Happy to be alive today! F-ing DEER!

After my last accident I realized just how important gear is. I would have ended up with so much road rash it would have been bad, not that it would have mattered because if I was not wearing a full face helmet I would be dead most likely!






what happened? did you go wide in the turn?
also, your fly is unzipped, lol

Hahaha that is funny.

Like the other guys said, you would have had no injuries with real gear. Make sure you claim the clothes and gear you lost on the claim and use that money for some proper gear.

Proper gear would be a armored jacket, gloves and pants and riding boots. Also, although your budget helmet worked, your head HAS to be worth more than $80 to you. You can't beat an Arai in my opinion but the $600 pricetag may be hard to swallow. Check of some of HJC's higher end stuff. Budget about $200 for a good helmet.

Glad you came out as well as you did, brother. Next time be better prepared and hopefully you can pick it up and ride home.

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Wow! From the look of the helmet the EMTs are right!

Gald you are still alive, just banged up some.
It is up to you if you decide to get back on two wheels again. Just give it some time and you will know what is best.
deer suck.
i see at least 1 a day on my commute.
they're on the back roads, in neighborhoods, i know a guy who was hit on I-270 --a major highway.
plus, lyme disease..... dammit i hate deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glad you're ok.
it could have been a lot worse.

I have seen them on I-270 myself. Running across and trying to jump over the jersey barriers. It blows my mind that how often I see them dead (blown apart) on the side of the road, even on 495.

I ride the inside when I am commuting to work at night on the bike, so they have to play a game of frogger before they can get to me.
I've never been an outspoken ATGATT guy,but I sure am glad that I adopted a full gear policy when I traded my cruiser in for a sport bike!

I was doing 60 or 70 down a wide open road yesterday when I saw a big deer on the left, we made eye contact and then he lept! I never even got my hand to the brake! BAM! I don't really know what happened next but I opened my eyes and the yellow lines were just going past my eyes while my helmet did it's job. I was in the fetal position just sliding on my side. I was wearing the new power and glory armored hoody from speed and strength and for a sweatshirt it held up very well. The armor saved my shoulders from road rash but I got a little on my forearms and lower back where the jacket road up on my back.

I asked why the EMTs were so grateful that I was wearing full gear why they kept thanking me. One of them said if I had no helmet they would have been cleaning up a corpse, and that always ruins there day.

My shoulder and neck are very soar from impact but the x-rays showed nothing broken! WOOHOO!

I will post pics of the bike later when I pick it up.

Now what to do with the insurance money? New bike or gardening shears? This is my second close call in four years and I kinda want to spread them out a little more:)
Glad to hear your not to badly injured.
Heal up soon.

Deer is my main concern here in Cincinnati.

Glad to see that you are ok! Looks like your helmet did its job!
The dear was shot as I was put in the ambulance.

The armor on the sweatshirt shifted and the sleeve was melted away in a matter of milliseconds. The hoody looks much tougher than it is. I have a textile that would have been better, but apparently I was being an ******* and aired on the side of fashion.

The canvas pants were alpine designs, I think they are rock climbing pants.

The muscle pain set in last night and this morning, The pain from that and the shoulder I landed on hurts the worst. The road rash ain't no fun, it's like a sunburn.

Thanks for all the well wishes!
Are those of you skeptical against textile gear advocating for leather and leather only? Not a smartass question, just curious. I have a textile armored jacket, textile overpants (I think they're both cordura), leather gauntlet gloves, and over the ankle steel-toed work boots (I know, I know). I steered clear of leather because 1) it seems more expensive and 2) I'd like to get back to AZ sometime which means hot, hot, and more hot.

Don't mean to hijack the thread and turn it into another gear thread though... Thanks for posting and glad you're OK!
Are those of you skeptical against textile gear advocating for leather and leather only? Not a smartass question, just curious. I have a textile armored jacket, textile overpants (I think they're both cordura), leather gauntlet gloves, and over the ankle steel-toed work boots (I know, I know). I steered clear of leather because 1) it seems more expensive and 2) I'd like to get back to AZ sometime which means hot, hot, and more hot.

Don't mean to hijack the thread and turn it into another gear thread though... Thanks for posting and glad you're OK!

I saw those comments... but I don't understand their relevance in this incident. The rider wasn't wearing any textile gear. Except maybe portions of the gloves.
So glad you are OK, and the deer got what it deserved! :BLAA:

I hope your soreness goes away soon. Keep us posted on your bike thoughts! :D
Glad you made it through this to share this and thankfully with no major injuries. . . . Get well soon!

For anyone who has never been on the tarmac at speed, all your clothing needs to do is slide a small amount under high contact pressure against your skin and walla - It Burns!!!
You don't have to contact the street for skin loss. From skate boarding I have learned that tight fitting clothes are best so it doesn't slide on your skin. Even at that, it can't always be avoided. Though I can't imagine full leathers for leisurely down hill skate boarding. . . Another contact sport. . .
Thanks guys!

My road rash is all healed up and my should and neck are almost there but still bothersome.

The bike seemed to have fared quite well all things considered. The deer basically took all the plastic off the bike in one fowl swoop.

My dog is much happier, now she gets to go to work every day, not just the rainy ones:cheer:
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