How do you fill your tank?

What's your technique for re-fueling?

  • Place on centerstand and fill while off or on bike

    Votes: 65 22.2%
  • Place on sidestand, fill while off bike

    Votes: 143 48.8%
  • Remain on seat, fill while keeping bike level with foot/feet

    Votes: 85 29.0%
  • Take my chances with full-service fill-up!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Fire worries the hell out of me. Centerstand off the bike. I dont want a burnt crotch. Its remote very very remote but its there.

I had a the last gallons in one compartment of a tanker truck of ethonal spray all over my crotch one day. (cold out side, trailer left in the heated shop over night) I didnt open the vapor recovery. My fault. I opened a pressurised tank to drain out the last 2-3 gallons into a 5 gallon bucket to change a leaky belly valve. It was not pleasant. Fuel and the special area do not belong in close contact.
Quit being lazy people, get up off the seat! :thumbup:

Why? It's not about being lazy, it's about filling up and getting back on the road. Unless I'm on a long day or touring ride and need to get off for a stretch, why would I want to prolong the mundane process of filling my tank?? We are talking about getting $20 worth of gas, not making a pit/rest stop. Get in, get out.
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Anyone ever get gas in the state of Oregon? I have. Apparantly it is illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon.

When I found this out I was like "like hell some guy is coiming near my bike to fill it up". Turns out that most attendandt 'know better' than to even try to fill your bike, so they just come out and select the grade of gas and turn the pump on for you. Kind of useless and amusing if you ask me.

Found this about the Oregon bylaw:

It was started under the premise of safety many years ago and has been kept largely due to Oregon being a socialist state and the idea of firing thousands of gas station workers is not popular politically. Ironically, the rule doesn't apply to the pumping of diesel fuel, propane or other flammable substances.
Don't overlook that many bikes don't have centerstands and the only way to 100% fill is to level bike while feet are/foot is planted. And, the difference between 100% fill and a 85-100% fill could mean maybe as many as 30 or so miles less reserve. Not insignificant especially if you're traveling in unfamiliar and/or desolate territory.
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I voted "get off and put the bike on the side-stand".
As was mentioned before, I get about 200 Miles to a tank (320Km), so I don't need to squeeze every last drop into it. Also, the fact that most stations here, you need to go inside to pay for the gas anyway, (well, mine is like that anyway)...

So it's side-stand, helmet off (because the servo attendants get all nervous if you leave it on and most won't even turn on the pump until you take it off... Too many drive-offs)

Full Service Stations... WTF are they. I haven't seen one of them here for 15 years??? :p

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That is some seriously slow riding my friend. I get 35 tops. Anyway, near me are a couple of pay at the pumps service stations. I always stay on the bike whilst refilling (flipping up the lid of my Caberg Justissimo helmet), reach over to stick the visa in the pump and then f*ck off. Love it.:Flash: I hate petrol stations:Flip:
Why? It's not about being lazy, it's about filling up and getting back on the road. Unless I'm on a long day or touring ride and need to get off for a stretch, why would I want to prolong the mundane process of filling my tank?? We are talking about getting $20 worth of gas, not making a pit/rest stop. Get in, get out.

Boneman. $20 in the UK is £10. With our incredibly fantastic government who tax us for anything that is fun and everything that isn't it costs £18 a tank; which is $36
If I am in a hurry I don't even get off the bike but if I am taking my time or in need of a break I just get off and put it on the side stand. Once it get's close to full I tilt it up straight with my leg and fill the rest of the way.
I use the centerstand to fill up, why?

I like to have "Full" tank whenever I fill up, you never know when you need that extra 30-40 miles. Plus I like that fact that I can get over 200 miles on my meter before I fill up.

Having my bike on the centerstand give me the opportunity to visually check the condition of my rear tires: Check for any nails, screws, etc that may have been lodged, by spinning it around in neutral. Check tire pressure.

Check my oil level, since it's level.

And to do an overall walkaround of the bike.

All this while the gas is pumping while it's locked. But I make sure it's flowing at the slowest level so it give me more time.
this is going to sound terrible but o well.... first i pull real close to the pump then put sidestand down... i remain seated and fill up while on sidestand... yes i know it may be dangerous but it takes all of 2 minutes to fill up so i dont even get up :thumbup:
Centre Stand, off the bike. Like to check everything as well, plus, have to take helmet off to go inside Petrol Station and pay the ransom.
Place on sidestand, fill while off bike when at a station, but I like to keep it toped off centerstand at home, when I do short rides like 30-60 miles. I like to keep it toped off because my buddy with out much warning won't to go on long rides 150-200 miles long. And ya! my butt hurts.
I have a complicated rain dance similar to BD43:

Place bike on center stand, remove gloves and place on tail bag, remove tank bag and place on gloves upside down so it doesn't pick up dirt, swipe card, fill tank. While tank is filling, take microfiber towel from tailbag and clean tank where it contacts tank bag. Top off tank (in California, the fill nozzle has a condom on it that you have to pull back to see what you're doing while you top off - very annoying). Place nozzle back on pump and press receipt. Close tank and put key back in ignition while receipt is printing. Wipe underside of tank bag with microfiber towel and re-position on tank. Grab receipt and write down total miles, trip A miles (miles on last tank), and F-trip miles (for later calculation of theoretical number of miles left on tank at start of F-trip). Replace gloves and go.

It's a complicated routine and I have seen SUVs with 15+ gallon tanks come and go while I'm filling up, but not taking vital statistics or not cleaning the tank bag tend to bug me to the point where it will distract me from the ride on the way to work. Strange, huh?
Most of you are not in Ca where we have the donkey dick vapor recovery system to protect the enviroment- yeah right. Those things suck, they spill gas all the time.
Love when I ride out of state with normal gas nozzles except Oregon where it is state law, the attendant is suppose to do it, most will hand you the nozzel and let you fill your own bike.
+1 grumpy, s^t happens, it only takes one time to become a disaster.