High speed shakes- HELP!


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Jun 5, 2008
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I have an 07 bought from a very reputable dealer used with 3K miles on it. It has never been down, it's mint, inspected every inch before purchase, no scratches, looked brand new, new rubber, fluids, immaculate.

At high speeds (120+) it starts to shake. It gets pretty bad, like about to tank slap kind of bad. It seems to have gotten worse, I maxxed it out when I first bought it about two months ago and it was shaking but not this bad and I was going a lot faster. Could I have lost a weight on the front wheel? That's all I can think of, as I said it's definitely not the frame. What do you guys think? Just go in for a balancing?
I have an 07 bought from a very reputable dealer used with 3K miles on it. It has never been down, it's mint, inspected every inch before purchase, no scratches, looked brand new, new rubber, fluids, immaculate.

At high speeds (120+) it starts to shake. It gets pretty bad, like about to tank slap kind of bad. It seems to have gotten worse, I maxxed it out when I first bought it about two months ago and it was shaking but not this bad and I was going a lot faster. Could I have lost a weight on the front wheel? That's all I can think of, as I said it's definitely not the frame. What do you guys think? Just go in for a balancing?

Yea I think its just the way you have the bike loaded. Where you leaning back on the bike any?

Check your stearing head bolt, make sure its tight. Also, check to make sure the pinch bolts are tight on the front axle.

Try stiffening up the rear shock as well.

The main way to keep it from happening, it just not to go that fast....lol.

I have an 06 with 3000km and experienced front end wobble. I have changed the tyres to Pilot Powers 2CT and installed dyna beads. I stripped and regreased/replaced the steering head bearings. Went for a ride on Sunday and the problem is gone. I didn’t push limits as the tyres still have moulding wax on them. There is a 100% improvement in the handling.

My first guess would be tire balance, 2nd, tire wear, cupping etc, and as mentioned head bearing, axle etc. Good luck!
most likely it's your tires are out of balance, the rear tire can cause a wobble also so have them both done. I had a wobble like that once and it turned out that the rear tire was a 1/2 oz out. that fixed my problem. I did go through the entire bike and checked the torque on everything. at first I didn't think it would be the tires because I had just mounted them and had them balanced (by 10west big surprise) after everything else checked out ok I pulled the wheels again and had them re-balanced thats when I found out they messed up the first time.
Thanks for the replies guys, Yes I know I shouldn't go that fast... but I live in an area where there are many great trafficless roads and straightaways with very high visability and no cross traffic/intersections, so... less risky than you'd assume.

The tires were new- I've put 1300 miles on them, and I think my suspension may need to be tightened a bit. I'm 165lbs, what would be an optimal setting for me?

I'm going to take it to the shop where I bought it soon, see if they'll at least discount the work since it was a recent purchase, we'll see.

Thanks again!
The tires were new- I've put 1300 miles on them, and I think my suspension may need to be tightened a bit. I'm 165lbs, what would be an optimal setting for me?

For your weight i would put it on 5 or even 6. try 5 and see but then go another if you want stiffer, what is it on now? the stock 3 setting?
I had to go out back and check... and forgot my key so I couldn't really see the number. Seems to be in the middle. I'll put it on 5 when I clean and lube the chain this weekend, do a run and see if it helps. If not I'll have the service guys check the balance. Thanks
Im good up to 120 mph, but at my fastest of 155, it was shaking..... This was with orn tire and cupped front tires. (yeah i know crazy, but changed the tires since then)
Have only ever had the "shakes" at 220km/h plus...front end gets very light at high speed, if you plan on going that fast on regular occasion, get a steering damper.
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Never had the shakes, but had to have my steering head tightened after 6,300 miles (from 0) No reason really for it, no wheelies or stoppies or such.

I'm ~160-165 and set my preload to 4. It's a lot better...might try 5 soon just for kicks, but would definately hit 6 with a passenger.
Before shop turns you down you might be able to detect a recently lost weight just by looking for an area of the rim that's "too clean" or maybe scratched in a "square" pattern as it flew off. That might give them incentive to help fix it. It's not that hard to do a static balance on the tires yourself, but at those speeds you really need a good dynamic balance done so you probably need the shop to (hopefully) do it right.

There was a previous thread on the "balancing beads" and at the end the person said he wouldn't buy them again. YMMV.


PS: I second Wolfman's recommendation on steering damper if this is a regular thing for you. You might be at speed when the next one detaches...
Check the rim where the wheel weights go for a dark spot or some indication where a wheel weight was installed. Also raise the front end and spin the wheel, check the tire for out of round, bumps or indication of ply separation.
The main way to keep it from happening, it just not to go that fast.

I respectfully disagree. My FZ6 has been stable at 130mph even when fully loaded. The problem isn't speed or weight. The bike should not shake, which means that it has a problem.

If you don't go that fast, the problem still exists. It will get worse, and then the bike will shake at 120mph, 100, and eventually it'll shake at 60mph.

The shake could be the only warning sign of a problem that will eventually wreck you. Please don't ignore problems like this.

As others have said, check tire wear, steering bearings, wheel bearings, brake caliper mounting bolts, brake rotor mounting bolts, wheel balance, rear shock, swingarm pivots and fork alignment. The problem's there somewhere and it won't go away on it's own.

Good luck, and let us know what you find!
