol.
Super easy way.
Turn on air compressor. Hook up line. Attach blow gun.
Remove barends. Place blow gun up to the grip, depress lever, work the air around the grip. Twist and remove.

Or a small standard screw driver and windex. Remove the counterweights, slide the SD under the grip, spray in the windex, twist and repeat.

Can a corn.
hell i thought the old stock grips were crappy. nothing special. i went out and bought some pro-grip ones, i like'em much better. I just cut up the old grips, mostly because I didnt want to reuse them. But yes, the air compressor works, but scissors work faster ahah.

as for putting them on a can of hair spray. wet the insides of the grips and then twist them on.
Thanks for the How-To! Dosent seem so hard now. I have WD40 and an air compressor so I should be good to go.

Quick question about removing the handlebar ends. Is it just as simple as unscrewing the allen head bolt in the end? Or are the actual bar ends threaded as well?
Hi all! Just curious what's involved in removing the grips on the FZ6. I'm looking to install some heat-tape type grip heaters, which basically involves removing the stock grips, wrapping the heat tape around the bars and either replacing the original grips (hopefully), or installing new ones if the old ones aren't salvagable... Has anyone done this? Are the grips difficult to remove? Are they glued on? Will I be able to re-use them?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice.... :D

Hi Whirly,
I just poured boiling water in a container and turned the bars into the container. 6o seconds and the grips expand enough to remove by inserting a thin screw driver down them. Bar ends need to be removed.
Talk about a million ways to skin a cat. I would have never thought of the boiling water idea.
The appliance of science. Actually my garage is a way from my house and I dont have ac/dc power. My old fella told me that one. You know the thing " In my day the boniville used to...."

The good thingis the grips are re-usable and undamaged.
I have removed a lot of grips from dirtbikes, scooters, streetbikes, ect. I have found the best method is to insert the nozzel of the air compressor sprayer inbetween the rubber grip and the bar. Give the air sprayer a squeeze and presto, the air pressure expands the rubber and it just flies right off with not scratches or damages to the grip or the bars.
Of course i posted mine before reading the posts above me....:(

Others have had my idea too. I knew i wasnt alone....:thumbup: