Has your bike ever hit the ground?

Has your bike ever touched pavement?

  • No, my bike has never been dropped, or layed down. It's still a minter.

    Votes: 393 36.6%
  • Yes, the side of my bike has touched pavement.

    Votes: 681 63.4%

  • Total voters
dropped mine for the first time on saturday, luckily no apparent damage, top box seemed to take the weight of the bike.

stopped at a junction on a bit of a hill, must of put my foot down wrong (maybe not used to my new boots?), and the bike started to fall, and i wasn't able to keep it up (which surprised me)

picked it back up deadlift style
I voted "no" and touched wood real fast. Dropped bikes on the dirt and did plenty of damage to myself and bikes, mashed kneecaps, brake levers, fingers,clutch levers, bruises etc.
Now I want to be really careful and hope i dont do anything stupid or have to avoid someone else doing something stupid.
closest I came was in the 1st week of ownership when I thought I had the stand down and startedto let the weight go, realised in the nick of time
great sigh of relief!

I posted in another thread that I had recently dropped the fzr, in the drive, so little damage apart from some scratches and a slightyl mashed oggie knob, but apart form that been real lucky,(sitting at the wooden table typing with one finger on the right hand with my left hand clenching the edge
No. Not planning to either.

Like a previous post, I too have come off dirtbikes plenty. But they are different it's hard to forward plan because the ground is so varied off road and your vision is blurred. On roads there is none of that to worry about.
I have read a few of these threads, and i knew eventually my time would come, i just didnt think it would be last saturday lol. I was dropping something off at my boss's house and he has a tight driveway and i usually do a tight u-turn where i counter balance. Well this time the bike stalled (I was unaware because i had my headphones in-something i rarely do!) and it fell over, almost caught it, but it kept going =( Luckily tho, the previous owner had frame sliders installed and that saved everything but minor scratches on my right mirror.
I'm at the dealer's taking my "to be" bike for a test drive... Everything went smooth... Few days later... At the dealer's again... Passing the money,taking the bike,starting... You can guess what happened after few seconds and hard front breaking.Zero damage,thanks to engine guards...
I'm at the dealer's taking my "to be" bike for a test drive... Everything went smooth... Few days later... At the dealer's again... Passing the money,taking the bike,starting... You can guess what happened after few seconds and hard front breaking.Zero damage,thanks to engine guards...

Fark... I stalled mine the very first time I tried to pull away on it, but never since then, accidentally anyway :)
Let me say first that after 35+ years of riding and racing, I have seen an occasional piece of dirt, tarmac, wall, fence (wasn’t there the day before...), and I have heard all the responses from riders 8 to 80. Let me just say that you must keep your head up and mind open!!
A couple months ago I was preparing for a track day at Laguna Seca (one of many). I had just installed a BT-016 multi compound tire. These new hyper-sport tires can be tricky for the first mile or two because of the production process (mold release) and because of the hard center (longer lasting off the track). At about 35mph, I grabbed the front break, on a straight, approaching a stop sign, 100 yards from my driveway. The front tire let go and went into a completely unexpected slide. Lost control, fell under the bike and broke 12 bones and punctured lung!
Be safe and be ready!
Steve (AKA Supermoto 30)
I bought my fz6 yesterday, and in the four times i rode my bike around the block yesterday only came close to dropping it once. On a hill from a stop....gonna keep taking it slow may have sprained my ankle trying to keep it up but it was worth it! Raining today so learning will have to wait.
I admire your honesty.
And it benefits other riders to know how delicate each situation can be.
One of the magazines I receive just did an article on "hill stops and starts".
If you describe the situation, I would be glad to provide some feedback. As roadways are generally not off camber (to an extreme) I assume you were facing up or down, either way the combination or throttle control, clutch and break control can be tricky in that situation. The good news is, it will become second nature and one fluid motion with practice.
Take care, enjoy.
Hit implies with force, but about 3 weeks ago, whilst at the hook of holland (picking up a mate of mine from England), I laid my bike down.
I was at a gas station filling up, and I had to move my tank bag to the side so I could do so. Anyway with the weight shift it only took a slight push to knock it off of its side stand :eek:. I had just enough time to grab the grip with one hand. It went down really slow but I just couldn't stop it, especially with the extra weight of the tank bag hanging off the opposite side. I managed to make sure that the handlebars stayed straight, and that the bar end took the weight. Luckily someone ran to help me lift the bike before I had to let go to pick it up. When we had picked the bike up I inspected for damage and it amazingly only had a very slight scuff on my bar end :thumbup:.
i dropped mine very lightly in the driveway 3 days after installing the frame sliders... man was the best money i had ever spent all damage was absorbed by the frame slider except for one small scuff on the plastic of the mirror about a dime in diameter....

went down once in the grass @ Nashville Super Speedway bout 10-15 mph lowsided first session after blowing a turn and went down a grass grade there was dew on the grass and as soon as i leveled out at the bottom of the grade the rear went out from under me... only damage besides to my pride was a bent rear brake lever... just straightened it back out thanks to another person's breaker bar they happened to have... was back out next session and had a smooth rest of the day...
Yesterday the unthinkable happened. I dropped my bike on its side.
I really should have seen it coming. I was riding with my son's Father-in-Law on his Bandit 1250S when he decided to turn off the road and over a cattle grid to talk to some off-roaders. I stopped right at the cattle grid. First mistake. I decided that I didn't want to go over the cattle grid and to back my bike up and turn around. I peddled my FZ6 backwards just enought to go to full left lock and then started to let the clutch out to turn around. Next thing I know, my left foot is sliding on gravel and the bike (very gracefully) dropped over onto its left side, with me left standing over it. I couldn't believe it.
Only "damage" (except to my ego) was a bit of scraping to the edge of left mirror, the left crash bobbin and a slight scratch on bottom of the alternator cover. Luckily it dropped onto dirt and gravel and not onto asphalt.
No real harm done, but it just goes to show that it can happen anytime, anywhere.
yes, unfortunately some nutbag backed up into my bike and didn't leave a note.. she suffered about 2500 bucks in damage and is all scraped up off of the left side.. steering is screwed up.. headlight is busted open..when I found out who did it I'm suing the guy.. in all 5 years I've had that bike its never seen ground

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the sides of mine have seen the garage floor a number of times and seen a parking lot once. If you vote no...you'd better knock on wood....

I thought of that when I did vote no. But I have knocked over my 1982 Nighthawk 750, and laid it down and my last bike a Suzuki SV 650.
Mine's kind of beginner bike. I had ridden a Katana for a month or so before this, but yeah it went down several times at first. I also grabbed way too much brake when I was turning left trying to avoid the idiot that cut me off turning right.

Then one day I left work and saw my bike laying on the ground with a sticky on it that said "Sorry, I just wanted to sit on it. :'(" At least I had frame sliders on then.

Oh, and it fell off my lift once. My boy child undid one of my straps while it was on the lift. It missed him, somehow. I think the jack/lift caught the bike some. And so what does he do when I put it on the lift last night to work on it? Pull on the straps. At least I switched to ratcheting straps.
Dropped it yesterday in my driveway...just leaned to far while walking it around my driveway. No real damage thanks to sliders
Po dropped it or something, punched the signal through on the RH side...

I laid it down on both sides in the garage to test the crash cage. It 3 points nicely. :)