How do to get Bike in Magazine?


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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I have been pretty bored lately and I would like to try to enter my motorcycle into a magazine. Exactly how would one go about doing so? I know Wavex and Wolfman have been able to succeed at it. If someone could please give me advice about doing this, I would greatly appreciate it.

I think it involves nudity of some sort. Your first step should be to get to a gym and tone up a little.
A lot of magazines have a Reader's Ride section or something similar. They should have instructions on how to submit your bike in there. I don't see how a magazine could turn that bike down!

As far as a full featured article goes, however, I have no clue.
Why not try for something better? A friend of mine in Toronto answered an ad on Kijiji and this is the result...

[ame=]YouTube - Beverley Mahood - This Girl[/ame]

who knows where you end up,,,
motorcycling usa (online anyway) is always requesting material from the public. I'm sure you could get your bike on some part of their website, especially if you write something up to go along with it.

apart from that, just prepare a bunch of 4x6 or 8.5x11 prints of your bike, write something up, and mail it to a bunch of places. physical copies tend to carry more weight than digital because when its a physical copy someone in the magazine's office is actually forced to do something about it.

or if you dont want to waste money, just spam the magazines. email the piss out of them. someone will print it.
Custom Fighters - Streetfighter & Custom Motorcycle Community | Custom Fighters have their own monthly (I think) mag... I had a little 1/4 page article about my V2 FZ6 in their first issue :)
Their forum is cool too, check it out.

You can try to send a letter (with pics and history of your "transformation") to all the fighter or custom bike mags out there and hope someone notices you... I do have to warn you that your chances are small... the mods you, me, and others do to our FZ6 are really not drastic enough to catch ppl's attention (look at what's out there... tons of ppl dump tens of thousands of $$$ on their custom bike...), and then you usually have to have something "out of the norm" to be noticed... like that nitrous FZ from the UK... that bike stands out... and then you need to go to shows, and the such...

Or you can always ask Boneman to make it happen for you like this one (much less hassle and almost the same pride LOL):
