Had a late night date with the pavement...


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2009
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I really don't want to call it back anytime soon. Neither does my fizzer... Hit some gravel while leaned over in a really tight round-a-bout going about 20mph and low-sided. First thing through my mind- NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! NOT THE BIKE!!!!!!!! I was apologizing profusely to my poor FZ the whole ride back...

Thank heavens for frame sliders- those things saved my FZ's engine and gas tank extremely well (half of it got shaved off, though...). Only damage is some scratches on the left side- bar end, tail plastics, grab rail, and a small bit off of the very corner of the headlight shroud. Kickstand also fails to go all the way out, so I'll be using the center stand until its scheduled 4k service this Friday (good timing).

My poor iPod didn't fare as well... it was ripped off my pocket upon the landing and then run over by a car... two cars, actually. As for me, I walked away alright save for a banged up knee and hip. Quite glad I was wearing full gear or else it would very likely have been worse.

I would like to take this time to place a curse upon loose gravel and to thank the rider on the older Suzuki cruiser that stopped to help me out. I love the motorcycle community and all of its members!
Sorry to hear about the fall but hey your in good condition just a little banged up. And I totally agree on putting a curse on loose gravel. It almost got me this morning in a construction zone
glad to hear you're relatively unscathed.

And kudos to the guy who stopped to help. I hope someone stops to help if ever he needs it. :thumbup:
Once again, leave it to another rider to help another fellow rider out.

Thanks for posting. Gravel, Gravel, Gravel, Bad Bad Bad.
Sorry to hear that , but glad YOU are Ok. Kudos to the rider that helped you.
Damn gravel ! glad your ok and the bike aint too bad.

So 2 cars drove past and ran over your ipod but didn't stop ,but the bike rider does stop,says a lot right there I think.
Damn gravel ! glad your ok and the bike aint too bad.

So 2 cars drove past and ran over your ipod but didn't stop ,but the bike rider does stop,says a lot right there I think.

ya. car drivers hate Ipods.

better the Ipod than you tho.
Gravel should be banned! LOL! Glad your ok, and your frame sliders looked after your bike....best invention ever for a motorbike!

:cheer: for sliders. Glad to hear you're OK (mostly) and your bike faired pretty well.

+1 on the motorcycling community mate!:rockon:

just curious, could you post your gear?
Im always a believer in doing a crash test report on gear, very interesting!
by full gear do you mean leathers or mesh?
thanks! glad to hear your not too banged up.
I recently had a problem that caused me to stop at the side of the road (front sprocket nut came off) and was crouched down by the bike sorting it out when a bloke in an old VW combi pulled over. I was 5 miles from home, he asked if he could help in any way or if I wanted he could take me to his parents garage to get tools to fix it as he had a GSXR 750. I managed to sort the problem roadside but the generousness of other bikers never ceases to amaze me.
Gravel sucks! Glad to hear you're alright though :) Nice of the biker to stop for you. When I layed mine over, a guy in a truck stopped to see if I was alright (found out he teaches track days on bikes). I wish more people would be nice enough just to ask if you need any help.
Freaking gravel. Worst motorcycle enemy. Am glad you are OK and good thing you were wearing full gear. +1 to the rider that helped you out. It's amazing how motorcycle riders help each other out, even if it’s a total stranger.
Damn gravel!!!! Glad your ok man and a toast to ATTGATT, love hearing people fully geared and are unharmed because of it.
Glad you are OK!

To paraphrase flying, any crash you walk away from was a good crash!
Glad you are good to go!

I hit a big oil slick on an on ramp to the freeway the other day. Was leaning more that I needed to knowing I could run into something like that.It was a round onramp and before I knew what it was, I was in it. I was lucky and got through it. But especially on an on/off ramp. I should have known better.:spank:

So 2 cars drove past and ran over your ipod but didn't stop ,but the bike rider does stop,says a lot right there I think.

A couple cars kinda slowed down and asked if I was ok while slowly rolling by (over my ipod), but the biker was the only one who stopped completely- definitely says a lot.

:cheer: for sliders.

+1 on that!!!

the generousness of other bikers never ceases to amaze me.

+1 on that as well!! I was so relieved when I looked up to see that biker rolling to a stop behind me- made everything easier to handle, in a way, just knowing that he, as a fellow rider, understood what I was going through.

just curious, could you post your gear?
Im always a believer in doing a crash test report on gear, very interesting!
by full gear do you mean leathers or mesh?

I'd be glad to- it held up extremely well. I was wearing Joe Rocket textile gear- the Ballistic jacket and Alter Ego overpants. I slid for about 10 ft after the initial impact (maybe more?) and all that happened was the knee has some nearly impossible to see scuffing and the left sleeve of the jacket has a small tear along the forearm that doesn't quite go all the way through the outer shell (from one of those damned pieces of gravel, I'd imagine). Since it was low speed and not that long of a slide, if the gear had torn significantly I'd have been severely disappointed in JR...

((I'll edit the post with pics later- won't let me put them in right now...)

Took the bike in for a service today- they put black bike paint over all the parts that needed it and spray painted my centerstand and kickstand black again :rockon: The kickstand actually broke off completely when they tried bending it back in place, so they took it next door to a car shop and had it welded back on. Everything's in running order so the FZ and I rode up to the Apple store to get a new (old style) iPod shuffle : ) Need the tunes!

I'm definitely feeling the effects of the crash a lot more... Still in one piece, though, so all's well! :Sport: