Help! Do you appreciate input from the forum?


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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The title pretty much says it all. If someone puts in basic effort to help solve a problem you posted about, do you reply and say "thanks", push the "Thanks" button OR just move on?

Lets keep the community healthy by showing appreciation (even if their response doesn't solve your problem)!


HELP, repair, remove, replace, fix, broke, abnormal, stall, quit, died, won't start, idle, vibration, dead battery, won't charge, what is this part, tire wear, steer, exhaust, MPG, blinker rate, LED, oil, throttle, sync, forks, spring, service manual. . . blah blah blah
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I always push the 'thanks" button if a member has taken the time to try and help even if it's not the answer I needed. :thumbup:
Almost always click "thanks".. often reply and occasionally add to reputation :thumbup:
I ask them for their name and address and send them a check! :BLAA:

I love this forum and I learn a bunch for myself researching something for someone else when they need it.

So yeah! Thank you everyone! Great bunch O mugs! :BLAA:
The Thanks button and Rep really doesn't entice me all that much. My reputation in life is important, but all that I want out of the internet is some entertainment, clean and clear information, and amicable conversation.

That said, I still find myself giving a nice fist pump when I lay down an epic post with lots of Thanks. :D
I always click the thanks button and many times respond with a thanks if the response provided was at least a little helpful or at the very least thoughtful. I do this because I really appreciate the members on this forum, and I myself feel good when I see someone has thanked me.

This forum is awesome and I have learned a ton on here! Cheers to all of you!
I like to give 'Thanks' when a member has helped me or another, or even if it's just a particularly good post!

I give reputation on occasion, but have received a few neutral reputation points with no given reason, so now that is almost ignored by me. (sometimes you see a post that obviously deserves a positive though!)

I will admit though, although it's usually only one or two people, I do like to receive thanks for an appropriate comment. (call me vain!)

This forum is loaded with endless knowledge. I appreciate when members chime in to give advice. A community like this helps us all learn our machines in and out, saves us money, and even be better riders.
I do spot checks on the forum at work generally so writing a response can be a bit hard to squeeze in (like now, but it is coffee break time) so hitting the thanks button is sometimes the best I can do.
I like to send b'day greetings tho and will generally try to scan all the new threads each day, but if I ask for advice I am really amazed at how giving you all are, This forum is full of very generous people.
If I can share my limited knowledge and help someone, I dont do it looking for kudos or rep, if it helps a discussion that leads to someones successful search or decision then thats thanks enough

having said all that, thanks for reading my post
I try to always at least hit the thanks button even if I think the post was halfway helpful. I also try to add my 2cts even if sometimes it isnt wanted lol

This forum is one of the best things the fz6 has going for it!!!

By the way tapatalk needs to add a way to give rep out, I hardly ever get on the actual website and don't even know how to on the site lol
Great support everyone! I come for some laughter and to lend a helping hand. I find it rewarding to solve the mystery. So, if your contribution adds value in some way, you likely get a thanks from me!
Good info is great and seeing people help each other is Awesome!

I'd like the thank the Admin for keeping us all connected and all of the moderators for keeping us in line (( :spank:))!! Great work folks! I've been here a bit more than a year and I see why so many of you linger long after the Fiz is gone!

As you were!
I echo those thanks to the Admins and moderators, makes this an enjoyable and informative place to come and chat.

The title pretty much says it all. If someone puts in basic effort to help solve a problem you posted about, do you reply and say "thanks", push the "Thanks" button OR just move on?

Lets keep the community healthy by showing appreciation (even if their response doesn't solve your problem)!


HELP, repair, remove, replace, fix, broke, abnormal, stall, quit, died, won't start, idle, vibration, dead battery, won't charge, what is this part, tire wear, steer, exhaust, MPG, blinker rate, LED, oil, throttle, sync, forks, spring, service manual. . . blah blah blah
I try to thank people who have been constructive even if the problem has not been fixed.
Quite often the problem solving process leads to new friendships.

The best thing about forum advice is that it comes free of charge and under no obligation.
There is a degree of responsibility on the original poster to sift through the advice and use what is appropriate.
As noted above, I'll click "Thanks" as appropriate (which is the majority of the time).

Sometimes entertaining, more so, I enjoy learning in area's I'm not familar with .

This is by far, IMHO, about the most helpfull and friendly forum, period..

*Maybe, maybe not related... Its occasional that folks try to help out another, have mullti page posts trying to solve a problem, BUT, NEVER hear the outcome or what actually solved the problem. Its not often, however, I personally wish the original poster would post what actually fixed the bike so the rest of us (at least myself) could learn... Heck, he'd get a "Thanks" him/herself!!...
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*Maybe, maybe not related... Its occasional that folks try to help out another, have mullti page posts trying to solve a problem, BUT, NEVER hear the outcome or what actually solved the problem. Its not often, however, I personally wish the original poster would post what actually fixed the bike so the rest of us (at least myself) could learn... Heck, he'd get a "Thanks" him/herself!!...

I couldn't agree more with that!!! I love the whole problem solving aspect of the forum, for me problem solving is almost like a addiction, and when we don't get a answer it can't frustrate me. Plus I've always found that i tend to learn more and have it stick better from solving a problem vs just reading or having someone tell me the solution.
Always hit the Thanks Button, but try to keep short "meaning-less" posts to a minimum. :thumbup:

The less clutter on the forums that there is, the more useful the forums actually are.
I prefer to just hit the Thank's button because alot of the times I'm on here I only have a few minutes and it's a good way to aknowledge the Author,for His/Her input.... :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon: