Hometown "Landmarks"

Memphis, TN

Almost in your back yard, smokenu :rockon:

From the lovely city of Lemon Grove, the public art known as the Lemon Grove Lips (and some suspicious looking characters aka, the family)

Almost in your back yard, smokenu :rockon:

From the lovely city of Lemon Grove, the public art known as the Lemon Grove Lips (and some suspicious looking characters aka, the family)


I've not seen this... where is it? (I was just in Lemon Grove on Friday!)
I've not seen this... where is it? (I was just in Lemon Grove on Friday!)

You were a long way from Tennessee!

Take Lemon Grove Ave. north across the 94 freeway and you'll be looking right at it when you get to the stop sign at High St. Recently they built a new sub-division near by and I guess they have the responsibility of keeping it clean. It used to get a lot of abuse (graffiti, goth lipstick, etc.) but now it always looks pristine. I guess the McMansions brought some good to town!
Checking in from Round Rock, TX (yeah, it's about as big as it sounds). Just a few miles north of Austin. Here's a night shot of Austin...

Mt. Washington, home of the worst recorded weather on earth :)


I admit, it is nowhere near my hometown (about 2 hours away) but it's really the only recognizable landmark my state has....unless you count all of our covered bridges. Like this one, 15 minutes from my childhood home:

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I am originally from Withernsea on the East Coast of England. We have a lighthouse which is positioned in the centre of the town due to coastal erosion.

It is now a museum to the actress Kay Kendall who was born a few doors away. Her brother in law, an American businessman, bought the lighthouse and donated it to the town to be used as a museum.

Withernsea Lighthouse

I am from Chattanooga, TN and now live about 2 miles south in GA. You could pick any number of landmarks nearby. I'm too lazy to post a pic :spank:

But I guess the tourist traps that have been around some 75 odd years would count, as well as The TN Aquarium. Several Civil War battles took place in the area including the Battle Above the Clouds on Lookout Mountain. It's a neat place.
You were a long way from Tennessee!

Take Lemon Grove Ave. north across the 94 freeway and you'll be looking right at it when you get to the stop sign at High St. Recently they built a new sub-division near by and I guess they have the responsibility of keeping it clean. It used to get a lot of abuse (graffiti, goth lipstick, etc.) but now it always looks pristine. I guess the McMansions brought some good to town!

Yeah I work for the Navy ;)

Well I must have missed it completely because I wa on Lemon Ave. and took 94 west... maybe if I checked behind me. I'll go look this week sometime. thanks
Beantown, the Hub.. "'Love that dirty water... Bos-ton is my home!"

Fenway Park, Bunker Hill Monument ("Don't shoot 'til you see the whites of their eyes") and Paul Revere's statue at Old North Church ("One if by land, two if by sea"). Note the red stripe on the street - that's the Freedom Trail. We've got a few landmarks around here :D



Yeah I work for the Navy ;)

Well I must have missed it completely because I wa on Lemon Ave. and took 94 west... maybe if I checked behind me. I'll go look this week sometime. thanks

If you would have looked straight ahead about 50 yards when you made the left onto the freeway, you would have been staring right at it. :eek:

Sorry we're not having better weather for your visit. In mid January we were in the 80's - poor old weatherman doesn't know what to do now days...
Cool thread!

Long Beach, CA

Home of the (formally french) Queen Mary:


or the Long Beach port (no bike on that pic, as I was riding it at the time lol):


The Korean Bell of Friendship (San Pedro, CA, down the street):



Ocean Blvd (and no, I did not know these guys):


Signal Hill:

Louisville KY
The Thinker on UofLs campus (repost of an old pic)
I would post a pic of churchill but it's about as interesting as the side of a barn.....and I'd get shot if I stopped long enough to take a picture in that part of town....twice.