Holy Crap!!!! The Pats Beat the pulp out of the Jets!!


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2009
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brewer, me
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That was one of the most lopsided games I think I have ever seen. The Patriots pretty much had their way with the Jets in every phase of the game. Please tell me you didn't miss this one.
Am sure it doesnt come close to the Premier League here in the UK where proper football is played :)
"Proper Football" Funny dude. Some of us would like to think the NFL is "proper" Football. :america: (But now I'm curios, I"ll have to check out that UK ball).
You will like it, I like NFL on the PS3 but never really paid much attention to it on TV, apart from the occasional superbowl. I support Everton who have your guys National team's Keeper, Tim Howard. Also hoping to sign Landon Donovan on loan again this January.
Talk about a major ass whopping. The best part was that after three quarters the announcers could no longer continue with their anti-Patriots diatribe and retain any semblance of credibility!
That was a crap showing by the Jets. That was even more painful (well ... almost) than watching the Oakland Faders beat up on my Chargers. :(
I have a friend named Herb who was at that game. I've known him since my first job out of college some 20+ years

Herb is a Charlie Brown like character. Me and the guys have been razzing the crap out of him today... saying he brought bad karma there!!!

So all you Jet's fans if you feel mad and dissapointed... BLAME HERB!!!! LOL!!