Heated Grips or Winter Gloves

EZ Rider

On the Road
Jul 14, 2011
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Southwest America
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I am planning a trip into Colorado this summer on my '04. A friend suggested getting heated grips. Any ideas for keeping my hands warm at high Colorado elevation without breaking the bank?
If you want a bargain, get a nice pair of gloves and use the heated packs. You break them and there is a chemical reaction that produces heat. Stick them in your gloves and shoes.
I did consider that, but didn't know if it would work. I'm all for it if it does though. How long do the packs last, and how well do they work?
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Last fall I bought a pair of "Patrol gloves" made by "Icon". They are insulated, and keep my hands dry and warm. I really like these gloves, good quality and WARM!
I'm very happy with my heated grips, together with good gloves, they work perfectly for my 45 min commute and they're always there if I need them :thumbup:
If I was spending a whole day riding in the cold I would want heated gloves and a heated liner .
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Silk inner gloves underneath your normal gloves will do the trick and much cheaper than buying a winter pair or heated grips.
I actually leave a pair of silk liners underneath of the seat. If my hands start to get cold (mind you I'm already wearing a pair of winter gloves) -- I can just put on the liners when I decide to stop somewhere and those things are smoking hot from sitting right over top of the exhaust. Feels like heaven on your hands!
I put on a pair of Oxford Heated grips in less than 2 hours. I have been riding with those grips in zero Celsius temperature, and my hands stay warm. Although, my riding has been in city riding, which is about 1hr in length and 70km/h or below. I never have to turn the grips up past 75%. The only thing that I have noticed is that my fingertips will get cold if I have to hold the brake or clutch lever down for extended periods. Meaning, my fingers are away from the grips for extended periods, and my fingertips get cold. I am really happy with my purchase and glad I did not buy heated gloves. I really do not like the idea of being cabled to the bike by cords. Also, a real positive is the grips cost less ($80) than heated gloves and the setup required for them. If by chance that I need more warmth in the future, I would put on a pair of hand guards before buying heated gloves. The hand guards would not only protect my hands from the elements, but would also protect the heated grips. This means they would not be losing a lot of heat from the wind hitting them. I hope this is of help.

Oxford Heaterz Heated Motorcycle Handlebar Grips for 7/8-inch Diameter Handlebars

Oxford Heaterz Heated Motorcycle Handlebar Grips for 7/8-inch Diameter Handlebars (Sports Style) - OXF.26.0696 : TwistedThrottle.com
Thanks for the advice. Looking around the removable Oxford Hot Hands seem like a good solution. I'm in extremely hot weather 98 percent of the time, so being able to remove the Oxfords might work well for me.
I would carry two gloves, and any winter glove should be fine in my opinion, after all, it will be summer. Unless you're planning to ride during the night, I think it's going to be a lot warmer than cold. I usually carry two jackets with me too. Being from Vegas, I'm a wimp when it comes to riding in the cold. I use my heated liner whien it's 55 degrees here. But it works well in the 20 and 30 degree cold just as well.
I could never seem to keep my hands warm on a ride under 40 (F) degrees, even with agood pair of winter riding gloves. So I decided to try a cheap pair of grip heaters, that I found on ebay for about $6 u.s. I figured, if they sucked I was only out 6 bucks! And surprisingly enough they work really well. Now that my hands are nice & warm, I might have to find a good winter riding suit. :thumbup:
If anyone is interested, check out the link below:
NEW Enduro Road Bike Motorcycle Heated Grip Pads Heaters 12V General S001 | eBay
For occasional use, the heat packs can't be beat. If you need a commuter, good gloves and/or headed grips are a good idea. I only have good gloves, but I don't ride below 38ish. My ride is about 30 min one way.