Help - FZ6 fazer or FZ6 Naked?


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Dec 9, 2009
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Hello everyone.

Long time lurker, first time poster here.

The time has come for me to buy my first "real" bike, as I recently passed the bike test. Previously I have only had experience with enduro type bikes doing all the offroad driving n' stuff.

Anyway, I come here to beg for your help. I've got myself a really big dilemma here.

I don't know which one to buy the fazer or the naked version.

The reason why I can't choose between these two is that I don't know if the naked version will satisfy all my needs. I really do hope for your help on making this descission.

The thing is that I just love naked bikes. Everytime I see one on the streets, my heart skips a beat, I don't why, but I just love the naked street bikes.

The things that I want for the bike to "do" for me:

Most of the time (like 80%) the bike is going to be used in city, but sometimes I would like to take my butt for a longer trip.
  • From time to time I will want to take my GF for a ride, is the naked version comfortable enough for the passanger to do a ~500 mile trip?
  • Is it possible to do some touring (a trip across Europe, and such) on the naked bike? Of course, without any passenger.

I am not one of those that will go for the bike's max speed, I just want to know if the naked version is good enough to ride 60-80 mph on motorways. I am talking about the wind turbolance. Or maybe there are some "touring" windshields that I can buy for the naked bike when I am doing some trips? And is it relatively easy to strap on bags and other touring stuff when I am going out for a 4 day long trip?

The bike is going to be used starting with spring and till the autumn. "Sleep mode" for the winter.

I know that I could ask all these questions to my dealer, but they're interested in selling me the bike, and they could just tell me anything I want to hear, since I am such a greenhorn. I find this forum as the last hope.

I know that the fazer will do wonderfully all of the above mentioned things, but I just dig so much the looks of the naked version, and I am afraid that if I will buy the fazer, I will regret it later.

If this helps then I am 6.2 ft tall (1.90m) and 187 lbs (85kg) heavy.

My last alternative is the, don't bash me, Kawasaki z750. But then again, I really want the FZ6, just don't know if it's going to suit me.

Thanks in advance.


The naked is certainly good enough for 60-80 mph riding. Some people with the faired even say with the stock windscreen they get a lot of helmet buffeting. It's true that you do feel it a lot in the chest on the naked when doing some speed but I have quite a tall tank bag which eliminates that completely. What I will say though I do daily commuting in all sorts of crappy weather and for that reason I would prefer the faired version, if anything to protect my tank bag. For the type of riding you've stated and your love of the naked look, I'd definitely say go for Naked. You'll have no problem with the occasional long haul 1-up or 2-up.
i'm gonna just talk out my tail right now because i've never owned a naked bike. so keep that in mind.

- GF... i think your body would block enough wind that it shouldn't matter for her.

- the only "naked" type bike i road was a sportster. although i didn't enjoy the bike i was surprised how little i noticed the wind. it was actually quite enjoyable. made me wish i had the money for a second bike to have a naked for riding around town.

- i have the faired because that's all that's sold in the US. i'm 5' 7" (with a long torso) and the wind from the stock screen starts hitting me at my neck but is pretty strong mid helmet. i'd like to find a free screen to cut down for summer riding to give me an "in-betweenie".

- even if nakeds were sold here, i'd get the faired version. i commute and ride in all conditions. only time i don't ride is when it gets below freezing or if it's 40 (5) degrees and raining when i leave my house. as a result i like the protection.

if you're going to be a joy rider i say get what makes your heart race. but know that your riding time could be cut short with a lack of protection from cold air.
Go naked. Buy a handlebar mountd windscreen for when you want to do some touring. Keep the screen as small as possible. I personally have used this screen on a naked bike, and ridden it for more than 1000 kilometers in one day, multiple days in a row.

National Cycle, Inc. | Online Catalog | Deflector Screen

It has enough curves to let the air flow around it, and can be adjusted in angle to direct where the air strikes your body. Small enough that it does not make enough turbulent air to be a problem. Easily removed from the bike when you don't want it there.
Since I used to own an FZ6n S2 & now a Fazer S2 I think I can help you.

The naked one will serve for low speed, but if you will communte in every contitions I would go for the faired one.

Your GF will be confortable on both models as you will block most of the wind or rain.

The longest trip I did with the naked was 600 Km on a single day and ended with pain on neck & shoulders.I ended buying the original windscreen from YAMAHA & the Acerbis dual road Hand Guards to ease the chill.

I've done the same with the faired and ended quite well, no pain at all.

Between the naked & the faired I noticed that the faired was easier to move once It's stopped since there is nothing hanging from the forks, It feels lighter.

I'm happier with my FAZER, It performs well and cover all my needings better than the naked one(even with the little fairing & the Acerbis hand guard that I mounted for winter).

If you still prefer the looks of the FZ6n go for it. It's a good bike. It will serve you well. For 1-2 long trips a year & summer riding It will suit you.

For more touring get the faired unless you plan to get the Fernando Alonso's neck.
The thing is that I just love naked bikes. Everytime I see one on the streets, my heart skips a beat, I don't why, but I just love the naked street bikes.

this sums it all, get a naked or you will regret buying a bike you dont like.
i promise :)
Ditto what Aleziel said. If you love the look that much, then any other "issues" can be worked around. I love my FZ6N - I commute daily on it and do lots of day trips, weekend/week long trips and wouldn't trade it for the world.
Tak the Naked one. At the end of the day, you are going to be sad if you look at the faired one, and think that you should have taken the naked. Wind and that is anyway always present, so go naked!