Hot Seat Problem


Junior Member
May 7, 2008
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St. Petersburg, FL
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I'm about to enter my third summer down in FL and i always struggle with how hot my seat gets in the sun. I often park extremely far from where I need to be just to find even a leaf's worth of shade. Has anyone come up with any sort of solution to this, other than throwing a white towel or something over the black seat. I usually grab a bottle of water or something and dump that on the seat just so I can sit on it!

Any insight is greatly appreciated.
I take it that you are not wearing any riding pants? I live in Vegas and my seat gets damn hot from the sun, but I also wear my Air Mesh Kevlar Pant from Motoport so the seat temp is never an issue.

My advice: wear your gear.
Hmm doesn't seem like there are any easy fixes...carrying around a cover would seem a bit impractical, and I use mine for a lot of daily comute so always wearing riding pants would be an issue.

Anyone ever seen a cover made of neoprene or something similiar? I think something like that in a light color would definitly help.
If you were to take the seat off the bike and flip it over, would it get stolen if you left it with the bike where you park it?

The biggest thing is to get some airflow, if you want to cool off on the seat.

As it seems you are more concerned with just the solar heating, maybe you can get something like the window screens people use in cars to reflect away some of that? Almost seems like a hat about the size of a ball cap would cover enough of the seat to keep it cooler. The trick there, is to get it where it's compact enough when you store it so you're willing to bring it along and actually use it. Once it's that small and portable, how do you keep it where you want it? Not only can the wind blow it away.... someone else may walk off with it.
I take it that you are not wearing any riding pants? I live in Vegas and my seat gets damn hot from the sun, but I also wear my Air Mesh Kevlar Pant from Motoport so the seat temp is never an issue.

My advice: wear your gear.

This. In a proper pair of riding jeans there should be plenty of kevlar under the bum, I find it hard to beleive that its still too hot to sit on if you are wearing proper protective gear.
There isn't a lot of room under teh seat but there should be plenty of room for a hand towel or something else to lay accross the seat. I keep a micro fiber towel under my seat so I can clean my visor. That would also cover my seating area enough so I wouldn't burn my bum.

But it sounds to me like you are wearing shorts, I've had my seat in the sun and it was hot to the touch, didnt' make a diferance with jeans on.
I must confess that I don't always wear proper riding pants, they just aren't practical with how much I ride. Yes, my main issue is the sun, if I park in the shade its fine, but in the sun...water will steam off almost as soon as it hits the seat! I might try the small towel under the seat...hopefully the wind and other people won't knock it off. I just have to believe that there is some clever solution out there, I would imagine that this is a problem all riders face.

Thanks for all the suggestions thus far.
I have a cover...I keep it at my house, and I cover it everynight, its more when I use it to run errands. If it sits in the sun for more than 30 minutes I'm screwed! haha.
I must confess that I don't always wear proper riding pants, they just aren't practical with how much I ride. Yes, my main issue is the sun, if I park in the shade its fine, but in the sun...water will steam off almost as soon as it hits the seat! I might try the small towel under the seat...hopefully the wind and other people won't knock it off. I just have to believe that there is some clever solution out there, I would imagine that this is a problem all riders face.

Thanks for all the suggestions thus far.

if the towel is long enough, wrap the ends under the sides of the seat before you click it back down. Then it won't blow away.